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[OB] Finished reading, felt a burning need to share my thoughts


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One revelation in OB held the power to look at the books in another way - there was a pact between the Shards not to settle together on the same planet.

And this changes the way to judge Odium as "god's wrath" - it looks like he acts as an enforcer for this pact and at the same time as a punisher for the Shards who didn't hold this oath.

On the other side he himself also killed Shards who are dangerous for himself - perhaps in order not to break this pact himself.

BUT - with this pact there should be one Shard absolutely unable to act against  - this would be Honor, the one who clinges to the very wording of oaths.

And what a nice coincidence that this Shard and his lover Cultivation ended up in a system with more than one habitable planet - the possibility to hold on to the words of the pact and be together nontheless.

On the other hand Odium is the one who doesn't care so much about the words of an oath, but the meaning, but whereas this would be cheating, he wasn't able to act on his order - as long as Ashyn wasn't nearly destroyed and Honor had no other way than to go with his humans to Roshar.

Really - why should Honor who wasn't connected to the Parshendi chill out on Roshar if humans were located on Ashyn and wait until they destroy the planet?

Why would he feel responsible for this?

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