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TUBA - The Underground Bakers' Association

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1 hour ago, Archer said:

If anyone is interested in joining us, PM me. 

As for Illythyrra, you have to live with the consequences of your actions. TUBA is not interested in accepting you as a member at this time. 

Oh.  Sorry I bothered you.

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31 minutes ago, Voidus said:

To clarify a bit, please don't take over an existing thread, but you could make a new one with the purpose of being the longest. That would take you quite a while though I'd say.

Do you know anything about the other reason that the thread was locked and/or can you tell us?

Edited by MacThorstenson
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Just now, MacThorstenson said:

Do you know anything about the other reason that the thread was locked? 

I think Chaos may post something about it later with more specifics, but basically the OP was no longer around so the thread was a bit redundant.

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@Stormblessed Dolphin(Or anyone else important)

Hi I'm newish around here/have been inactive for a while

I swear to never reveal information about TUBA which is deemed secret.

I swear to never spike any baked item with any substance that should not be there.

And I swear allegiance to this Guild alone and swear to remain aloof from all others within the Alleyverse.

Edited by PrinceDusty
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@PrinceDusty as the acting head of TUBA, I accept your oaths. Welcome to the team. 

@Grey Knight I will flay your army alive, dissect their organs with a blunt stick, and then raze their barracks to dust-covered slop before they even make it through the front door. Then I will dance on their empty suits of armour in the most humiliating way possible. Possibly an Irish jig. I haven't decided yet. Bring it on. 

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1 minute ago, Archer said:


@Grey Knight I will flay your army alive, dissect their organs with a blunt stick, and then raze their barracks to dust-covered slop before they even make it through the front door. Then I will dance on their empty suits of armour in the most humiliating way possible. Possibly an Irish jig. I haven't decided yet. Bring it on. 

Challenge accepted :lol:

Prepare yourself. The Black Crusade is coming.

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Hey guys, I'mma make a bit more serious post.

May is Mental Health Month. There are a lot of people here on the Shard who have serious mental illnesses that incapacitate them, illnesses like anxiety and depression. Anxiety and depression are just some of the better-known ones. There's a whole lot more that goes on behind closed doors, Multiple Personality Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Depersonalization/Derealization, Schizophrenia, PTSD. All of the nasties that we like to pretend don't exist, but make a lot of people's lives a living hell. Ignoring when our friends struggle is callous and vile.

So I would like to invite you all, TUBA, DA, Stick-ers, Ghostbloods, Liebrarians, and everyone else, to turn your profile picture green and/or spread the word in your signature. We live, we love, we fight for each other.


Edited by I am Witless
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6 hours ago, Archer said:

If anyone is interested in joining us, PM me. 

As for Illythyrra, you have to live with the consequences of your actions. TUBA is not interested in accepting you as a member at this time. 

I told her something else in a PM. In light of the recent post by Kidpen, however, this might have turned out to be the better choice, at least for now.

1 hour ago, I am Witless said:

Hey guys, I'mma make a bit more serious post.

May is Mental Health Month. There are a lot of people here on the Shard who have serious mental illnesses that incapacitate them, illnesses like anxiety and depression. Anxiety and depression are just some of the better-known ones. There's a whole lot more that goes on behind closed doors, Multiple Personality Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Depersonalization/Derealization, Schizophrenia, PTSD. All of the nasties that we like to pretend don't exist, but make a lot of people's lives a living hell. Ignoring when our friends struggle is callous and vile.

So I would like to invite you all, TUBA, DA, Stick-ers, Ghostbloods, Liebrarians, and everyone else, to turn your profile picture green and/or spread the word in your signature. We live, we love, we fight for each other.


What about using a green version of the 17thshard logo?

Edited by Leyrann
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Hello everyone.  I have returned to the fold, formerly Illythyrra dark.  I have worked out my inner demons, and am now back thanks to Archers help to put things right.  I can't tell you how happy I am to be back, and how sorry I am for failing you all here.

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On 4/13/2018 at 2:41 PM, Stormblessed Dolphin said:

Storm signed off of the spanreed conversation. He smiled to himself, big changes were coming. Big changes had already occurred. The spanreed conversation was of the former Counter-Intelligence Division of the Dark Alley. Former. That was the key word. He and his spies had infiltrated them. They hadn't suspected a thing. He thought of his clever plans. It had begun with Tesh, he had sought her allegiance to the cause. From there it had grown, it had begun to grow in strength. Their plans, oh their wonderful plans had just begun to blossom. They would establish an organization which would provide the common people with baked goods, baked goods which were without a doubt, free from hemalurgic spikes. Their goals had included the eventual full infiltration of the DA, perhaps even to bring them down. This organization came to be known as TUBA, The Underground Baker's Association. But that had been only part of it. They had created a cover group. The Light Alley. A phony organization, with a name meant for mockery. A misinformation game. They allowed the DA to 'infiltrate' it. They never would have seen the truth. until it was too late.

But it had been cut short.

Storm grimaced in anger.

The Potato.


He had exposed them. giving away the secret of TUBA's existence. Revealing the moles in the DA's ranks. But this would not become a stumbling block, they would build up from this. TUBA would not fall. For, though the Potato thought to serve the DA, he weakened it. Bringing to a close it's long period of domination. The very existence of TUBA had shocked it.

They would perhaps hold a grudge against The Potato, for his gross betrayal, but they wouldn't let it debilitate them. It was time to go public, time to create their organization of light, not of shadows. It was time to emerge from the shadows. Yes, they would keep the name of TUBA, but not because they would operate in secret. Their name would stand as a reminder. A memory of a time when the DA overshadowed all.

It was time to shine through the darkness.

TUBA  -  The Underground Baker's Association 

Hello! As partially stated above, TUBA is an organization, originally created to oppose the DA. 

Our goals, and purposes now include:

    - Distributing safe, certified non-hemalurgic baked goods

    - Creating, sharing, and finding great recipes for baking

While our purposes are limited to a few things now, we have more, greater plans, for the future. Changes and announcements are forthcoming.

My last note, while we could be called the polar opposite of the DA, perhaps their rivals, and their greatest enemy. I hold great respect for their organization, they have made many breakthroughs in research involving investiture. It is perhaps impossible, but from here on, I hope that no ill feelings will exist between us. Our goals no longer involve the downfall of the Dark Alley, and we will remain peaceful to all guilds. We will not attack, unless attacked first.

(We will also be following all rules and guidelines for the Alleyverse.)

Member list:

  Reveal hidden contents


@Stormblessed Dolphin

Senior Members:






@I am Witless





@Mraize (Ghostblood Representative)


@Vashakh Sadeas



@The Thinking Herald



Head of Recruitment - @Archer



@Grey Knight

@Illythyrra Dark


Anyone wishing to join must:

   - Swear to never reveal information about our organization which is deemed secret.

   - Swear to never spike any baked item with any substance that should not be there

   - Swear allegiance to this Guild, and give all due loyalty to it's goals and precepts


We also have a discord: https://discord.gg/juCfPtH

Before the entire group here, I swear to these oaths Of Tuba:

I will never reveal information on this organisation

I will never spike anyones baked goods with anything that should not be there (or steal their breaths)

and I swear allegiance to this guild as it's priestess healer once more, and give all due loyalty to it's goals and precepts.  So let it be.

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Just now, Shallanah said:

Before the entire group here, I swear to these oaths Of Tuba:

I will never reveal information on this organisation

I will never spike anyones baked goods with anything that should not be there (or steal their breaths)

and I swear allegiance to this guild as it's priestess healer once more, and give all due loyalty to it's goals and precepts.  So let it be.

Thank you. You have been accepted back into our ranks. 

Oaths, updated, accepted.

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