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Rules for Surviving a Fantasy World

Aon Ati

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610. If a character says something along the lines of "you have to be careful of what you say - somebody's always listening", then they are a traitor and spy who will dramatically repeat those same words with a mocking tone and a "Sorry, ___, but I told you ______". (in the dramatically dramatic betrayal scene, of course)

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  • 2 weeks later...

612. If you are the main character, and are struggling emotionally or mentally, have hope! Soon something will come that will push you over the edge, give you a power boost, and resolve some of your issues all at once. 

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612c. No matter how heroic you were before, no matter how good you were at, well, anything, the new protagonist will be better, and you will die from a threat that makes whatever it was you fought seem easy.

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  • 9 months later...

619. If a powerful and "benevolent" entity sweeps in and offers you unfathomable powers, powerful items, or candy in exchange for a few measly favors, it's probably a scam.

    619a. If the air quotes aren't there, it's probably good tho.

    619b. Turkish Delight doesn't taste that good anyway.

620. Listen to the strange old man on the street corner. You won't regret it.

    620a. If the Strage Old Man turns out to be evil, of course, all bets are off.

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621: the normal object that the comedy relief has is most likely the bbeg's weakness/macguffin/thingamabob/unobtainium ore. KEEP IT SAFE.

622: if you are LGBTQ+, be the "common" things, (gay, lesbian, bi, trans, ace/aro), and keep it from becoming a major plot/character point.

Edited by Just_a_Fan
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623. While it's true that the laws of physics do apply, if someone says "What? Impossible!" about something, it is not impossible. In fact, it's likely to happen again within the next five seconds.

    623a. This is doubly true if said thing is possible because of the power of friendship.

Edited by NerdyAarakocra
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625: bros before [farming equipment]

626: necromancy is often not going to do what you want, as fate has a tendency to give you the finger when you try to bring folks back from the dead without major sacrifice.

  626b: might be ignored by plot armor.

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627: As an unnamed side character, to ensure your survival, you must obtain the ideal level of importantce so that you are more valuable alive than dead to both the hero and the villain of the story you are in

627a: Too important, and the villain will assassinate you

627b: Not important enough, and you'll be collateral in a fight

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628. A group of three Adventurers always features a traitor.

629. Should an evil person show up in the night, the chances of you noticing are negligible in most environments.

630. Magic items that have a fore warning attached should always be used, even if it is used incorrectly.

631. Avoid unnecessary romance side-plots along the way. 

632. Sometimes, sacrifices must be made, but you may have to make it more dramatic otherwise people will forget who was dead and who was alive.

633. Odd, prime numbers are always better for super-mysterious-ultra-powerful councils. A number like 4 is blasphemy. 

634. One cannot outrun a mysterious monster in a cave. Refrain from interacting in dark caves.

635. Fall damage is negated if there was a greater hazard nearby.

636. Drink coffee.

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