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3 hours ago, Darth Woodrack said:

Sarah teleported behind him, and shot at him.


*chuckles* nothing personal, kid

also i completely ruined the serious moment, but you can't ask me not to do something like that when the opportunity is right there


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15 hours ago, Darth Woodrack said:

A swarm of sausage eating breadmunks swarmed Franz and tried to eat him whole. Sarah teleported further away.

Franz swung his sausage and knocked the breadmunks to the side, unfortunately they ate his sausage as he swung it.

The breadmunks swarmed him as he tried to summon another sausage blade. But everytime he summoned one they ate it. Finally he gave up and was over run. The breadmunks had killed him. But when he died, he began to be encased in the sausage again. The breadmunks tried to eat said sausage, but couldn't. It regenerated as quickly as they ate it. eventually it rose into the air again, and split open in a burst of light.

This time Franz stayed floating in the sky, powered by the power of the sausage. He looked very different, with both arms and legs as giant sausages. All that remained of his glorious body was the torso and the head. 

Above his head a ball of light began to glow. Out of the light flew giant sausages like missiles at sarah and all the breadmunks.


When the Head of recruitment approached him he summoned the Holy sausage grenade and counted to three. He threw it at the head of recruitment where it would soon blow up releasing a large number of giant sausages.

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Franz flew into the sky and summoned more sausage launchers to shoot at the breadmunks. Nothing would stop him in his sausage glory, and eventually the breadmunks would get full.

These sausage launchers would launch ginormous sausages too big for the breadmunks to eat. He noticed that Sarah had left, but it was no matter. The Sausage would consume all eventually. It didn't matter if he killed sarah, sudiov, or the breadmunks first. They would all be consumed by the sausage.


Yes. If a character is killed here they will be dead assuming they cant resurrect themselves. 

Franz will resurrect any who promise to serve him in all of his sausage glory.


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Sudiov waited patiently for the man to finish. He hadn't declared any allegiance with the Dark Alley yet but he did seem to be causing some problems in the area.

A sausage was launched into Sudiov's shoulder, exploding as it impacted.

"Shall I assist here?" Sudiov asked the nearby members of TUBA as his shoulder reformed.

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"Ohh this is what I have been waiting for. Soon I will reveal my final form!" Franz whispered to himself, "Not only as the sausage god, but as a sausage Adonalsium! The Great sausage emperor himself! Conquering sausages- I mean universes one at a time until they become like me. One with the sausage."

He launched more giant sausages at the breadmunks, the sausages steadily increasing in size until they started to create craters in the ground from their impact.

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"No need to yell." Sudiov said, shaking his head as he did so.

The room began to darken as Sudiov began striding towards the strange man, stepping on the air as easily as he had the solid ground. Another sausage collided with him but this time it vanished entirely as it made contact with him.

"It seems that you're causing some trouble here." Sudiov said. "Would you mind ceasing all of this activity? I think you're being a little rude."

Another sausage vanished as it hit him.

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"Haha! I am causing a ruckus aren't I? But you will soon bow beneath the power of the sausage. You may be able to stop my sausages for now! But there is a limit to how much you can voidmake. It may take a form or two, but I will reach that limit, and I WILL DESTROY YOU!"

He reaches Back and Pulls another sausage from nowhere. He chucks it at Sudiov while producing more and more sausage launchers. Grinning madly he pointed at Sudiov, launching a dozen sausages at him.

He would defeat this being of the void and add this universe to all the others he had conquered.

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13 minutes ago, AonEne said:



He is Franz, God Emperor of the Sausageverse's.

He is currently becoming stronger and stronger every time he is killed and attempting to kill Sudiov by chucking sausages at him.

He plans on taking over the alleyverse and turning it into a giant sausage after defeating Sudiov, then Voidus, then Metronome.

I've put so much thought into him that I really want him to be a legitimate character, but something tells me that this wouldn't be a good idea.




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And the Breadmunk queen came. She had was so powerful that Franz should be terrified.


The Breadmunk queen is bigger than the fiend, has six wings, breaths fire, and has near invulnerable skin. I only bring her out to fight god entities that threatens her children. Don't worry, I don't intend her as a serious thing. She also can evolve at a incredibly fast speed. And do... other things...

Okay, seriously she will only be brought out when someone brings back Hellbent, or someone like Franz.


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I gotta point out, you guys, that if you're defacing my beautiful thread where I'm trying to keep an eye out for join requests, you have to do 20 pushups. Go.

Uhh, Darth?

Has this breadmunk queen of yours actually been approved?


I don't 






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