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So, many of you probably noticed the Larkin from the Rysn Interlude, a strange little creature with silver eyes, the same creature Darkness used to drain Lift's Awesomeness. Now, did you notice that there are two Larkin in the background of the Knights Radiant surge chart? I sure did. Any thoughts as to their relevance to Knights Radiance would be nice. We know they drain Stormlight, maybe they can also re purpose it? Are they the opposite of Lift? They take Stormlight and slowly digest it? If so, then they could be used as a pretty big Stormlight storage device. Thoughts? Opinions?


Edit: Woot, this is post #100!

Edited by cris34b
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We've been wondering about the larkin even since (a few months after) The Way of Kings came out. And really, we don't know anything about them, other than they are really rare, come from Aimia (?), and can apparently drain the Stormlight off people.

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I'm sure there will be a lot more about them in future books. One thing I noticed was that the larkin that Rysn got was described as being HERS, and I got the strong impression that it wasn't in a "you own this" kind of way. There seemed to be a significant connection implied. Also, the one Darkness had was bound to keep it from escaping. This implies that larkin are intelligent on par with a Ryshadium, and choose people the way Ryshadium choose riders. 

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What I want to know is if the larkin are part of the greatshell's "soul." Rysn's babsk makes a comment that she was saved by the soul of the island itself, which is how she wound up surviving the fall. I'm not sure if this makes any sense or would be at all accurate, but the picture that comes to mind is of a bunch of larkin swarming out to break her fall, and one of them decided to stay with her.


On a different, but related topic, someone in a different thread had thrown out the possibility that a larkin may be able to drain Nightblood. I think it would be really interesting to learn if larkin only draw stormlight, or if they draw all investiture.

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Random thought: What if Larkin are Baby Greatshells? They use their wings to fly to New areas, draw in stormlight until they have enough to pupae and gestate their "soul" into the new form in the chain.

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If the were baby greatshells, it seems unlikely that there should be dead larkins resonably often (since thats what the islanders trade away)


I mean, sure, some might get sick or something, but still. They should pupate then, not end up dead while still a larkin.

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Yeah, as for the island's "soul" saving Rysn, I get the strong implication that it is a very large spren saving her, much like how Syl can touch and carry light objects through her bond with Kaladin, maybe the spren bound to the Greatshells gain some of the same benefits, allowing them to manifest physically, though not as much, which is why Rysn still broke most of her body. It would also explain how Greatshells get so big. Instead of Surgebinder powers, they manifest extreme size.

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Most definitley. I think Larkins will turn out to be important as they are, but I don't think they're a larval form. Larvae come out in the Swarm range and then most get eaten, so Larkin's would be everywhere. Instead I think they are like Sky-eels and Greatshells. Animals that use Surges to survive in some way shape or form. That said, Larkin's being able to steal stormlight is pretty amazing.

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I'm sure there will be a lot more about them in future books. One thing I noticed was that the larkin that Rysn got was described as being HERS, and I got the strong impression that it wasn't in a "you own this" kind of way. There seemed to be a significant connection implied. Also, the one Darkness had was bound to keep it from escaping. This implies that larkin are intelligent on par with a Ryshadium, and choose people the way Ryshadium choose riders. 


Err.  Stupid birds fly off if not trained.  There's likely a Ryshadium connection, as you mention with the Rysn example, but I wouldn't say anything about Darkness' bird implies intelligence.


In other news, for some reason I assumed the bird was really unhealthy and for some reason being close to Lift forced her to Regrowth-ify it.  I blame the forums for making me aware of her Surges before I was supposed to.

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There like giant wasps not birds in my imagination, or maybe flying spiders.  I think the Larkin and the Relu Na were attracted to Rysn because I think she is on her way to being a Willshaper.  She is adventurous, she explores, and is not afraid to jump off the head of a greatshell hundreds of feet in the air. 

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We know kings will pay fortunes for both Larkin and shardplate. They also both suck up stormlight. Shardplate probably doesn't come from a spren, so maybe it comes from a Larkin.

This is just speculation, and someones probably already said something about it, but I thought I'd post anyway.

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A little off subject, I think that on her survival there is another possibility.    Who else do we know of that fell hundreds of feet and survived?     Only 2 proto KRs.     They mostly drained all the spheres that they had on them, and were quite a bit further along as KRs.     But Rysn also may not have had that many spheres on her.


There is no certainty of course.     Especially, since we don't get a follow up POV.


The same goes for the Larkin.    I can't wait to see a follow up POV to see if it "gathers Stormlight" & brings it to her?     Or if she shows some control over it like the super horses.

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