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Shallan's Relationship


Shallan + ?????  

563 members have voted

  1. 1. Who will Shallan end the series in a relationship with?

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First point, their engagement is a fantastic political move.

Second Point. Not everybody needs a bloody relationship, and Kaladin has more than enough stuff to work through.

Third Point, Love Triangles are the single worst romance plot, ever.  The last time Brandon tried one we got Zane...  And he's doing another one in Shadows of Silence...  And I loathe Love Traingles.  And Shallan and Adolin are for the most part a good match.

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It will be kind of funny if she plays with both Kal and Adolin for a while only to marry Renarin. Though I honestly don't want any love triangles, let alone.. ummm.. squares. And I certainly hope this doesn't go some wierd WoT style with Shallan having more than one guy.

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I voted unknown since I can't decide.  I do think it is an interesting story line though.  I don't think she will be the type (maybe before, but not now) to choose based on who will help her family.  


How I would want it to end would be her ending up with Adolin but being good friends with Kaladin.  I think he would make more of a friendship match than a romantic interest for her.  


Or... Shallan for Adolin and Veil for Kaladin! ;)

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Mistake: This is a public poll, Gaussian. Feather will personally hunt down and write essays to anyone who doesn't select "Renarin". The secret ballot exists for a reason.  -_-

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Well one must say his mind even at risk of being "feathered".


I say that Kal an Lan  fit at least as best buddies but by the way if thing I bet in a very conturbed relantionship, with but not only:


- Love triangle

- Duel between friend for the girl

- Deep secrets like that a certain person killed someone brother

- Political problems

- A little cheating here or there

- And lot of bad choice form everyone 

- Two sprens that ae enemeis of which other


Adolin will fall for the dark side for being put aside for a "better person" jealous and the feeling that he aren't good and that his part in the great plan of thing will make do not so good thing.


Shallan will come to hate Kal for him have killed her brother


And good old Kal will be torn by his guilt for him desire the girl of a friend.


Soap-Opera ? Maybe  =)

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Mistake: This is a public poll, Gaussian. Feather will personally hunt down and write essays to anyone who doesn't select "Renarin". The secret ballot exists for a reason.  -_-


If we're bringing up Renarin shippings, I thought up this one as a joke, but Liftarin :P

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I think a lot of people are voting Adolin simply because "I hate love triangles".


I'm starting to wonder if people realize it's possible to have more than one romantic partner in a lifetime without living in a soap opera.

Yes, but it's entirely a different story to end and start adult relationships with people very close to eachother without causing conflict. The annoying we don't want to read about it style of conflict.
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Yes, but it's entirely a different story to end and start adult relationships with people very close to eachother without causing conflict. The annoying we don't want to read about it style of conflict.


Agreed. Plus it would ruin the awesome Kaladin/Adolin bromance that just began.

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Well it seems that most people like myself do not want to see a love triangle. I wonder if learning of this strong dislike Sanderson in future books changed the plot so as to not have it, would you as a reader be happy he did so or not?

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I would not be happy if Brandon changed his books for no better reason than a knee-jerk (if historically justified ;)) hatred of love-triangles by his readers. Yes, they usually go poorly, but it's theoretically possible to do one well, and I wouldn't want fear of "we told you not to do that!" to be what stopped Brandon from trying.

Edited by Kurkistan
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I'd be happy if everyone realized Love Triangles are annoying. My two favorite love stories are partially my favorites due to the complete lack of love triangle, leaving the relationship questions to more realistic relationship issues(these being War of the Flowers by Tad Williams and The more recent Republic of Thieves by Scott Lynch.

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This all could be a red hearing or something. But Brandon like to drop hints of thing that will have relevance later, and the dropped rivers of Shallan X Kal X Adolin clues.  (and we like to collect this hints and turn in theories)


So the fact is something will happen but what are his plans only the Almighty and Peter knows =)

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I've never read a love triangle that I enjoyed and I wish Rober Jorden didn't give Rand more than one wife at a time. I hope Brandon will escape both paths.


Shallan can very well end with Hoid, I'd be happy for her. That could have  battles of wits day and night. Both are curious, searching for some truth just beyond the horizon, love traveling, wanting to see more and more. To know more and to do more. She can access Shadesmar and they could be worldhoppers together. She will be drawing strange plants and animals while he's gathering stories.


This aside, a triangle was already used with Dalinar and Navani and that's more than enough for me. 

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This aside, a triangle was already used with Dalinar and Navani and that's more than enough for me. 


It was? All I can recall is that there was one several decades before the events of the book. It's not like we had to suffer through it.

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It was? All I can recall is that there was one several decades before the events of the book. It's not like we had to suffer through it.


There was in the past when Navani had been wondering who to pick and I'm sure we'll get plenty of it in Dalinar's book.

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It was? All I can recall is that there was one several decades before the events of the book. It's not like we had to suffer through it.

We had to suffer through Dalinar's moral quandry over it.(Which was realistic and not really suffering as there was no question of the end.)

That said, my biggest issue with Love Triangles is that they take out the more interesting conflicts of a real relationship(harder to write but more satisfying) in favor of titillating shippers. I'd like to see Adolin and Shallan make a life together. I think it would be a fascinating story. Kaladin just doesn't seem the interesting love story type.

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Guys, there are ten books in this series. Shallan and Adolin JUST got together in book two.


I would be very surprised if that remained the same for the rest of the ride. And, given the hints dropped in this book, Kaladin/Shallan is hardly unlikely.


Now, how it all shakes up in the end is anyone's guess. But we're so early on, it's impossible to say one way or the other at this point.

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Bleh. I'm really conflicted with this. On the one hand, I really want Shalladin to happen after their time in the chasms, and I agree that her relationship with Adolin is too shallow to last... but I really couldn't stand it if she got between Adolin and Kalladin, seeing as their friendship was the one of the best parts of the book for me. Here's to hoping Brandon finds a way to satisfy both of those desires.

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I would not be happy if Brandon changed his books for no better reason than a knee-jerk (if historically justified ;)) hatred of love-triangles by his readers. Yes, they usually go poorly, but it's theoretically possible to do one well, and I wouldn't want fear of "we told you not to do that!" to be what stopped Brandon from trying.


I agree that it can theoretically be done well.  The problem with most love triangles is that authors drag them out too long and have them impair the character's judgement to the point where they do stupid things instead focusing on actually important plot points. 


But based on the way BS handled the romantic elements in this book, it doesn't seem like he is falling into that last trap.  Shallan and Kaladin thought about each other several times, but it was never melodramatic and, most importantly, they didn't dwell on the issue ad nauseam.  They had their brief thoughts and then went right back to focusing on the task at hand.  If anything, their interactions improved each others judgement regarding the real issues in the plot. 


As long as it burns in the background and doesn't stop the characters from focusing on really important things, it shouldn't be that much of a problem.  So basically, he should just handle it like he did in this book and all will be fine.  Eventually things will have to boil over and be settled, but it's not usually the resolution to love triangle's that is the problem, it's the drawn out, melodramatic build up.  He just needs to avoid that.


Current evidence for Renarin and Shallan is effectively non-existent. I'm not sure they even actually have a real conversation in the book.


I actually wanted Shallan/Renarin to happen pre-release....but any chance of it died the moment she called him creepy as far as I'm concerned.  Man was that a gut punch, lol.

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