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A group of crows is a murder, and a group of rhinos is a crash.

Waluigi is the only main Mario Bros character not created by Shigero Miyamoto. (I probably butchered the spelling but whatever.)

Every face you see in a dream is a face you have seen somewhere else; your brain cannot create a new face, it can only draw on ones you've seen.

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Prince William of Orange had a dog named Pompey. One night, while William slept, Pompey heard the sound of men approaching and barked, scratched, and jumped on William's face to wake him and warn him of the intruders. As it turns out, the men were actually assassins, and Pompey was right to wake his owner. In a monument to William, Pompey is carved lying at his feet. 

Although the breed is disputed, many believe Pompey was a pug. 

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Pablo Picasso carried a revolver loaded with blanks, which he would fire at whoever asked him what his work “meant.”

Source: https://www.success.com/79-totally-random-facts-you-never-needed-to-know/

It’s illegal to die in the House of Parliament.

Edited by Lunamor
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There is a man who is legally dead but physically alive, as they went missing and didn’t show up in the 3 year time frame dead people are given to prove themselves not dead. They are not allowed to vote or get a drivers license.

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13 hours ago, Inklingspren said:

There is a man who is legally dead but physically alive, as they went missing and didn’t show up in the 3 year time frame dead people are given to prove themselves not dead. They are not allowed to vote or get a drivers license.

His name is Bruce Wayne.



Or, I suppose, Oliver Queen, if you wish.



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  • 2 weeks later...

"Green Eggs and Ham" was written on a bet. His editor bet Dr. Seuss $50 he couldn't write a story using less than 50 words.

The reason banana flavored things don't taste like bananas is because the flavor of bananas has changed over time. The bananas we have now taste completely different than they did when banana flavoring was invented. Originally, bananas tasted just like the banana flavoring.

Blue eyes don't actually exist. Blue eyes come from the lack of brown pigmentation in the eye. There is no blue pigment in the eye, the light just scatters around making the eye appear blue, similar to the way that the sky appears blue. 

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An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain. 

Coke was introduced one year after Pepsi (1886 vs. 1885). 

A honeybee flaps its wings 230 times per second. 

Football (American) goal post dimensions are very specific. According to the NFL Rules Digest: "The goal posts must be 18 feet, 6 inches wide and the top face of the crossbar must be 10 feet above the ground. Vertical posts extend at least 30 feet above the crossbar. A ribbon 4 inches by 42 inches long is to be attached to the top of each post." 

SPF on sunscreen bottles stands for "Sun Protection Factor", which seems like common sense, but I clearly don't have enough of that. :P 

A cat sleeps 16-20 hours a day. 

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I have an uncle whose initial's are SPF. Um, random facts...

The main melody of The Firebird suite that most people know doesn't actually start until 33 minutes into the song. (If you've never heard it and you have a spare 46 minutes, I would highly recommend listening to it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHmk7yccvws&list=LLwSlIQACjvAsgfP3H-JGpjw&index=73&t=0s)

The "spit valve" on an instrument is actually called a water key. It's a misnomer to even associate it with spit because the liquid that comes out is from the condensation on the metal of the instrument. I wouldn't recommend drinking it though.

Carrots weren't always orange. As a gift to the King of England, William of Orange, they had people dye carrots orange. We've known the previously white and purple veggies as orange ever since. 

Bears can reach speeds up to 25 miles an hour. 

If Ant Man were to actually get as small as he does (like, quantum level) while retaining his weight, he would cause a black hole. 

You can live the rest of your life without breathing. Think about it.


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  • 2 weeks later...
24 minutes ago, Gancho Libre said:

Uh... isn't it illegal to detonate any type of bomb in any state/country? :)


Just now, SandersonFanderson said:

I believe so, but apparently especially in Utah

My guess would be that they wanted to avoid some wise guy trying the “Well, there’s nothing on the books SAYING it’s illegal” defense. :P

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On 10/21/2018 at 1:12 PM, Ink said:

A group of crows is a murder

Also, a group of Inquisitors is a murder. -- See Mistborn: Secret History. :D

A group of jellyfish is called a Smack.

A male donkey is called a Jack, and a female donkey is called a Jenny. A male rabbit can be either a Jack or a Buck, a female rabbit can be either a Jill or a Doe.

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On 2/21/2019 at 3:53 PM, Gancho Libre said:

Uh... isn't it illegal to detonate any type of bomb in any state/country? :)

On 2/21/2019 at 4:16 PM, SandersonFanderson said:

I believe so, but apparently especially in Utah

On 2/21/2019 at 4:18 PM, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

My guess would be that they wanted to avoid some wise guy trying the “Well, there’s nothing on the books SAYING it’s illegal” defense. :P

I'd also imagine it's a jurisdiction thing -- so you can't blow up some place in South Dakota and go "But I detonated it in Utah!" and get off scott-free. :P Either way, though, if you're gonna use a nuke I doubt you're still at a point where legality matters to you. ;) 

(As a native Utahn I am very glad nuking is illegal here. Just sayin'.)

Edited by Slowswift
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In Wheatland, Wyoming, there are a couple of billboards either just before the city limits or just inside them. The billboards are made of plywood and upon each of them is written a phone number in blue spray paint. There is no other information. Just that same number painted on a series of plywood billboards. Funny thing is, I used to drive through Wheatland with my parents when we lived in Wyoming 20 years ago, and I remember seeing those same billboards. When I moved back to Wyoming last year, I expected them to be gone, but next time I drove through Wheatland, there they were. Same numbers, same shade of paint. It had been freshened up, but other than that it was exactly how I remembered them. 

I don't dare call that number. I'm not a huge reader of creepypastas, but I've read enough to know that's a bad idea. :mellow: 

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1 minute ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

In Wheatland, Wyoming, there are a couple of billboards either just before the city limits or just inside them. The billboards are made of plywood and upon each of them is written a phone number in blue spray paint. There is no other information. Just that same number painted on a series of plywood billboards. Funny thing is, I used to drive through Wheatland with my parents when we lived in Wyoming 20 years ago, and I remember seeing those same billboards. When I moved back to Wyoming last year, I expected them to be gone, but next time I drove through Wheatland, there they were. Same numbers, same shade of paint. It had been freshened up, but other than that it was exactly how I remembered them. 

I don't dare call that number. I'm not a huge reader of creepypastas, but I've read enough to know that's a bad idea. :mellow: 


If it's a demon, it's probably the most bored and lonely demon in all the seven circles. It probably just wants to talk. :P

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  • 2 months later...

The average person will spend six months of their life waiting for red lights to turn green.

Cherophobia is the fear of being happy.

Manhattan tap water isn't kosher (it has tiny crustaceans in it).

The world's most successful pirate was a woman--Ching Shih. She had 1,800 ships and over 80,000 men.

Scotland has more than 400 words for "snow".

The surface of your keyboard is dirtier than the seat of your toilet.


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