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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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Seeing Thaidakar's speed, Nameless quickly pulled out his secret weapon, an arc pulse generator designed to destroy any beskar alloy which he used to destroy Thaidakar's bike, causing the poor Narrator to 'one' the race. (whatever that meant). Then he dashed across the lake, securing a solid third place, finishing a respectable  two seconds behind the Quarkbeast, seven seconds behind Fleet.

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This one was up to Nameless to create, so he decided to take the opposite approach to Thaidakar's no-Narration race.

"While the first contest tested our physical abilities, the second contest shall test our skills in Narration. It shall be as follows: We will get another Narrator to come up with a fairly random prompt, (for example: Chaos and Order) and then we will both attempt to Narrate something in the theme of that prompt within a predetermined time limit. Then, all the Narrators will vote on the victor, whoever receives more votes will win the round. There will be three round, with three different prompts and categories: Magic, World, and Character.

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