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[OB] Oathbringer End Page Translations


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Jasnah's ketek? The translation is right there at the bottom of the page. "This place" was able to piece together a key for the Alethi script years ago, but this ketek can be a jumping-off point for anybody to figure it out on their own (relatively) easily.

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4 hours ago, Leyrann said:

The real question: Are there people already who can just read the words without having to translate them letter by letter?

Women, most likely.  It is the Alethi Women's script, so I would assume Navani, Jasnah, Shallan and the others can read it fluently.  Dalinar is getting there, and his Connection ability is likely helping him learn faster.


Yes, I know, you meant IRL.  But you offered me a delightful opportunity to be deliberately obtuse, and I could not pass it up.


Realistically, I don't think so.  You need to read a lot of a given script to achieve that level of fluency, especially a script using a different alphabet.  I would assume there are some out there in the shard and on team Dragonsteel who do practice with it and delight themselves in composing 'secret' messages for each other in this script - but at that point it is still more of a code that needs step by step translation than a fluent reading. 


I assume  some people are dedicated enough to be approaching literacy, but I don't think we have enough extensive texts to get there, yet.  Unless someone is creating documents in this text themselves. (Cue mental image of a dedicated sharder translating the Stormlight Archive, line by line, into the Alethi script....  I would totally buy that translation if ever it got published)

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Actually, as someone who took Greek for a few years at school, a different script doesn't take much time to learn. Then again, the difference between Greek and Latin script isn't that big, while the Alethi script is very different and letters tend to be pretty similar to one another.

...Still, I might just teach it to myself.

Also, isn't what we know of Alethi just English in a different script? That would make translating very easy - you tell a computer how each letter looks like and it changes it. You could create it as a Word font.

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4 minutes ago, Leyrann said:

Also, isn't what we know of Alethi just English in a different script? That would make translating very easy - you tell a computer how each letter looks like and it changes it. You could create it as a Word font.

Theoretically you could, but the Alethi script is weird. (Don't even get me started on Glyphs)

We have some key letters missing, so spelling is wonky. You also have letters like Th or Sh.

It could be done, but it wouldn't be so simple. If you want to translate look here


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1 hour ago, Stark said:

I assume  some people are dedicated enough to be approaching literacy, but I don't think we have enough extensive texts to get there, yet.  Unless someone is creating documents in this text themselves. (Cue mental image of a dedicated sharder translating the Stormlight Archive, line by line, into the Alethi script....  I would totally buy that translation if ever it got published)

There was a thread a while back dedicated to trying to write keteks using every Alethi letter so people can have something to practice their skills with. I think @Harakeke was going to post them somewhere, but I'm not sure what happened with them. 


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10 hours ago, Stark said:
15 hours ago, Leyrann said:

The real question: Are there people already who can just read the words without having to translate them letter by letter?

Realistically, I don't think so.  You need to read a lot of a given script to achieve that level of fluency, especially a script using a different alphabet.  [...] At this point it is still more of a code that needs step by step translation than a fluent reading. 

I assume some people are dedicated enough to be approaching literacy, but I don't think we have enough extensive texts to get there, yet.

So I have an example. Being a Bionicle Fan growing up, I was fascinated with the Matoran Script, similar to how many of us are fascinated by Alethi or the Steel Alphabet now.

As a consequence of this fascination, I can recognize the letters without much/any effort. However, stringing letters together requires a bit of start-up. I can't recognize words straight away, but the more of it I read in one sitting, the faster I translate and connect the letters, so my reading speed increases as I go.

If I had a 3-page essay in Matoran(Close, but no cigar), I would probably be reading at a pace that implied proper literacy by the end of it, even though I'm not. This is where I imagine several of us are at with Alethi, a slow start but once we get going, there's no stopping.

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