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The missive used stiff, formal writing, as if the unit's situation was common-place. They read it over and over again, trying to find someway out.

"We have reason to believe that your unit has been infiltrated by traitorous elements. These elements are dangerous, and constitute an immediate threat to the general public. As such, your unit has been quarantined. You are not allowed to leave the front. Leaving the front will be grounds for immediate execution. Do not attempt to leave the front. If you are successful at eliminating the traitorous elements, we will reconsider your sentence. Please note that time is limited. Even now, these elements are plotting against you and your country. Good luck."

The soldiers couldn't believe what they were reading. Traitorous elements? Who in their right mind would try to support the wild chalklings. And what was that part about immediate execution? It seemed impossible, and yet, even as the soldiers discussed, the Forgotten among them plotted and waited for their chance to strike. And so another tale of woe and violence began on the plains of Nebrask.

Mid-Range Game 27: Quarantine

Welcome to Mid-Range Game 27! I'm Sart, the GM, with @Straw as my Co-GM. This game is set in the Rithmatist series.

The Rules:


Turns are 48 hours long, with a combined day-night cycle. Rollover will be at 7 PM Eastern Time, midnight GMT. PMs are open this game, just make sure to include Straw and I in them.

The Camp Supply:
The main mechanic in this game is the camp supply. This is a list of items that is available to the thread. As an action, anyone can take an item they want from the supply. However, the thread will be notified next cycle of who took what. If two people try to take the same item, it will be decided randomly who takes it. You cannot use an item the turn you take it, and items are discarded after one use. If a player was holding an item as they died, it is returned to the camp supply. As an action, you can give an item you are holding to another player.


  • Chalk: The tool of any Rithmatist. Use it to protect a target player. This can target yourself.
  • Acid: No one likes being sprayed with this low grade acid. Use it to role-block a target player. In addition, this removes any protection from Chalk targeting the player this cycle.
  • Bribe: Life is hard, so many Rithmatists look for illicit ways to relax. Use it to nullify a player's vote.
  • Spring-powered Crab: This marvel of technology comes with a camera attached. Use it to secretly observe a player's action.
  • Gun: It's a gun, what do you expect? Use it to kill a player. If more than one person tries to grab the gun, all but one of them will die, and no one gets the gun, since it gets fired during the struggle.
  • Map: A rendezvous location with more supplies is marked on it. Use it to add more items to the camp supply.


  • Prepared: You start the game with a random item.
  • Sneaky: You can take from the supply without anyone knowing it was you. The camp will be notified that an item was stolen though.
  • Quick: If there's a tie for grabbing an item, you win it. If two or more quick people try to steal the same item, it is still determined randomly.


  • Soldiers: These soldiers are on the front lines defending from the Wild Chalkling threat. They are a normal town.
  • Forgotten: These soldiers have been possessed by Wild Chalklings. They are a standard Eliminator team, with a doc to conspire in, and a nightly kill.
  • Thief: You're just here to make a profit. You win when you have collected 5 Bribes. If someone targets you with a Bribe, you gain the Bribe. As an action, you can take a random item from a target player.

Rule Clarifications:

  • If there is a tie in the lynch, one of the candidates with the most votes on them will be killed randomly.
  • Once again, PMs are open, just include Straw and I.
  • If the Thief wins, everyone else loses.
  • Order of Actions: Acid -> Stealing -> Chalk, Crab, Bribe, Map, and giving an item away -> Lynch -> Forgotten Kill and Gun -> Taking Items from the Supply
  • The map requires an action to use

Player List:

  1. Kynedath: Myka
  2. MacThorstenson: Thorstein
  3. Jondesu: Kadal
  4. Caesura: Lara
  5. Steeldancer: Steelchalk
  6. Devotary of Spontaneity: Cacooo Moreau
  7. livinglegend: Lenny
  8. MonsterMetroid: Nb'nub
  9. Orlok Tsubodai: Orlok
  10. A Joe in the Bush: Joel
  11. manukos: General Manukos the IV
  12. BrightnessRadiant: Mya
  13. Eternum: Aiden
  14. Drake Marshall: Drake
  15. Elenion: Mr. Klenien
  16. Alvron: Ronald
  17. A Budgie: Rose-Mary Soup

This game will start in a week's time. Let me know if you have any questions about the rules.


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10 hours ago, Caesura said:

Keen to give this a go (this'll be my first game). I'll be Lara. Can flesh out a backstory if I need to.

Welcome! This is my second game, i'm just hoping it goes better than my first game, where nearly have the village was eliminated in a single round.

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18 hours ago, Caesura said:

Keen to give this a go (this'll be my first game). I'll be Lara. Can flesh out a backstory if I need to.

Welcome to the games. May the odds be ever in your favor :)

I'd like to join. I'm not familiar with the rithmatist books, so I apologize if my character doesn't end up fitting, but I'll do my best.

Lenny couldn't read. 

That didn't bother him though. News spread fast enough in the camp that reading really wasn't necessary.

What Lenny did like was collecting things. Sometimes he was sneakier than other times, but he usually ended up with what he wanted... even if it took a couple tries.

As the others in his unit pushed to be able to read the orders for themselves, Lenny occupied himself by trying to figure out how to steal Thorstein's watch. Their anxious chatter settled to a mere hum in Lenny's ears as he pictured himself wearing that watch. Lenny looked so sleek and stylish. Plus it would go well with all the other watches Lenny had collected.

Of course, he couldn't wear a few of them... yet. At least not until their owners were transferred. Or died. It was better when they died. He didn't have to worry about running into them and being caught with their hat... Or their shoes... Or, on a more embarrassing occasion, their false leg.

It was settled then. He'd slip the watch off as the soldiers rushed out of the room when they were dismissed. The tumult should provide the cover he needed, and Thorstein wouldn't even realize it was Lenny who took it. It was perfect. 

"Staying?!" One of the soldiers exclaimed.

Huh. Was that what all the fuss was about? That's not so bad. 


As might be apparent, I am really excited about this item mechanic. Also, whether I am an eliminator or not, I'm going to try to be more active in personal messages and role plays than I have been in the past. This is an intentional shift in play style and I'm announcing it now so I don't hinder the village later if I'm good. ( Or to hinder the village later if I'm bad :P)



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Hooray, more players! 

Here's a question for you, Sart. How many actions do we have per cycle?

If it's one that means we can either take an item from the supply, or use an item, or give an item, or steal an item, or use the eliminator kill. Am I missing anything?

On 1/26/2018 at 4:52 PM, Sart said:


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The Camp Supply:

The main mechanic in this game is the camp supply. This is a list of items that is available to the thread. As an action, anyone can take an item they want from the supply. However, the thread will be notified next cycle of who took what. If two people try to take the same item, it will be decided randomly who takes it. You cannot use an item the turn you take it, and items are discarded after one use. If a player was holding an item as they died, it is returned to the camp supply. As an action, you can give an item you are holding to another player.

  Reveal hidden contents
  1. Kynedath: Myka
  2. MacThorstenson: Thorstein
  3. Jondesu: Kadal
  4. Caesura: Lara
  5. Steeldancer: Steelchalk
  6. Devotary of Spontaneity: Cacooo Moreau
  7. livinglegend: Lenny


Or does this mean using an item doesn't count as an action?

On 1/26/2018 at 4:52 PM, Sart said:


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  • Acid: It cleans off chalklings like nobody's business. It acts as a passive extra life. This does not stack in multiples.


Doe this mean

a.) it won't protect from a double tap i.e. a gun wound and the eliminator kill on the same cycle.

b.) you are unable to have 2 acid at the same time. or

c.) you are unable to use 2 acid for the duration of the game.

Also, does this passive extra life protect from the fight over the gun?

Okay, so that was a few questions. I apologise to anyone who was hoping to use any of this information they had obtained secretly as an advantage, but I think these are important enough to the basic gameplay that we need them answered in the thread.

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7 hours ago, livinglegend said:

Hooray, more players! 

Here's a question for you, Sart. How many actions do we have per cycle?

If it's one that means we can either take an item from the supply, or use an item, or give an item, or steal an item, or use the eliminator kill. Am I missing anything?

Or does this mean using an item doesn't count as an action?

Doe this mean

a.) it won't protect from a double tap i.e. a gun wound and the eliminator kill on the same cycle.

b.) you are unable to have 2 acid at the same time. or

c.) you are unable to use 2 acid for the duration of the game.

Also, does this passive extra life protect from the fight over the gun?

Okay, so that was a few questions. I apologise to anyone who was hoping to use any of this information they had obtained secretly as an advantage, but I think these are important enough to the basic gameplay that we need them answered in the thread.

You are correct in that each player has one action per cycle. An action consists of either using an item, taking an item, using the Eliminator kill, giving an item away, or the Thief using their ability.

Now for your questions about the Acid Bucket. The acid bucket was designed to act as a Thug role, which means it wouldn't cost an action to use. I did write out answers to your questions, but those answers led me to the degenerate strategy of taking a bucket every cycle, which would make you nigh unstoppable. It also leads to edge cases I didn't consider, like the fight over the gun. Therefore, I am changing what the Acid Bucket does, and am converting it from an passive extra life to a role block you must use an action. I know that doesn't answer your questions, but I think it's important for game balance purposes.

In other news, we only have 9 players currently. That's an extremely low amount of players, and less than I would like. I don't want to delay sign-ups, as they have been going on for a week, and that's plenty of time for people to sign up. The game will be starting tomorrow, regardless of the number of players signed up. Unfortunately, unless we get 3 more players, I will have to exclude the Thief role for the time being. I highly encourage people who are dead in the Anonymous Game to sign up. I had originally balanced this game for 15 people, so I would be ecstatic if we can get that many.

Finally, I would like to thank @Seonid for being our Impartial Moderator this game. That's always a big help, and if you have any problems with myself or Straw, you can always contact him.

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Ronald wandered into the camp.  His limp from battles past evident for all to see but it was his piercing blue eyes that captured everyones attention.

After many, many hours of therapy, Ronald is willing to brave the front lines again to help protect those he loves.  Here's hoping it goes better than it did in MR3.

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If the platoon was going to survive out in No Man's Land, they needed to know what supplies they had left. They were dismayed to see how little they had. Chalk was running especially low. It was the main line of defense against Wild Chalklings, and having so little made everyone antsy. The soldiers could have sworn they had more than that, and so talk began to arise about hoarders. Soon, the discussion would turn into a riot, and some soldiers would not live to see the light.

Camp Supply:

  • 3 Pieces of Chalk
  • 4 Buckets of Acid
  • 5 Bribes
  • 5 Spring-Powered Crabs
  • 1 Gun
  • 1 Map

Player List:

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  1. Kynedath: Myka
  2. MacThorstenson: Thorstein
  3. Jondesu: Kadal
  4. Caesura: Lara
  5. Steeldancer: Steelchalk
  6. Devotary of Spontaneity: Cacooo Moreau
  7. livinglegend: Lenny
  8. MonsterMetroid: Nb'nub
  9. Orlok Tsubodai: Orlok
  10. A Joe in the Bush: Joel
  11. manukos: General Manukos the IV
  12. BrightnessRadiant: Mya
  13. Eternum: Aiden
  14. Drake Marshall: Drake
  15. Elenion: Mr. Klenien
  16. Alvron: Ronald
  17. A Budgie: Rose-Mary Soup

The Cycle will end on Sunday February 4, at 7 PM Eastern Time.


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Just for your information, I added in a Rule Clarification section to the sign-up page. Of particular note, if two or more players are up for the lynch, one of them will be killed randomly.

Since the main thread is now closed, I guess I'll put rule clarifications here as well.

Rule Clarifications:

  • If there is a tie in the lynch, one of the candidates with the most votes on them will be killed randomly.
  • Once again, PMs are open, just include Straw and I.
  • If the Thief wins, everyone else loses. They cannot steal and take from the supply at the same time.
  • Order of Actions: Acid -> Stealing -> Chalk, Crab, Bribe, Map, and giving an item away -> Lynch -> Forgotten Kill and Gun -> Taking Items from the Supply
  • The map requires an action to use. It randomly adds items to the camp supply, one of which is guaranteed to be another map. The distribution is random, but you can expect at least one of every item, with roughly 10 items added total.
  • If 2 Quick players and 1 non-Quick player goes for the gun, a Quick player and the non-Quick player will both die. If 2 Quick players go for the gun, 1 Quick player will die, and the gun will be lost.
Edited by Sart
Added in Rule Clarifications
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Myka sulked in the corner as he watched the rest of the crowd rage over the small pile of supplies left to them. That wasn't the most pressing matter on his mind, his plans were destroyed. He crumpled a paper in his right hand. It had contained the apology he had wanted to give to Lorissa. Now with this quarantine, his plans to escape were completely botched. He took a swig of his canteen water and looked around. The talk had just barely begun and nobody had said anything meaningful. Maybe he should start?

"Look guys," he said at a normal volume, not caring who heard or responded "I don't want to just go and get someone 'eliminated' as the brass so politely called it, so lets not get too riled up over nothing, okay? We all want to go home, lets just keep our cool and figure this out logically."

With that, Myka slumped back against the wall and tried to wipe some of the dirt off of his face, succeeding only in smearing it across his forehead.


I've never been a fan of day 1 lynching, but I know that I can't deny that it is necessary. I'm going to refrain from voting today unless I see something that clearly looks suspicious or if I find some sort of hard proof that somebody is an eliminator. But until the second cycle, I don't want to kill someone for absolutely no reason.

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