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Lord Meeker

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Except for me. I'm real. Would you like some lemonade, sir? And perhaps some for your 'friends'? ;)

He had trouble speaking in air quotes while holding the thermos at the same time, but being a good butler, he managed it. 

Still being a good butler, he was there to kill them, but he was too polite to mention it and spoil the mood. 

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5 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

Well, if we’re all just aspects in Ark’s head, I want to be the one that inevitably turns into a Nightmare 


You do realize if you're in my head, that means to any other person you already a nightmare? :)

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My name is Benson Allen, and I am the fastest man alive. I would like to join the ghostbloods

I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely support and defend the Ghostbloods and its decrees against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; to forsake all other guilds and clans within the Alleyverse. That I will bear arms on behalf of the Ghostbloods when required by the Council; that I will gather all information, intelligence, and recruitment (when necessary) when required by the Council; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the Council; and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me Adonalsium.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I hereby declare that I join the Ghostbloods! Here, now I'll sign those papers...

The Oath of Loyalty.

I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely support and defend the Ghostbloods and its decrees against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; to forsake all other guilds and clans within the Alleyverse. That I will bear arms on behalf of the Ghostbloods when required by the Council; that I will gather all information, intelligence, and recruitment (when necessary) when required by the Council; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the Council; and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me Adonalsium.



Bloody hell, what have I got myself into.



Name: Damon

Investiture: Coinshot (strong)

Special skills and weapons: Carries one glass knife (He knew a certain someone who had two and caught on, but broke the other in a fight) and a glass vial with steel shavings in it.  Is skilled at knife fighting and archery. Well trained in his skill set within allomancy.

age: 24

Weakness: Loyal to friends and family to a point where he can be manipulated through them. He will do nearly anything to protect them. He is not that strong or good at hand to hand combat or constant exertion when not using allomancy.

Physical characteristics: About seventy inches tall, a slight man with a weight of about 130 pounds. Dark brown hair and sea green eyes.

Family: Mother, Father, brother, sister (all deceased)

Home planet: Scadrial

History/Biography: Born in 1002 CE to Nora, a skaa woman who had a secretly fell in love  with  a nobleman named Elandrial of House Tiekal. They ran off to the forest together to avoid the attack of the Lord Ruler as they raised a family. Second youngest, Damon's mother died in childbirth when he was five years old. His baby sister survived and him and his brother did there best to run the house while there father, presumed dead, by the nobles, worked as a skaa craftsman running a carpentry shop. He brought grain back to his family back in the forest. When he was 18 Damon snapped, attacked by a wolf while chopping lumber in the forest for his fathers carpentry shop. He went a year later to Luthadel help provide his his family. He met the right people and after finding that, while running the carpentry shop while his father was checking on the rest of the family, they had been raided by the Canton of Inquisition, he began his personal war on the Empire. He was trained by an other assassin who was very talented. He worked  as an assassin doing any anything he could  as long as it will harm the Final Empire, the Ministrys, or noblemen. When the Empire fell, Damon was not sure what to do and ended up as a freelance assassin.


Edited by ElendVenture
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13 hours ago, Turtle373 said:

Welcome!! Someone will probably add you to the chat, I'm not going to because I'm fairly new myself and don't know protocol

*Is head of recruitment*

Good, because that isn't your job, that's mine or Gancho's.

@ElendVenture, welcome!

Edited by #Voidapple
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