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Calm before the Storm

Lord Meeker

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" Please, I'm not here for 'revenge' or any other heroic or sappy reasons. I'm here out of curiosity." Septimus smiled. " What you said earlier however, not a threat..." Septimus chuckled lightly. Septimus was in a surprisingly good mood, and channeled his inner Nei'en, sinking Rhazien's bread into the table. 

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His game having wrapped up, Mac walked to the nearest restaurant. Hopefully they are supplied by the DA. Why would you stick that into yourself? Because it gives me magic powers! Your eating the souls of innocent people. Shut up.

Unfortunately, they didn't support hemalurgic cookies, and neither did the next restaurant. But, it was getting late and Mac wanted food, so he settled for an inferior restaurant. As he walked in, he heard septimus say "not a threat..." to Rhazien. Huh, it looks like he wasen't content with the spikes or the aons, what is he up to?  Mac sits down at a table next to them and eaves drops on their conversation.

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Septimus glanced towards his wrist which had begun to flash with a yellow light. Mac was here. He looked towards him, " Hey Mac, I've got something for you!" Septimus tossed him a small fabrial with a Garnet. " The Blood Fabrial I told you about. Like the Metal Attractor, but it can quite literally rip a persons body apart. Don't worry, this prototype is a bit safer than my Metal one... I'd still be careful though."

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"Thanks! I need to run this through a few tests back at the shop, but once I do we will be able to start selling immediately." Putting it in his robes pocket, he notes "You may want to re-calibrate your wrist. Its running behind."  

He then sits back and continues to not so subtly watch their conversation.

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Septimus glanced at his watch. Not only did it tell time, but it had a retractable pain fabrial, metal attractor fabrial, and had a detector fabrial. He turned the piece of wood in his hand into a screwdriver, adjusting the range on his detector fabrial. He looked back at Rhazien, who was attempting to rip off pieces of his bread.

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Tevarah sat on a ledge of a tall building contemplating the message he had received, he must start preparing its not often Mraize himself gives you a message, he leaps off the building and lashes across the city.

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Rhazien huffs annoyed. He moves to stand. As he does so he whispers in a hushed tone, hoping that only Septimus will be able to hear.

"A storm is coming, one that I can not stop, but one that I can embrace for what it will bring and what it will change. You are welcome to either follow me in my endeavor or stay and prepare yourself for what is coming. If you choose to follow I would like you to bring Nei'an with you. If not Then do not bother, I can complete this task myself without much help." Rhazien stood, leaving a few coins on the table for the bartender to collect.

He checked his satchel. He had the page of Aons given to him by Mac, spikes in his chest from Voidus, his own natural surgebinding abilities and breaths, notes plans, and maps. Next on the list could operate in any order. Get unkeyed metalminds from Mace, capture himself an Aviar under the direction of First of the Night or learn ClayShan from Kane. Perhaps the best course of action was to get the metalminds, set up an expedition with  First of the Night and invite Kane to teach him Clayshan as well as practice the Aons in his satchel.

Rhazien teleports to the outside, keeping his eyes peeled for Mace or First of the Night. He made a mental note to keep an eye on Mac. That one could cause trouble, he had been known to do so in the past. Failure was not an option Rhazien would accept.

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     Septimus considered the words, and the weight behind them. Something was coming, he himself could feel that. The Rhythms danced to Anticipation. Septimus had never approved of the unfortunate tensions that persisted between the DA and TUBA. Best to find a rock where he could stay above the storm until it calmed. Maybe Rhazien planned to take action and take the storm himself. Septimus smiled. Could there finally be a peace? Septimus tapped Steel, and simply passed through the wall. He grabbed Nei'en by the collar, and launched himself with a pillar of rock towards Rhazien. He would see where this went. If worst came to worst, he would gain some information he could use against him.

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Mac sat back in his chair watching Rhazien as he stood up and left, thinking about what he said. There was a storm coming. If only because someone with the power of Rhazien had the ability to cause a storm to come at will. If this was as bad as Rhazien was making it out to be, then they were screwed.

So if this goes over well, I can have my mind Back?

Shut up. I'm having an internal monologue, plus, the only reason why you think you have a body, is because you are a figment of our collective experiances.

But if that were the case, couldn't you just ignore me and nothing would happen?

Be quiet. The question is, what are we going to do. Voidus is on vacation in the Void, he wont be back for a while, at least another half day. What to do, what to do.

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3 hours ago, Mraize said:

capture himself an Aviar under the direction of First of the Night 


Quick question. I created First of the Night as a character to only be used inside a PM because the rules of that RP were no investiture users. I know that having multiple characters is discouraged so I was planning on using Soul for all of my public RP. So is my second character allowed as this seems to imply or should I keep First of the Night separate like I planned? I’m okay using both in all RPs if that’s what people want, but that wasn’t my plan. As of now Soul is my only public RP character.


Or is he talking about someone else? I just looked and my other character is named Fifth if the Night, not First. I could just be very confused and be misunderstanding what’s going on, or my above message could be relevant. What I mostly want to happen is not get in trouble like I did with my alt accounts so someone explain please.


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Kalmar saw Rhazien walking down the street, and knew there was something going on. He teleported to the top of a nearby building and disguised as Tad Strange, such a normal man that no one ever gave him a second look.

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Lets see, Rhazien has a plan, the something big is happening, so what should I do?

Why are you asking me? You have control of my body.

I wasn't, I was monolouging. It looks like something big is happening, I could definitely do something. At the very least I could publicly voice my disapproval. 

Glancing over, he saw a poster on the wall, advertising for a vacation on a beach in Nalthis. 

Or, I could go to the beach! Mac stands up, a new man, a determined man. Ready to go and do something important. Go on vacation.

Uh, isn't there something about you having a limited number of vacation days as a member of the DA?

The contracts don't matter unless you get caught. Plus I should have enough. I think.

He walks toward the door, and nods goodbye to the waiter. As he walks out, he weaves himself a quick outfit using the One Power, a nice suit and bowler hat, and sees Voidus sitting in the middle of the road. Doing a quick calculation in his head to see if he actually can go on vacation, he realizes that he can't. Crap, I'm out of vacation days. Lamenting his lost vacation, he walks up to voidus, waiting.

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