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[OB] Does anyone else think that the magic system of the Stormlight Archive is vastly superior to that of Mistborn?


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Imagine a Koloss moving faster than you can see, that's a Fullborn. They could punch through the Shardplate, tear their way out of the ground, and pull/push themselves out of a vacuum. The soulcasting would be fighting a goldmind for change and compounding would probably win out there. The only way I see a KR winning if if they get first blow and kill the Fullborn before they start compounding, or if the Fullborn doesn't have metalminds prepped/runs out of metal. 

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  • Pagerunner changed the title to [OB] Does anyone else think that the magic system of the Stormlight Archive is vastly superior to that of Mistborn?
1 hour ago, Wandering Investor said:


Imagine a Koloss moving faster than you can see, that's a Fullborn. They could punch through the Shardplate, tear their way out of the ground, and pull/push themselves out of a vacuum. The soulcasting would be fighting a goldmind for change and compounding would probably win out there. The only way I see a KR winning if if they get first blow and kill the Fullborn before they start compounding, or if the Fullborn doesn't have metalminds prepped/runs out of metal. 

OK, thanks for clarifying

If they didn't have enough metals or stored things in metalminds a Windrunner with lots of Stormlight MIGHT wait them out, but other wise it would be a one sided fight

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I'm on my break, so I didn't have time to look through all the responses, but I LOVE surgebinding to an inordinate amount, in large part due to how people obtain it. It speaks to me. You get, progress in, and retain your powers by being a good person, and becoming a better person. Not only that, it doesn't just make you a better person, but it makes you into a glowing, undefeatable tank, and (with the exception of a few orders) the power cannot be misused. The image of the Windrunner in Dalinar's vision falling from the sky, literally shining with the power of a god, who has sworn to be a protector, is by far my most favorite from any book I have ever read ever.

I loved mistborn too, and I would love to be a mistborn, or a feruchemist, but to be a knight radiant isn't just a power, it's a calling, to be a watcher at the rim.

Edited by TheTigerKandra
Edit: grammar errors
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3 hours ago, Calderis said:


@Michael Portz the gap between 5 and 6 is 10 to 15 years. I don't think worldhopping is going to dramatically increase beyond what we've seen in that time span. The level of interconnection should remain just as subtle as it is now. 

Oh, there you did misunderstand me; it does not have to increase much. The worldhoppers are visible and active and they meddle. At least the hoppers from Nalthis have already figured out how to get their investiture on Roshar, others do, too, or might figure it out. Subtle is only Brandon's display of their deeds and powers, and the display of it might stay so.

Hoid is already calling the other shards for help. Emissaries will be sent. There will be intervention. And if the events in and around Roshar are as crucial for the cosmere as I think, then it would be foolish from either side to ignore the potential of Hemalurgy. 

Mind you, thats of course only my current "vision" ;-)

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