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TUBA - The Underground Bakers' Association

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I just realized this, but... I never formally swore to TUBA.

I BitBitio hereby swear to never reveal information about our organization which is deemed secret.

I BitBitio hereby swear to never spike any baked item with any substance that should not be there.

I BitBitio hereby swear allegiance to this Guild, and give all due loyalty to it's goals and precepts.

I BitBitio hereby swear that I am not actually swearing bevause swearing is bad.

Life before Death, friends.

Heck, I'll post an RP scene to spice things up.


*This scene is for when I first joined TUBA*

Kane stared around in awe. The Alleycity was massive. He had entered through the Northwest Gate, near the Ghostbloods Castle a ways down. He saw such variety here. A Corpate walker carried a group of people over buildings towards their alleys. A palanquin brought the rich to their destination.

Overhead, a Southern Scadrian mini-airship ferried some people to an upper-floor apartment. Nearby, street children and millworkers carried bundles of food and supplies. The Alleycity, the biggest city on this side of the Cosmere.

Kane strode along, passing the Ghostblood castle and admiring its architecture. He fiddled with his Copperminds and continued on. He continued passing alleys, some dark, some light, some colorful, some dull.

He passed by a particularly large Alleyway, where a large bar sat unused. He passed by the Dark Alley area, where a group of cloaked figures studied a Koloss, but bigger. Kane cringed and shied away. His parents had been killed by Koloss.

With a slightly less awed demeanor, he passed a particularly bright Alley. A large sign was hung up between the two buildings that made up the Alley. The sign read: 


Curiously, Kane advanced. He walked down the Alley and saw a man speaking to another. The first nodded, dropped a coin, and rose from the ground. The second man began to walk from the Alley and seemed surprised to see Kane. He paused for a moment. 

*soft piano music plays*

"I saw you poking around at the DA earlier. Er, I should introduce myself first. My name is Mace. Good evening. I'm from TUBA. The path you're about to embark on is one you may never return from. Too many good souls have been lost to the evils of the Dark Alley. The senseless destruction and desolation that comes from the DA is a stain on any member's conscience. 

But here at TUBA, we offer hope. Our safe, hemalurgy-free baking alternatives have been shown to rehabilitate even the darkest of souls. There is always another path for you, why squander your life with the denizens of evil?"

Within 30 seconds Kane had accepted his request and joined TUBA. 

His life would never be the same.


Does that count as godmodding or no?


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1 minute ago, MetaTerminal said:

2 years and 4 months before, in fact. Minus a few months for the undercover era, which there are no public records of.

(Seriously, you are incredibly awesome)

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Can I join TUBA?

I, Itiah, swear to never reveal information about our organization which is deemed secret.

I, Itiah, swear to never spike any baked item with any substance that should not be there

 I, Itiah, swear allegiance to this Guild, and give all due loyalty to it's goals and precepts

Dunno if you noticed, but my new characters aren’t the biggest fans of Hemalurgy. :lol:

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11 hours ago, I think I am here. said:

Can I join TUBA?

I, Itiah, swear to never reveal information about our organization which is deemed secret.

I, Itiah, swear to never spike any baked item with any substance that should not be there

 I, Itiah, swear allegiance to this Guild, and give all due loyalty to it's goals and precepts

Dunno if you noticed, but my new characters aren’t the biggest fans of Hemalurgy. :lol:

These oaths are accepted. Welcome to TUBA.

Edited by Archer
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Can I join too? I'm a newcomer to these parts and what have you.

Ignore my name and picture, for some reason those look like they're from another Sharder but my real name is Sudiov and here's my actual dp:

Totally different from that other guy. You should let me in to all your secrets and give me access to your bakeries while unsupervised.

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*pulls out Gold Dynamo roller* 


Oh, and sorry Sudiov/ @Voidus we have received some information that may or may not pin you as the head of the DA. As such, I regret to inform you that, even if these rumors are not true, we still cannot let you in. The DA may be open if you are not already with them.


Edited by Inklingspren
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