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Mraize's Trophies


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So has anyone been able to identify any of Mraize's "curiosities" yet? I don't believe that they're not significant, but we may not have seen some of them yet. I'll include the passage here for reference:


Other curiosities baffled her. A vial of pale sand. A couple of thick hairpins. A lock of golden hair. the branch of a tree with writing on it she couldn't read. A silver knife. An odd flower preserved in some kind of solution. ... That chunk of pale pink crystal looked like it might be some kind of gemstone, but why was it so delicate? Bits of it had flaked off in its case, as if simply setting it down had almost crushed it.


Any thoughts?

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The flower is most likely from Naltis. A tear of somesthin that starts with e.

My guess is that the pale sand is from the Shardworld of Whitesand.

The writting on the branch makes me think of Sel.

The golden hair might be Rosharian from Iri.

Edited by Edgedancer
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I think some of these are from worlds we haven't seen yet. Ie: The sand could be from "White Sand". And I do believe that the flower is one of those flowers they grow in Warbreaker that provides the really potent dyes.


Edit: Ninjad by Edgedancer

Edited by Galavantes
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The sand was actually what first caught my eye, but we don't actually know anything about the sand, let alone enough to say that the sand from White Sand is at all special.


I actually didn't even think of Shadows of Silence for the dagger, but that makes a lot of sense.


My first guess for the flower was actually marewill, but it makes more sense that a worldhopping collector would want something more closely related to a shard. On the other hand, that makes two things from Halladran, so it could be wrong.


I'm only inclined to agree that the crystal is an atium crystal because I can't think of anything else that it could be. They're described as being rather jagged in mistborn, which seems like something that would be mentioned here. The only similarity is that they're both fragile


I was actually thinking that the branch could be the Moon Scepter, which matches Edgedance's guess of Sel.


That leaves the hairpins to be identified. Are there any worlds we haven't guessed an item from yet?

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If anyone's read the longer version of the Liar of Partinel sample chapters, I think there's another candidate for what the crystal might be. (Moogle pointed this out to me.) Atium crystals aren't described as pink after all.

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The sand was actually what first caught my eye, but we don't actually know anything about the sand, let alone enough to say that the sand from White Sand is at all special.

Besides, you know, being in the title of the book. I'm sure it has no significance whatsoever.
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I agree with Windrunner,  I think there is a good chance that the fragile pink crystal is from Yolen. 


Warning! "The Liar of Partinel" Spoilers. Also, remember nothing in 'unplubished works' is Cosemere Cannon and in fact Brandon was unsatisfied with how "Liar" was progressing and moved on to other projects.


My guess for  the crystal's origin comes from the longer version of the "Liar of Partinel" sample chapters.  In Liar, Lady Yunmi, who is an 'Aetherling' (traditional Yolen magic user) "glanc[es] down at down at the rose-colored crystal embedded into her forearm just above her wrist," when told by her Aether Glimmer that the king of Partinel, with whom she was just speaking to, was also an Aetherling.   As a side note, to me, Yunmi's Glimmer is kinda a prototype for Shallan's Pattern.  Also, Aethers seem a cognitive entity that bonds to a human host in a Nahel bond-ish sort of way, but with a physical realm component that is implanted in the host. 

Even considering that ancient Yolen may end up changing a great deal before it becomes cannon, their are a lot implications if the delicate pink crystal is a Yolish artifact.  For Mraize to have one, the Ghostbloods either have to be an ancient order, or taken it as a trophy from an older world-hopper.

In this case, cutting it out of the corpse of an ancient world-hopping mage.

Or BOTH, Mraize does come off as an ancient worldhopping beast. haha


I am absolutely infatuated with the Ghostbloods right now. :D

Edited by Green Fire
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Well....i might as well bring this question up.


Who is Mraize? Is he Hoid? Is he working with or against Hoid?


They both seem to be collecting the Physical aspects of shards all over the cosmere....


Mraize clearly has at least two Physical aspects: The Tears of Edgli (Endowment), the Sand from White Sand (Unknown Shard). 


Hoid has most likely collected these, plus the two god metals and the moon scepter.


Maybe these other items found in Mraize's place are others. There is so much we don't know! And i love it  :P

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Is anyone willing to send me a copy of Aether or Liar or White Sand? I've messaged Brandon Sanderson asking (slash begging!) for a copy but not heard back any of the times?

First version: http://www.brandonsanderson.com/drafts/warbreaker/LiarCh1v3.doc

Second version(longer): http://www.brandonsanderson.com/drafts/warbreaker/LiarPt12.doc

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Mraize isn't Hoid.  They act nothing alike.  Plus, Shallan has seen both of them, and didn't notice any similarities between them.  (Although I'm sure they're both really good at disguises, when they want to be.)


It wouldn't surprise me to learn that the woman in the mask is the woman Hoid mentioned as being near his age, though.

Edited by Sir Read-a-Lot
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The one defining feature I noted about Mraize was that his hand was mangled/broken.  Let me find the quote...


Here it is:

his right hand was scarred, the fingers crooked, as if they had been broken and badly reset.
Sanderson, Brandon (2014-03-04). Words of Radiance (Stormlight Archive, The) (p. 494). Tom Doherty Associates. Kindle Edition. 
Edited by Ryshadium
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Personally, I wonder whether they belonged to Mraize.  Shallan made the assumption that Mraize was in charge, but he is not.  The masked woman is Mraize's boss.  Why then would not such a collection belong to her rather than Mraize?  I got the sense that she was a worldhopper.  I also found it intriguing that she wears a mask that seemed similar to the one on the Hoid/worldhopper arch icon.

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I didn't even think about the Liar of Partinel here. It's a pretty good guess, but I don't know how he could have ever managed to get his hands on an artifact from before the shattering of Adonalsium (this timeline could be wrong, but I think it's a safe assumtion).



The major difference between Hoid and Mraize is that Mraize is collecting trophies. They're marks of his exploits across the cosmere, to impress the realmatically aware and inform them that he, too, is a worldhopper. We're still not sure what he's after, but he is definitely pursuing goals more related to a safari hunter who wants to prove to the world and himself his worth.


Hoid, on the other hand, doesn't just travel the cosmere looking for souvenirs. In fact, he even gives them away on occasion (like the flute to Kaladin). What we've seen him chase so far is both information and power. He's got a very defined goal, and will do whatever it takes to see it though. We also know that he's got a significant number of Biochromatic Breaths, and possibly the single object with the most potential in the cosmere: a bead of Lerasium.


Mraize is clearly a very cosmere aware individual, but I wouldn't even put him in the same league as Hoid. Hoid is the single most powerful non-shard in the universe, but Mraize may not even know he exists.


@ shardlet

That's a good point, but I don't see the woman in the mask being the collector type. She seems much more focused on business than Mraize, while Mraize is a wannabe Teddy Roosevelt. (I can't see any reason she would want to kill a whitespine or a santhid)


On another note, has anyone noticed the ghostblood tattoo on any other world? It stands to reason that if this cell has some worldhoppers in it who aren't as aloof as Hoid or the 17th shard, they could have cells active in other areas...

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