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You know what the worst thing about what happened to Sadeas is? (spoilers)


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I hadn't even considered it, but you're right, that would have been pretty amusing... 


It probably also could have been appropriate right after Kaladin and Adolin schooled four shard bearers in a duel with only Adolin's shards between them...  and they took home six shards from that one bout... 

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I think Sadeas worked that out by the time he died. I mean Kal flew through the sky and saved the day.


True he didn't call Kaladin a slave in his last scene but instead the head of Dalinar's guard.


I'm just annoyed we never had a scene with Sadeas sword-fighting.For two books we have been told what an amazing sword-fighter he was, but Brandon never showed it to us. Maybe in Dalinar's flashback book.

Edited by eveorjoy
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Ugh, I hate to even think this, but what if Sadeas is not dead/revived in some way (i.e. through surgebinding)? A lot that has to do with his character hasn't been resolved and it wouldn't be the first time we've seen someone popping back up from the dead.


I dearly hope he stays dead, though.

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Ugh, I hate to even think this, but what if Sadeas is not dead/revived in some way (i.e. through surgebinding)? A lot that has to do with his character hasn't been resolved and it wouldn't be the first time we've seen someone popping back up from the dead.


I dearly hope he stays dead, though.



He is very dead and Nalan was not there with a fabrial.


Sadeas is gone. Nalan said that the fabrial only worked if the brain wasn't dead. I think Sadeas will be pretty cold before anyone finds him.

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First post, so go easy please ;-)


(do i need to put spoilers tag in btw?)


Im conflicted about sadeas.


He was one of the characters i hated, as i was supposed to- so in a way im glad he was gone.

But i had hoped for it to be a spectacular ending, a duel with dalinar, or kaladin taking him out.


Also, with the way jasnah suddenly reappeared, and szeth didnt actually die, and the way syl came back-  part of me wonders if he is actually gone for good? ;)

Edited by trev1972
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True he didn't call Kaladin a slave in his last scene but instead the head of Dalinar's guard.


I'm just annoyed we never had a scene with Sadeas sword-fighting.For two books we have been told what an amazing sword-fighter he was, but Brandon never showed it to us. Maybe in Dalinar's flashback book.


I think the fact that we all expected a grand duel between Adolin and Sadeas is why the quick brutal rage filled murder of Sadeas by Adolin was so shocking and a great piece of writing. I was really taken back, but I loved how it turned out.

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I think the fact that we all expected a grand duel between Adolin and Sadeas is why the quick brutal rage filled murder of Sadeas by Adolin was so shocking and a great piece of writing. I was really taken back, but I loved how it turned out.


I stupidly spoilt this for myself ;)


I was totally gripped from about 50% of the way through and i read until about 2am


Eventually, with literally 20 minutes of book left i went to bed, i had work in 4 hours!


Once at work i lurked here because the book was on my mind, and read about it before reading the scene, so i guess for me the shock factor was gone. 

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I think the fact that we all expected a grand duel between Adolin and Sadeas is why the quick brutal rage filled murder of Sadeas by Adolin was so shocking and a great piece of writing. I was really taken back, but I loved how it turned out.


For Adolin the scene worked really well. Adolin became a far more interesting character in this book. Also, I think his first duel foreshadowed this darkness being inside him. This murder opens up many possibilities for Adolin as a character.


Sadeas however is reduced to a one note bad guy who was put out of "our" misery. Of course this isn't the first time Brandon has done this. Sadeas came across as a far more interesting character in TWoKs. He was such a disappointment in WoR. Prehaps that made his death appropriate.

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For Adolin the scene worked really well. Adolin became a far more interesting character in this book. Also, I think his first duel foreshadowed this darkness being inside him. This murder opens up many possibilities for Adolin as a character.


Sadeas however is reduced to a one note bad guy who was put out of "our" misery. Of course this isn't the first time Brandon has done this. Sadeas came across as a far more interesting character in TWoKs. He was such a disappointment in WoR. Prehaps that made his death appropriate.


Yes! Sadeas used to be so conniving and aggressive in tWoK and then...nothing. I thought his wife would be whispering wicked words in his ear and convincing him to one-up his grand betrayal, or to undermine what Kaladin was becoming... If anything it seemed like his character throughout WoR was to make way for his wife to come into the spotlight with her political savvy in a post-Radiant Kholinar.

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