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[OB] The Heralds, are the from Sel?

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14 hours ago, Yata said:

The Heralds were kings, generals, priests and in some case commoners (like Taln) choosen to fit the role.

But kings and queens from where? Brandon has RAFOed Whether they are Rosharian...and it still doesn't explain the Adonalsium exclamation, which has to have some meaning and reason for its occurrence (IMHO). I will still maintain that they could have been people Tanavast knew pre-shattering. I await being proven wrong...because that will mean MORE COSMERE INFORMATION. I can accept being wrong if it means that we get more WOB. haha

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Unless you are proposing Hoid was already a quite Immortal dude before the Shattering, this is impossible.

Of course we don't have 100% informations about him (except a couple of stuffs not really relevant here), but the few things we know are unlikely to point to an extended Lifespan as possible on Yolen (if you are not a Dragon)

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15 hours ago, Yata said:

Unless you are proposing Hoid was already a quite Immortal dude before the Shattering, this is impossible.

Of course we don't have 100% informations about him (except a couple of stuffs not really relevant here), but the few things we know are unlikely to point to an extended Lifespan as possible on Yolen (if you are not a Dragon)

Yeah, i guess I don’t think that’s as much of a stretch as some? I’d propose that Hoid and the group that somehow managed to shatter a god (“the” god?) into 16 pieces and ascend themselves were probably pretty familiar with magic prior to the shattering, and it wouldn’t be surprising to me that They all had achieved some level of mastery and supernatural longevity I’m sure. I don’t find that hard to believe. 

Then again, maybe there are other plausible answers for the Adonalsium exclamation? We’ve never heard it before from a character. Maybe there were human worlds that worshipped him/it by that name and Ash comes from that world. We know that humans aren’t native to Roshar and came Post shattering, and when Honor and Cultivation has already taken up control. So if she was born of Roshar, then Adonalsium must have been the subject of an early religion, and by that name. We have no other evidence of this in world, though. Because certainly as a herald she’d have a chance to know of the shattering. But she’d have no reason for that to be the exclamation that naturally would emerge, particularly if her devotion and dedication was to Honor/Tanavast. Thus I think it likely that she’s definitely not Rosharian (and hails from a planet that worshipped Adonalsium by name) at least, and could predate the shattering at most.

Im not wedded to this theory of course. It’s just something I think is a parsimonious explanation for her exclamation.

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1 hour ago, Bliev said:


Then again, maybe there are other plausible answers for the Adonalsium exclamation?

Why couldn't the religion of Ashyn, passed down to the refugees on Roshar and later the conquerors on Roshar have been worship of Adonalsium? Some were undoubtedly under the influence of Odium, but they were probably not the whole, and most probably didn't understand the nature of Odium. The people alive at the time of the main story don't understand the nature of Honor and Cultivation, why would they understand them at the time of the Heralds? I got the sense that Ash was just saying an old familiar saying, not actually asking for Adonalsium. She just used an old phrase that came to her in her shock. 


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