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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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A Ghanderflaffle burst into the Cadmium bubble, followed closely by several of his friends.

"Though uncultured cretin! Though hast spat upon the honor of my kinswoman! All that is left to thee be to die with what faint honor though hast left in thine blackened soul!

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The Ghanderflaffles were too caught up in their tradgedy reenactment to stop now. "We are not fooled by thine quicksilver tongue you accursed Narrator! Indeed, our blades shall strike all the harder for thine treacherous words."

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Three Ghanderflaffles fainted in shock. "Woah is I! For the blackest omen of that grim specter, death, is upon me! Ever I have feared this day, but no! If death be my destiny, I shall face it with honor!" With these words, the last Ghanderflaffle struck Wizard in the face with his rapier.

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