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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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Nameless smiled. Or tried to. His hideous metallic jaw made it hard to convey human emotions. "I should really stop bringing attention to it. If no one brings my jaw up for a few pages, they'll just forget that it exists entirely."

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"Great! Now, to make sure no one thinks about our conversation too much, let's do some fancy Narrating."

Far off in the distant realm of the Forgotten, a tiny Spark formed. The Spark of imagination, a Narrator peering backwards into the ultimate destination. The place where all their creations, even the Narrators themselves, would one day end. But these details did not matter to the Forgotten. The newest of them were barely cognizant enough to remember their lives as anything but a smear of color and chaos. But this Spark changed that. It was a spark of opportunity. Perhaps the last chance any of these pitiable once-beings had at revival. If they could but reach it, their lives would begin anew. One Forgotten soul struggled in the faint shine of the Spark, fighting to reach the spark and reclaim what it had once been. Silvery dust swirled, forming into something almost corporeal, almost physical enough to move and claim it's second chance! But alas, the Spark began to fade. Just as the being became cognizant enough to realize how deeply it desired to live once again, the chance faded to blackness before its almost-eyes. Pain ripped through the creature's soul, the agony of knowing that no living soul would ever utter its name again. That not a single Narrator cared enough to look and see it.

The creature wept, tears of silver hissing as they hit the faded nothingness of the ground. "Truthlash" It whispered through the tears, with voice regained just too late for salvation. "My name was Truthlash. Why can't you just remember me?"

And then there was silence.

Edited by Nameless
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2 hours ago, Nameless said:


"Great! Now, to make sure no one thinks about our conversation too much, let's do some fancy Narrating."


“Ha! Metal jaw!” Sequence said, pointing at Nameless. Everyone, Fuzzy, and Cardinal immediately followed suit.

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