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Weaponizing Illumination, or Shallan Eye Lasers


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I don't believe there doesn't seem to be a thread about this yet.


When I was reading WoR, it came to my attention that Lightweaving can produce light, and, presumably, sounds.


Now, sneaking around and deception may be good and all, though I have a hard time convincing myself of it. It certainly is very useful in a variety of situation, but something about it disturbs me, deep inside. No, what I thought when I read about it was


"Eye beams"


So here I present a few obvious ways of (possibly possible) Lightweaving weapons. (Aside prom patently obvious like "conceal your weapon" or "make the chasm look farther away than it is"


1. Lasers! Especially eye lasers. Lasers are, mostly, nearly pure, concentrated, monochromatic light (I am aware of exceptions). And though Shallan has to draw whatever illusion shemakes, she can employ impressions (how is she going to draw sound) and inexact pictures to a degree. Thus, I envision Shallan drawing herself setting somebody (Kaladin?) on fire with her fiery gaze, and then actually gaining this ability. "Burn, Bridgeboy!"


And of course, not only eye lasers, but also lasers from any other part, or from Pattern ;)


2. Sound:  Sonic weapons

Those can also be used in a variety of ways. High-decibel sound to dazzle.

Infrasound for low-grade subconscious fear, feel of supernatural.

Ultrasonic bursts for fun and profit - possible disorientation, concussion and heart attacks.


So... Thoughts?

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Stormlight consumption would presumably go up, also not sure that Shallan has enough knowledge of wave behaviour to produce completely in-phase light, could still use it to just dazzle I guess though. Also not sure how the cognitive/spiritual component of Lightweaving would affect this.

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From TWoK:


“According to stories that contradict one another. You’ve told me that the Radiants could fly and walk on walls.”

Teft nodded. “They sure could. And make stone melt by looking at it. And move great distances in a single heartbeat. And command the sunlight. And—”


Apparently they can 'command the sunlight'. So... I expect not eye lasers,  but sunlight lasers. Have you seen what focused sunlight can do?



It's terrifyingly powerful.

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And make stone melt by looking at it.

I say :)


Stormlight consumption would presumably go up, also not sure that Shallan has enough knowledge of wave behaviour to produce completely in-phase light, could still use it to just dazzle I guess though. Also not sure how the cognitive/spiritual component of Lightweaving would affect this.

Probably... I am not sure it requires knowledge per se. A lot of her illusions seem to work on instinct. As long as it is drawn by her, believed by her and possible she may be able to use it :)

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I think flashbang grenades would a more realistic goal for Shallan than death rays. just have Pattern store energy, then release it all at once in a defined location.

if she wanted to use light as a lethal weapon, it would probably be easier to just use stormlight as a negative healing tool, assuming that's possible. The power requirements to heal a missing arm or vaporize an existing arm are probably about the same.... vaporizing limbs might be a form of soulcasting.

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It is not about realism, it is about Awesomeness :) But yeah, flashbangs are probably easier... Though I think lasers eat less energy, just concentrate it better.

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I feel like this would be counter to the way Lightweavers work and think. That said, I'm cool with her trying this, I just don't see it happening. Regular illusions are deadly enough on the battlefield. Hide where that Chasm is, have Syl keep Kal in the know and watch as the men don't even realize they're on the edge.

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I think the command sunlight thing is supposed to be figurative description of their control over light in general, but yes I can see that it would be possible to do a bit of damage but I still think it would just consume way too much Stormlight and as Aminar says seems counter to the way Lightweavers would think, they seem to be more of a recainassance/spy type order rather than big flashy Stormlight make Voidbringers go bye-bye type. Or at least I think those are the technical names :P

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Fumu, all true...

But at least by properly manipulating sound she may be able to create illusions that one can, to an extent , feel ( by localizing vibration around illusion edges)

Also , it seems like Shattered plains were shattered by resonant vibration, which falls under Illumination surge, it seems :)

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Sound is a terrifying power.  Not going to lie.  From the theoretical Sub/Hypersonic Brown Note to Bone resonance frequencies, it can be utterly devastating with the right experimentation.  Hell, you can use sound waves to cook something.  (I may have a sound mage character in the first Novel I wrote...)

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