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Kalad Strifelover has overthrown Hanald, casting out the royal family of Idris. He has founded the nation of Hallandren in its place. Meanwhile, the dethroned and exiled Idris royal family has rallied old allies, forming the Pahn Unity. They aim to stand against Hallandren... And so the events are set in motion that will one day come to be known simply as "the Manywar." A near-global conflict where the fruits of new biochromatic research are bent solely towards unprecedented bloodshed.


You have been sent to join a detachment of Idrian Soldiers that has just been dispatched from the infant nation of Idris, sent as sorely needed reinforcements to shore up the battle in Hallandren. ...But I never necessarily said it was Idris that sent you. Some of you are undoubtedly Hallandren Agents, sent to infiltrate the camp and keep the reinforcements from ever reaching the battle.

Due to a severe winter, and the occasional sighting of a band of lifeless, your division has decided to hole up in the ruins of a ransacked town, one of many such towns in the wake of the Manywar. Because supplies are low, sickness is spreading, and visibility is poor, your division has elected not to break camp, at least until the weather improves.

So now you are just kind of sitting around your campfire awkwardly, waiting for somebody to break the silence. Anybody care to introduce themselves?

Ground Rules

24 Hour Cycles. Rollover at 7:00am GMT.
Open single PMs, no group PMs.
One action per cycle per person.
Lynches are decided by plurality, minimum 2 votes. Tie votes are decided randomly.
Failing to cast a vote on any cycle but the first one will result in death by sickness.


Idrian Loyalists- Villagers. Loyalists win if all the Hallandren Agents are killed.
Hallandren Agents- Eliminators. Agents win if they outnumber the Idrian Loyalists. They have a google doc and a factional killing power.


Awakener- With basic knowledge of awakening, you may use an awakened rope to cancel somebody's action. With basic knowledge of lifeless, you may converse with the dead.
Sentry- Tasked with watching over the camp, you may observe somebody at night, and discover who visits them.
Captain- As a person of rank, you can discredit somebody, cancelling their vote.
Soldier- You are the staple of the Idrian army. You don't get any special abilities, but at the end of the day your voice counts as much as anyone's.

This game is scheduled to start in

[signups has been extended by 3 days; the countdown reflects this fact]


Player List:


1. A Joe in the Bush as Jeo the Yellow, your friendly neighborhood cardsharp

2. Elenion as Gormund Oscarson, a very willful individual

3. Randuir as commander Jaaver, a police officer who looks like Javert

4. Livinglegend as Lucky, who is unluckily stuck in this division

5. Shqueeves as Shu, a capable chef despite being an airsick lowlander

6. Bort as Bort the Brute, whose affinity for spikes is purely coincidental

7. BrightnessRadiant as Ivy, a shade of darkish green

8. Straw as Straw, the renouned breaker of camel backs

9. TheMightyLopen as Vaati, who totally isn't an evil Minish sorceror or anything like that

10. MacThorstenson as Mac, purveyor of spiked cookies, but not the same kind of spiked that the Dark Alley does

11. Devotary of Spontaneity as Fahmexa, a drab with a story that is anything but

12. Ecthelion as Eärendil, who has wandered their way into enlistment

13. Coop772 as Salthis, an understandably frustrated survival expert whose name contains the word "salt"

14. MonsterMetroid as Roid, who may have been barred from the Tarachin championships following a urine test

15. Droughtbringer as Droughtbringer, the antithesis to Rob McKenna Zaffer, snatcher of scarves from passerby

16. RippleGylf as Sarcoline Lepinceau, a flesh-colored paint brush

17. Arinian as Eilen, a recent arrival to the division

Rule Clarifications:


Does the factional kill count as an action?

Yes. The eliminator kill is an action, taken by whoever puts in the kill order on the eliminator team.

Can an awakener block it?

Yes. It can also be observed by the sentry.

Can an awakener block an awakener?

Yes. This would prevent them from blocking anybody else, but it would not stop the passive ability to converse with the dead.

If your vote is cancelled by a Captain, do you die for not casting a vote?

No. Even if your vote does not count towards the lynch, it still counts for the purposes of the activity filter.

So by rights, that would also mean that someone can cast a vote and later retract it without dying as they did cast a vote but it wasn't counted in the lynch.

No. The captain's ability only cancels the effect of the vote. A retracted vote, on the other hand, will be treated as if it never existed.

If two awakeners block eachother, which one gets blocked?

Not that it makes much of a difference, but both will be blocked. Neither awakener will be informed that they were blocked though; the only role that will actually get a message saying that their action failed is the Sentry, because it is the only role that normally would receive feedback for an action.

Does a sentry see who you talked to, who targeted you, or who you targeted?

If a sentry watches you, they are informed who targeted you (minus themselves, who presumably they are already aware of).

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Jeo the Yellow shivered on his log. The other soldiers, the braver, sat closer to the fire, in spots deemed unfitting for him. They all knew him for what he was. A deserter. They knew he had ran, and had been forced to rejoin the army. He had been the last soldier to join the detatchment, wearing the uniform of a regiment that had been killed at the battle of Cannasova. 

So they ignored him, and he sat alone, the fire's warmth blocked by their backs. He wouldn't desert again. This time, he had a mission. This time, he would prove himself. But to do that, he needed friends. He reached into one of his many pockets, and pulled out a small cup of Dice. They clattered, alerting the soldiers in front of him to their existence. "Anyone up to win some money?"

That is a beautiful title Drake Marshall. I will sign up as Jeo the Yellow, a gambler and a cheat.

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I'll sign up as Gormund Oscarson, a feisty man in his fifties with a good sense of humor. He was enlisted because Gormund put the wrong distant relative in his will, and that relative pulled some strings and got him sent to the battlefield, hopefully to be killed so that the will could be executed.

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11 hours ago, Drake Marshall said:

Ground Rules

Failing to cast a vote on any cycle but the first one will result in death by sickness.


Captain- As a person of rank, you can discredit somebody, cancelling their vote.

Interesting.  So if Joe casts a vote and Len cancels it, does Joe die as technically he doesn't have a vote cast?

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17 minutes ago, Drake Marshall said:

A very good question. No Joe would not die, because he still cast the vote even if it did not count towards the lynch.

So by rights, that would also mean that someone can cast a vote and later retract it without dying as they did cast a vote but it wasn't counted in the lynch.

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1 hour ago, Alvron said:

So by rights, that would also mean that someone can cast a vote and later retract it without dying as they did cast a vote but it wasn't counted in the lynch.

I quite like how you think.

But I do not plan to allow that. This inactivity filter will kill you if you do not have an active vote on somebody at the time of rollover. This operates regardless of how the vote is weighted, and vote manipulations deal exclusively with altering the weight of votes.

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I'll sign up. Character name will follow at a later moment.

Also, if two awakeners block eachother, which one gets blocked? And if a blind Awakener Drains a tree in a forest of color, and no one is round to see it, will the awakening succeed?

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7 hours ago, randuir said:

I'll sign up. Character name will follow at a later moment.

Glad to have you.

7 hours ago, randuir said:

Also, if two awakeners block eachother, which one gets blocked?

Technically, both will be blocked. But neither awakener will be informed that they were blocked; the only role that will actually get a message saying that their action failed is the Sentry, because it is the only role that normally would receive feedback for an action.

7 hours ago, randuir said:

And if a blind Awakener Drains a tree in a forest of color, and no one is round to see it, will the awakening succeed?

You raise an interesting question about the nature of awakening. Does it rely on the physical pigmentation, or some kind of cognitive element to color?

Also, how would the heightenings effect a blind awakener? Would they be able to sense the biochromatic aura of other people through some means other than sight?

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17 hours ago, Drake Marshall said:

If a sentry watches you, they are informed who targeted you (minus themselves, who presumably they are already aware of).

So, the sentry is informed of who targeted the person they are observing, but not who the person they are observing targets themselves?

I'm in as Bort the Brute, an oversized thug with a fondness for large spiky objects with handles, possibly with Koloss blood.

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5 hours ago, Bort said:

I'm in as Bort the Brute, an oversized thug with a fondness for large spiky objects with handles, possibly with Koloss blood.

Welcome aboard.

5 hours ago, Bort said:

So, the sentry is informed of who targeted the person they are observing, but not who the person they are observing targets themselves?

A sentry will be informed if their target targets themselves.

Say you are a sentry. You target me. At the same time, I targeted myself, and Joe targeted me. In total, I have been targeted by 3 people: you, myself, and Joe. You will see that I was targeted by myself and Joe. You will not see your own name in that list, because that would be a touch redundant.

Hopefully I am making sense. I'm a little tired rn so I apologize if I do not.

As a point of reference, this is basically the behavior of the "lookout" role in non-sanderson mafia, I think.

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14 hours ago, Drake Marshall said:

Welcome aboard.

A sentry will be informed if their target targets themselves.

Say you are a sentry. You target me. At the same time, I targeted myself, and Joe targeted me. In total, I have been targeted by 3 people: you, myself, and Joe. You will see that I was targeted by myself and Joe. You will not see your own name in that list, because that would be a touch redundant.

Hopefully I am making sense. I'm a little tired rn so I apologize if I do not.

As a point of reference, this is basically the behavior of the "lookout" role in non-sanderson mafia, I think.

That does make sense, although isn't quite what I was asking.

Using your example above, I am the sentry, and I target you. I see anyone that targets you, but if you, say, targeted Joe, would I also see that?

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6 hours ago, Bort said:

That does make sense, although isn't quite what I was asking.

Using your example above, I am the sentry, and I target you. I see anyone that targets you, but if you, say, targeted Joe, would I also see that?

Ah, I see what is being asked, thank you.

No, you would not be able to see that.

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1 hour ago, Shqueeves said:

@Drake Marshall, could you expand upon what you mean when you say 


56 minutes ago, Straw said:

@Shqueeves if I’m not mistaken, it allows the awakener to talk in the dead doc.

Right you are. The awakener role grants a link to the dead doc. Communications will be anonymous but identity claims are perfectly allowed.

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