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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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"Very well." Wizard retreates to mediate and summons all narrators except Nameless to his house and shows them all the two options they have. "You can stay here until page 2,000 or you can go outside and submit to Eof. As of right now no one can resist Eof and no one will be able to until after page 2,000."

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On 6/30/2022 at 9:42 PM, The Wandering Wizard said:

"Very well." Wizard retreates to mediate and summons all narrators except Nameless to his house and shows them all the two options they have. "You can stay here until page 2,000 or you can go outside and submit to Eof. As of right now no one can resist Eof and no one will be able to until after page 2,000."

The Quarkbeast had somehow been summoned as well, after a long absence. Samanth had vanished.

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it was at that moment it was realized how to destroy Eof once and for all.

Thaidakar pulled something out of his pocket that he had saved for long enough. the final card. it was an ace of spades. he didn't know what it would do, but he knew it would do something. 

he played it. 

everything changed at once.

Eof and Thaidakar appeared in a white room that they couldn't escape.

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Thaidakar nodded, "I thought I should try it."

it was silent for a minute until a loud voice said, "who goes there!?"

Thaidakar laughed, "Thaidakar Von Kelsier, most arrogant narrator of all time. and also the most self centered. or according to a lot of people..."

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"so it would seem my... associate." said Thaidakar.

The voice laughed, "good... Thaidakar, it is time for you to make a choice."

a queer look came over Thaidakar's face, "and that choice is?"

"save everyone at a dire cost."

Thaidakar paled, "you don't mean... of course you mean that."

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2 minutes ago, Nameless said:

Eof continued smiling, summoning an easy chair to sit down in. "Yes. 'associate'. Well, I suppose it is time for your choice. Will you save everything?"

Thaidakar cringed, "the cost would be... oh."

A figure with undiscernable features walked in and said, "yes, but it would be worth it, yes?"

Thaidakar nodded absently, "i... yes. I will do it."

The figure smiled, "you've made the right choice, I will make them understand. I know you've prepared something?"

Thaidakar seemed grave, "yes." he pulled out a thick mess of papers and handed them to the figure. "I assume you can take my thoughts and write them down?"



Noone ever saw Thaidakar or Eof after that. 

A heavy book landed in a field. The man that was known as Thaidakar  was erased, all of his actions being done by Mythos instead. except that those who knew him closely remembered him larely. them being Sequence, Mythos, Spook, Micheal, Nameless, Rond, Kelsier Father of Thaidakar and all other unmade characters from his past.

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