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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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And Nameless stopped the reaction.

9 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

The Darkbeast ate the space in front of it, continuing to gain on Lard.

Lard, after dealing with the entire jedi council, turned to his brothers for advice. "Alright Legend, your shapeshifting isn't working. How about you Barath? You're the expert on these wither type things." Upon his call, Barath's shade formed from the miasma that swirled around Lard, scarred face frowning in concern. "I'm afraid I have only guesses. Never seen this particular breed of wither creature before, not in all my nights living. It seems to move by eating the reality. Perhaps a location with thicker reality will slow it? Closer to a Narrator, perhaps." Lard nodded gratefully, Barath fading back into the mass of shapeless souls. "Alright Legend, we need more speed if we're going to make it to a Narrator. Any ideas?" His brother grinned, shaping Lard into a phoenix, and the Haunted Man blasted off through the night sky, roaring straight towards the nearest Narrator.

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6 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

The nearest Narrator happened to be Nameless.

Nameless was a bit surprised when his war council  was interrupted  a phoenix carrying 655 bursting through his wall, followed close after by the Darkbeast, but he recovered quickly, throwing a pocket universe at the Darkbeast and pulling out his sword.

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36 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

The Darkbeast chewed on the universe happily in the corner. 655 sighed in relief.

Nameless waved hello to 655 and was about to ask who the phoenix was, when both the planet and time exploded.

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2 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

655 was miffed that this kept happening to him.

Nameless took the opportunity to move the planet slightly before recreating it, leaving the Darkbeast to munch on it's pocket universe in solitude. The planet was now orbiting a pink star.

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13 hours ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Thaidakar teleported to Sequence and squeezed them in a hug, "I REMEMBER!"

Sequence blinked. "...How? You're from like, 400 years ago or whatever. How many pages is that?" Sequence narrowed her eyes. "Are you an imposter-Thaidakar? Like, a withergeist in disguise or something?"

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45 minutes ago, Sequence said:

Sequence blinked. "...How? You're from like, 400 years ago or whatever. How many pages is that?" Sequence narrowed her eyes. "Are you an imposter-Thaidakar? Like, a withergeist in disguise or something?"

"im no imposter." he smiled, "I got my memories, I found a plan." Sevel floated calmly beside him.

"sequence, sevel here is the last remnant of my future soul."

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