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Interest in the Alleyverse


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So recently I've seen a lot of posts about the "Alleyverse" and from what I've seen it sounds really interesting. So I was wondering if there was a specific post explaining it fully and the factions and whatnot, and if there isn't could someone please explain it here


Celluraid (6).jpg

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In my signature you'll find a link to "alleymatics", which makes everything even more confusing.

However it started with one of the mods, I think @Kurkistan listing people whom he wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley. I guess the first offender was @Voidus who suggested to bake hemalurgic spikes into cookies, but that was some time before I joined the 17th shard.

Anyway, the idea grew memetic and over time stuff such as "the light alley", "the mediocorely lit alley", "the highway" and "the roundabout" emerged. I tried to deal with it in the aforementioned alleymatics, but the whole thing is bigger than any single person, no matter how motivated. It is incomprehensible and very, very dangerous.

However, if you want cookies, you just have to ask.

Edited by Alfa
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11 minutes ago, Toaster Retribution said:

I have too been wondering about how this works. Maybe people like @Mraize @Nohadon @MacThorstenson who I've seen involved in this could write up a guide of some sort (or maybe that would spoil the fun, I don't know).

What exactly are you looking for in said guide???

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@Mraize I'm thinking an overciew of the major guilds, what you do, maybe explain your references for new people who don't know Breaths or hemalurgy. Explain how you wage your Alleywar as well. As I said, you don't have to do this, and if it in any way ruins your guild secrecy stuff or the fun of it, I'd say don't do it. But it might be helpful for people who are wondering what on Yolen you are up to.

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1 hour ago, Merrickz said:

This is excellent proof that the Ghostbloods aren’t just power hungry evil doers, they’re kind members of society too

I'm still not sure. :lol: But yes, the alleyverse will be defined, the definition's level of comprehensibility will be something else.

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so, the alleyverse is going through something I am now calling phase 2: there are more ground rules, rp guides and things like that. if you really want to learn more, go to the social groups and clans forum, and look at some of the groups there, I especially recommend checking out these threads:

Rules of warfare

Alley-verse combat guide

Arena of Valour


Canton of Combat


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On 4/13/2018 at 2:11 AM, Nohadon said:

so, the alleyverse is going through something I am now calling phase 2: there are more ground rules, rp guides and things like that. if you really want to learn more, go to the social groups and clans forum, and look at some of the groups there, I especially recommend checking out these threads:

Rules of warfare

Alley-verse combat guide

Arena of Valour


Canton of Combat


Notably the DA is missing from this list. But we are not offended yet. It is smart to bring people to the guilds slowly. We will get teach them later.

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3 minutes ago, ElephantEarwax said:

Notably the DA is missing from this list. But we are not offended yet. It is smart to bring people to the guilds slowly. We will get teach them later.

The DA is not participating.

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