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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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6 minutes ago, Sequence said:


Must I remind you two (mainly Emulaton) that this is TLT, not a canon book series? TLT is barely even meant to be an RP, it's just supposed to be the randomness that Wizard and the Bookwyrm are loyally following. If you're going to introduce book characters to TLT, expect things to be changed!!! What else can I say? Nothing's supposed to be serious here!

yea, I know. Nothing is very serious.


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2 minutes ago, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

yea, I know. Nothing is very serious.


36 minutes ago, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

DON"T TRY AND CHANGE SCATHACH'S BACKSTORY! also, have you even read the books?


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3 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

"Do we have evidence?"

"Yes, your honor. I already showed it. If you'd like me to show it again, I can."

On 5/21/2022 at 8:31 PM, Nameless said:

At that precise moment, the Urn dragon was slain by a lance of fire.

"And this new card is useless. I have evidence that it was faked."

Edited by Nameless
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"Well, then."

Corvus picked up the gavel.

"That seems to put this to rest then. This trial is at an end. The Urn dragon was slain by a lance of fire, not by passing gas, and as such, the card is invalid, regardless of whether or not it is real or fake. Case closed."

Corvus smacked the gavel once, and the court was adjourned.

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