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[OB] Is Odium scared of Lift?


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In OB at the end of part 2, something happened that made me think there is more going on with Lift and Odium:


Odium patted him on the shoulder. “Take a minute, Dalinar. I’ll leave you here. Relax. It—” He cut off, then frowned, spinning. He searched the rocks.
“What?” Dalinar asked.
“Nothing. Just an old man’s mind playing tricks on him.” He patted Dalinar on the arm. “We’ll speak again, I promise.”
He vanished in an eyeblink.

Immediately following this is when Lift pokes her head up from behind the rocks and starts talking to Dalinar about Odium.  Was Odium simply surprised that Lift had broken in to the vision with them, or is there something more?  Odium doesn't strike me as someone who gets caught off guard very often.  There's a lot we don't know about Lift... so is there some reason that Odium would be scared of Lift?

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  • Greywatch changed the title to [OB] Is Odium scared of Lift?
2 minutes ago, Toaster Retribution said:

Odium is probably afraid of being eaten, just like any sane person.

Very true and logical.

19 minutes ago, stybun said:

In OB at the end of part 2, something happened that made me think there is more going on with Lift and Odium:

Immediately following this is when Lift pokes her head up from behind the rocks and starts talking to Dalinar about Odium.  Was Odium simply surprised that Lift had broken in to the vision with them, or is there something more?  Odium doesn't strike me as someone who gets caught off guard very often.  There's a lot we don't know about Lift... so is there some reason that Odium would be scared of Lift?

If I had to guess I would say that he sensed the slight touch on Cultivation on Lift. She he wants to destroy =, but in his current form and limitation he does not want to confront her.

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  • 6 months later...

Earlier in reading the book I already had a flash that Lift might be critical in the final outcome due to the 'uniqueness' of her abilities. She can physically interact with spren, something others cannot do. Earlier we are told that the void bringers do not die as such because their void spren simply inhabit a new body. But.... What if someone could attack them in their non corporeal spren form? Kill a spren as a spren what happens? We know spren can be killed in the right circumstances. 

Hiw far could that extend, if the spren are all children of the stormfather does it extend to the shards of adonalsium (aka odium) himself? 

I think the uniqueness of her powers will play a pivotal role in the final outcome due to her uniqueness. 

As I read it (about 10 mins ago i finished part 2)  i think odium sensed something in that too. An inherent danger to the abnormality of Lifts abilities. 

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2 hours ago, Yozhik said:

Earlier in reading the book I already had a flash that Lift might be critical in the final outcome due to the 'uniqueness' of her abilities. She can physically interact with spren, something others cannot do. Earlier we are told that the void bringers do not die as such because their void spren simply inhabit a new body. But.... What if someone could attack them in their non corporeal spren form? Kill a spren as a spren what happens? We know spren can be killed in the right circumstances. 

Hiw far could that extend, if the spren are all children of the stormfather does it extend to the shards of adonalsium (aka odium) himself? 

I think the uniqueness of her powers will play a pivotal role in the final outcome due to her uniqueness. 

As I read it (about 10 mins ago i finished part 2)  i think odium sensed something in that too. An inherent danger to the abnormality of Lifts abilities. 

That's a really good point. It put the next part in a spoiler as @Yozhik mentioned he finished part 2 ealier and I'm not sure when this is mentioned


And she can also turn food (sugar) into stormlight and use it. This could give her the possibility to act and use her powers, when the other kr can't.


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Did Odium even knew  she was there? Looks to me that Lift biggest strength is that she doesn't register on the radar of everyone but one prior to the battle. Which doesn't mean her ability won't be critical yet I can't really bring myself to see her start nibbling at Odium, don't think it would sit well with her stomach.

The only time you see Odium afraid, really afraid and loosing his composure his when Dalinar make his perpendicularity.

"No!" Oidum screamed. He stepped forward. "No, we killed you, WE KILLED YOU"


Which by the way his puzzling in it's own way.


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On 12/29/2017 at 7:23 AM, Toaster Retribution said:

Odium is probably afraid of being eaten, just like any sane person.

Canon explanation for sure .

Speculation explanation from me is that Lift has some way to hide from the shards vision(which we know people have some means so hide from them)

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