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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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Just now, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

The justice rolled their eyes, "the esteemed narrator Nameless is being held trial for several accusations by Abomination."

Nameless sighed. "I'm not esteemed. At least not universally. Some people hate me, others resent me. Sure, some esteem me, but they're a minority, so far as I can tell. Anyways, what are the accusations?"

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Drozor Altair woke at his makeshift camp in the cognitive realm. There was something coming. The reason he had come to TLT, in spite of the dangers, the dangers of being Shattered. "Render, the destroyer of worlds, comes," he whispered hoarsely, staring into the fire in front of him


High on a plateau on in the cognitive realm, far away from where Drozor was camped, the emotional spren roamed freely. However, deep below the lowest level of the upper plateau, within a dark sealed cave, a strange discordant melody started to sound. The air began to ripple, then pull back as a strange dark vortex formed. A darkly cloaked figure stepped out from within the vortex, which closed behind him. With strange eyes that glowed a dark, piercing red, he surveyed the cave that was softly lit by bioluminescence. A chilling, cruel grin split his features, a grin the pale white of sun-bleached bones. It contrasted sharply with his dark red features, some strange combination between true, lightless black and deep, blood red.

His mouth opened, revealing a tongue and mouth the same color as his skin. From that dark hole, a bone-chilling discordant tone rose, breaking the light and pulling it into him. A different tone caused the ceiling to crumble to dust, creating a strange stair that seemed to bend through the earth in ways that should not be possible. The strange creature released another tone, causing the air to ripple, then carry him up to the bottom step of the stair. As he started up the stair, a glowing crack formed in the cave below, and continued to spread, finally resulting in the collapse of the floor into a growing pool of magma. With an evil cackle and another discordant note, the evil being's stair suddenly seemed to roll up, carrying him to the top, and pulling a massive amount of lava behind him. As he reached the top, he shot into the air, and watched with an evil grin as the lava blasted out of the ground and splashed across the plateau and the lower plain, entombing the emotional spren and a few higher spren from a trage expedition in a quick-hardening envelope of stone.

As the strange dark being oversaw the damage, he sang a few more discordant notes, then nodded, satisfied. He sang again, causing the air to ripple and fling him away. Surveying the dried lava from above, one could see that it formed a strange message. The message read "Render Has Come".


In the courtroom, Darle's Chickens materialized in their shardplate, now with shardbeaks. They watched Charles Dickens and Nameless.

Edited by EmulatonStromenkiin
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Just now, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

In the courtroom, Darle's Chickens materialized in their shardplate, now with shardbeaks. They watched Charles Dickens and Nameless.

Nameless looked at Dickens and the chickens in confusion, shivering as he felt a tingle of premonition about something dangerous.

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