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[OB] Nightblood is Made of...


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Another point to bring up, which is the same one that comes up whenever a new material is proposed for Nightblood's base metal, is that per Vasher's own account and the annotations, we have confirmation that other swords like Nightblood could have been made during the Manywar or at the time of Warbreaker. That makes it vanishingly unlikely that Nightblood was made of some improbable material. For the danger of mass-produced Nightbloods to be real, the raw materials must be relatively easy to obtain on Nalthis, without needing to worldhop. That means that 'Nightblood used to be a Rosharan sprenblade', 'Nightblood was forged from a hemalurgic spike' and 'Nightblood is made from [Insert Preferred Godmetal Here]' are all virtually impossible, for examples. Vasher says the sword started out as steel and we really have no reason to doubt him.


It's because of her insistence on using the sword in battle, and on giving away the secret to creating more, that Vasher and she fought. He ended up killing her with Nightblood, which they'd created together during the days they were in love—he married her a short time before their falling out. That marriage ended with him slaying his own wife to keep her from creating more abominations like Nightblood and loosing them upon the world.


Lightsong Thinks about How Hallandren Wouldn't Fall

He's wrong here. If he hadn't intervened and taken responsibility, the God King would have died, and another Manywar would have begun. It would have ended with Hallandren in flames, destroyed by the advancing Idrian coalition, who by then would have gained the secret to creating swords like Nightblood from Yesteel, who is hiding in one of the kingdoms across the mountains and who secretly knows what Vasher did to create the sword. He would have brought his kingdom into the conflict. And the world would have burned.


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@Calderis @The One Who Connects @StormingTexan

I'll spoiler so I don't accidentally give something away.


I don't really think using a character's speculation is a definitive method of serving up proof. (VenDell says "It stands to reason", which is a logical deduction. Yes, I know I just used practically the same phrase with the feruchemists.)

I'll admit that it's possible that the Lord Ruler may not have included it because of a technological reason, but he also never fully ascended, as Vin did, gaining all of the knowledge of Allomancy and Feruchemy. He knew Identity was a feruchemical trait, but that doesn't necessarily mean that he knew exactly which metal did what, though that's a tenuous point.

However, my own thoughts aside, I'll concede. It's not worth arguing about, haha.

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I'm not sure how much of a proof it is, but it is extremely unlikely that someone would have created nicrosil, which really is a nickel alloy, not a chromium one (again, it is only 14% chromium) and try burning it. It seems much more likely that it would only have come from pre-existing knowledge.



On 1/22/2018 at 8:22 PM, Calderis said:

The problem is that 1.4% of what remains is silicone, which is really hard to alloy properly. 

I don't think Scadrial at the time had the tech level to pull it off. 

Plus all of the main processes of manufacturing pure silicon use aluminum byproducts, as far as I can tell, which would be really hard to get enough of to experiment with without having (cheap) aluminum).

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Could it be made of Nalthian metal alloys? Why use Scadrial only alloys, when Nalthian alloys may have similar/better metals for creating awakened metals. 

Another mysterious sword was made by/for Vivenna, likely using local metals, better metals than the theory the OP posits.

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6 hours ago, tabitreader said:

Could it be made of Nalthian metal alloys? Why use Scadrial only alloys, when Nalthian alloys may have similar/better metals for creating awakened metals. 

Another mysterious sword was made by/for Vivenna, likely using local metals, better metals than the theory the OP posits.

I think the point was that Scadrian metals are inherently invested. Nalthian metals are not (I believe the flowers the pigments are made from are what is naturally invested on Nalthis). Since Nightblood destroys investiture, the theory had something to do with Nightblood being made of an invested metal and thus corrupted investiture when it encounter it. Though I could be entirely wrong--I could be misunderstanding the theory entirely, or this entire comment could be off-base. I'll let someone else say yay or nay, since I'm not super familiar with Nalthis (I've only read warbreaker twice, and I wasn't really into the Cosmere until later).

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Scadrian metals are not Invested (aside from the godmetals of course), they're the Focus for the power system but there's nothing special about them compared to the same metals anywhere else in the cosmere. Brandon has said that you can use metal from anywhere in the Metallic Arts.



Will iron mined-- created and mined on Roshar work to power Allomancy on Scadrial? This is a clarification from earlier session.

Brandon Sanderson

Um, hehe… Okay, so what do you want to have happen, talk to me. Explain to me--


…Iron is iron, does it have the same effect if it will be iron that was created on Roshar--

Brandon Sanderosn

Oh, I see what you're saying.


--power Allomancy on Scadrial--

Brandon Sanderson

The metals are themselves-- and I've said this before, I think, but-- the metals themselves-- where you get it is not relevant.


Edited by Weltall
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On 1/23/2018 at 11:56 AM, Alderant said:

@Calderis @The One Who Connects @StormingTexan

I'll spoiler so I don't accidentally give something away.

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I don't really think using a character's speculation is a definitive method of serving up proof. (VenDell says "It stands to reason", which is a logical deduction. Yes, I know I just used practically the same phrase with the feruchemists.)

I'll admit that it's possible that the Lord Ruler may not have included it because of a technological reason, but he also never fully ascended, as Vin did, gaining all of the knowledge of Allomancy and Feruchemy. He knew Identity was a feruchemical trait, but that doesn't necessarily mean that he knew exactly which metal did what, though that's a tenuous point.

However, my own thoughts aside, I'll concede. It's not worth arguing about, haha.

While I agree with you that we can’t always trust what in-book characters think all the time I don’t think this is an instance they are wrong. 

BoM spoilers 


When Wax holds the bands of mourning he says they are made out of 16 metals. 


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44 minutes ago, StormingTexan said:

While I agree with you that we can’t always trust what in-book characters think all the time I don’t think this is an instance they are wrong. 

BoM spoilers 

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When Wax holds the bands of mourning he says they are made out of 16 metals. 


All MB spoilers 


The bands are not TLRs. His original bands were just Atium, which were broken up by Vin and Elend and sold to help fund their government. 

The bands were created by the Sovereign, who the very ending of BoM tells us is not TLR, but Kelsier. 


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