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[OB] Are wax and wayne in oathbringer?


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In the beginning of chapter 49 (page 486-491, 23 years ago dalinar flashback) he was talking to two men named havar and bashin, and their dialogue sounds eerily similar to wax and wayne, both the conversation about hats and their banter. So can havar be wax and bashin be wayne? Their character descriptions are also similar. Or is it just a coincidence? I don't know chronologically how mistborn era two and the stormlight archive match up?  

Edited by HoidvsVoid
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6 minutes ago, HoidvsVoid said:

In the beginning of chapter 49 (page 486-491, 23 years ago dalinar flashback) he was talkng to two men named havar and bashin, and their dialogue sounds eerily similar to wax and wayne, both the conversation about hats and their banter. So can havar be wax and bashin be wayne? There character descriptions are also similar. Or is it just a coincidence? I don't know chronologically how mistborn era two and the stormlight match up?  

I thought Stormlight 1-5 took place before Era 2. 

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Thanks, I will take your on it. But they are still very similar, and I would rather account it on them being the same characters than them being similarly written characters (even though the cosmere does have very similarly written characters throughout).

Also, did brandon mean era 2 out of 3 or era 2 out of 4, because he originally didn't count the wax and wayne series to be era 2, but rather 1.5?

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2 hours ago, HoidvsVoid said:

. So can havar be wax and bashin be wayne?

No. Havar was one of Dalinar's officers and died during the betrayal at the Tower, while Bashin is the huntsmaster who organized the ill-fated chasmfiend hunt in WoK and is still with Alethi forces in Urithiru.

Edited by Isilel
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MB Era 2 takes place at roughly the same time as Stormlight Archive.  Currently, the timeline is that AoL takes place in the gap between books, but that's tentative.



Time-wise, where do the events of Bands of Mourning happen with respect to Words of Radiance?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

...So, Bands of Mourning, all the Wax & Wayne books take place after Stormlight 5, but I'm not sure if it happens after or before Stormlight 6, It'll have to wait, because there's a time jump between Stormlight 5 and 6 that I haven't exactly defined in the timeline yet.

Regardless, Wax and Wayne being in WoK 1 would have been very obvious from the perspectives we got from them in AoL, SoS and BoM :)  Since they know very little of the Cosmere, it's not them.


Brandon is calling it Era 2, now.  There's a WoB or a blog post about him giving up and calling it Era 2 somewhere.

Edited by RShara
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2 minutes ago, Isilel said:

No. Havar was one of Dalinar's officers and died during the betrayal on the Tower, while Bashin is the huntsmaster who organized the ill-fated chasmfiend hunt in WoK and is still with Alethi forces in Urithiru.

 I don't remember those events word for word...but that still doesn't really disprove what i am suggesting...although it would be unlikely that if havar was wax, that he would die offscreen, unless since it was offscreen, we can't be sure that he died...sorry, I am not trying to argue for the sake of arguing, but I am really, really curious about this and it will still continue to bug me until there is definitive proof one way or the other.

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3 minutes ago, RShara said:

Mera 2 takes place at roughly the same time as Stormlight Archive.  Currently, the timeline is that AoL takes place int he gap between books, but that's tentative.

Regardless, Wax and Wayne being in WoK 1 would have been very obvious from the perspectives we got from them in AoL, SoS and BoM :)  Since they know very little of the Cosmere, it's not them.

Unless SA was a little bit after after...you said yourself that it was tentative

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32 minutes ago, HoidvsVoid said:

Thanks, I will take your on it. But they are still very similar, and I would rather account it on them being the same characters than them being similarly written characters (even though the cosmere does have very similarly written characters throughout).



Time-wise, where do the events of Bands of Mourning happen with respect to Words of Radiance?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

...So, Bands of Mourning, all the Wax & Wayne books take place after Stormlight 5, but I'm not sure if it happens after or before Stormlight 6, It'll have to wait, because there's a time jump between Stormlight 5 and 6 that I haven't exactly defined in the timeline yet.


With those in mind, it's impossible for them to be Wax and Wayne, as at the time of the flashback, they would be teenagers or younger. 

Edit: Storming shinja R'Shara

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All of the above.  Plus, Wax would never go anywhere without his guns or his cravat.  He went to the Roughs with the cravat.  And for them to be there in Dalinar's flashbacks, Wax would have been in his early 20's, and Wayne would have been barely in his teens, at the oldest, depending on the timeline.  Which puts it firmly in the established past of when Wax was either a kid, or in the Roughs, and he would have had to explain disappearing from the world long enough to be playing as one of Dalinar's elites.


Just does not make any sense.  The timeline does not work.  The personalities don't work.  The appearances don't work.  The History doesn't work.  The lawman working for the Blackthorn does not work.  Too much does not add up.


And there was no Cravat.


Though now I want a worldhop scene where Adolin gets introduced to Scadrial fashion and debates it with Wax, particularly vis a vis cravats...

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1 minute ago, RShara said:

No, I said whether it would occur in the gap or not would was a little bit tentative.  WoK definitely takes place before W&W.  Quotes added to my previous post.

I didn't see it. Thanks. Oh well, I guess it was a coincidence. Too good to be true. Maybe hats are just a universally joked about topic or an alternative to talking about the weather.

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As an aside, Brandon has "confirmed" finally in the State of Sanderson that the Wax and Wayne books will be officially Era 2. Instead of having 3 era's their will now be 4. Era 3 will be an 70-80's spy'ish thriller. Era 4 will presumably be the Sci-Fi era. 

On topic though, I do think that an important character from Mistborn will eventually show up on-screen in SA. Mistborn and SA are the two post popular cosmere worlds, and the ones with the most lore. Seems logical that will be some small cross overs, as Brandon has stated will be happening more and more as we progress through the cosmere arc. I don't think it'll be Wax, though. My choices would be between Kelsier(very popular within the fandom and would make a great bridge from SA to Mistborn), Marsh(maybe on Sazed's orders), Wayne(I've never been able to shake Wayne's "God Beyond" statement despite WoB's explanations), and lastly Sazed. I think the most likely of the four would be Harmony. We've seen his words already(OB Third Letter), and we know he scares the crap out of Rayse. I could totally see Brandon finally opening the cosmere to cross-overs in the back 5, and have some SA characters travel to Scadrial to ask for Harmony's help.  

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*cough*You'vealreadyseenDemoux*cough*  However, Brandon's said he doesn't want worldhopping and the greater Cosmere to come to the forefront quite yet, though there will be more easter eggs in SA than in earlier (timeline wise) books.

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I get the impression from the Wax and Wayne books that they don't know too much about the Cosmere. I'd be more curious to know what Steris knows. She says and does a few things that raise questions in my mind about how much she actually knows.

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thanks for asking this question. I had a similar thought when reading —especially Bashin being Wayne with the hat. I wonder if Bashin isn’t Wayne, if it is a relative of Wayne. His father perhaps? He had to gotten his has fetish somewhere — right? Maybe from this guy. 

I have also wondered about Wax’s uncle being a world hopper. Or maybe Bashin is a different character from Scadrial that came from Roshar but we don’t know it yet. (Kind of like Cob)

21 hours ago, Isilel said:

No. Havar was one of Dalinar's officers and died during the betrayal at the Tower, while Bashin is the huntsmaster who organized the ill-fated chasmfiend hunt in WoK and is still with Alethi forces in Urithiru.

Thanks for catching us up on where those characters are now. 

21 hours ago, Stark said:

All of the above.  Plus, Wax would never go anywhere without his guns or his cravat.  He went to the Roughs with the cravat.  And for them to be there in Dalinar's flashbacks, Wax would have been in his early 20's, and Wayne would have been barely in his teens, at the oldest, depending on the timeline.  Which puts it firmly in the established past of when Wax was either a kid, or in the Roughs, and he would have had to explain disappearing from the world long enough to be playing as one of Dalinar's elites.


Just does not make any sense.  The timeline does not work.  The personalities don't work.  The appearances don't work.  The History doesn't work.  The lawman working for the Blackthorn does not work.  Too much does not add up.


And there was no Cravat.


Though now I want a worldhop scene where Adolin gets introduced to Scadrial fashion and debates it with Wax, particularly vis a vis cravats...

Adolin’s fashion take on Scadrial would be fun to read indeed! 

Somehow, I had always imagined Wayne as being older than Wax. I just checked the Coppermind — and it does appear that Wax is older than Wayne. Maybe all that time spent in Speed Bubbles aged him in my imaginative brain. Thanks for pointing that out. 

As for disappearing from Scadrial long enough to be in Roshar for a few years — I do think that is entirely possible. 20 years in the Rough. Not many would notice if they had left for 5 years. I do believe that they moved around a bit — especially at the beginning of those 20 years. However— that being said, because of events in Bands of Morning, I don’t think that Wax & Wayne have consciously worldhopped at that point. Doesn’t mean they won’t in the future though or that they didn’t as children and just didn’t realize what was happening. (We don’t know much about Wayne’s parents) or why Wax’s Uncle is obsessed with his projects. - maybe he met someone or had an experience that he is chasing after. I’m waiting to see what else is motivating Uncle. 

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34 minutes ago, JoyBlu said:

Somehow, I had always imagined Wayne as being older than Wax. I just checked the Coppermind — and it does appear that Wax is older than Wayne. Maybe all that time spent in Speed Bubbles aged him in my imaginative brain. Thanks for pointing that out.

I had initially thought them the same age, but there were some subtle indications that Wayne is the younger of the two.  And then we get the flashbacks where Wayne is about 15 while Wax is in his late 20's or early 30's.  I'd have to check the coppermind to get the exact difference.  


But my first thought was they were the same age.  I like it better that Wax was the older figure who took the thieving kid under is wing for redemption rather than just executing him as Miles would have.  It adds a degree of hope and compassion to Wax's character that is vital.


I suppose, if Wayne was super rich, he could theoretically buy enough Bendalloy to catch up in age, but that would be expensive, as it seems difficult enough to save up to get a few minutes worth of bubble time.  I don't think there is enough money, or metal, on the planet to close that age gap.


43 minutes ago, JoyBlu said:

Adolin’s fashion take on Scadrial would be fun to read indeed! 

And yeah.  I'd love to see the Highprince of Fashion worldhop to Nalthis or Scadrial and experience the fashions there.  I see Scadrial, with its Victorian-era-steampunky suits appealing to his military side seeking his Dad's approval, and the typically reserved Alethi sense of Decorum.  Nalthis, especially Hallandren, with the vibrant, ludicrously colourful garb and materials?  In a more tropical setting, closer to the Reshi Isles?  That would be hilarious.  So many options to bring back to his tailor.  But so much scandal given how exposed everyone is.  Highly entertaining.


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On 1/4/2018 at 5:04 PM, Angsos said:

I wonder where/when Kelsiers going to show up and punch everyone




If given the opportunity, which Shard would Kelsier want to punch next?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

He would find it really fun to punch Honor.  Really fun.



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On 5-1-2018 at 1:20 AM, Kered said:

As an aside, Brandon has "confirmed" finally in the State of Sanderson that the Wax and Wayne books will be officially Era 2. Instead of having 3 era's their will now be 4. Era 3 will be an 70-80's spy'ish thriller. Era 4 will presumably be the Sci-Fi era. 

On topic though, I do think that an important character from Mistborn will eventually show up on-screen in SA. Mistborn and SA are the two post popular cosmere worlds, and the ones with the most lore. Seems logical that will be some small cross overs, as Brandon has stated will be happening more and more as we progress through the cosmere arc. I don't think it'll be Wax, though. My choices would be between Kelsier(very popular within the fandom and would make a great bridge from SA to Mistborn), Marsh(maybe on Sazed's orders), Wayne(I've never been able to shake Wayne's "God Beyond" statement despite WoB's explanations), and lastly Sazed. I think the most likely of the four would be Harmony. We've seen his words already(OB Third Letter), and we know he scares the crap out of Rayse. I could totally see Brandon finally opening the cosmere to cross-overs in the back 5, and have some SA characters travel to Scadrial to ask for Harmony's help.  

Well, Brandon was not willing to rule out Kelsier appearing in SA...

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3 minutes ago, Toaster Retribution said:

Is there a WoB on this?

I've come across it several times while looking up other stuff, but I can't find it now. It kind of read like Kelsier was not likely to appear, but it could happen.

I'm sorry, best I can give you right now is that I've read the WoB at least twice.

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47 minutes ago, Leyrann said:

I've come across it several times while looking up other stuff, but I can't find it now. It kind of read like Kelsier was not likely to appear, but it could happen.

I'm sorry, best I can give you right now is that I've read the WoB at least twice.

No worries. Tell me if you happen to stumble across it though :-)

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