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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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Franklin spiked another person's ceiling destruction capabilities. Then he discovered the fifth ceiling.

This continued until Franklin was a ceiling destroying Inquisitor, with sixteen spikes and the capability to break ceilings all the way to the nineteenth ceiling.

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1 hour ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Bookwyrm declared the results fair, as no illegal narration had been used.

He then asked Thaidakar again for a list of beskar alloys and their compositions, because Thaidakar didn't hear the first time.

Thaidakar gave them a good list that he had compiled over time in order of strength.

29 minutes ago, Nameless said:

So he sold his soul to Thaidakar in exchange for awesome ceiling-destroying powers.

Thaidakar's need for souls was an odd one, he needed them to make something which would start something which would eventually give Thaidakar an endless supply of new Silly Songs with Larry. they were all amazing. they couldn't be made with narration, however, which was sad.

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15 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Thaidakar gave them a good list that he had compiled over time in order of strength.

Nameless repeated himself, since Thaidakar probably hadn’t heard him the first time:

"While the first contest tested our physical abilities, the second contest shall test our skills in Narration. It shall be as follows: We will get another Narrator to come up with a fairly random prompt, (for example: Chaos and Order) and then we will both attempt to Narrate something in the theme of that prompt within a predetermined time limit. Then, all the Narrators will vote on the victor, whoever receives more votes will win the round. There will be three round, with three different prompts and categories: Magic, World, and Character.

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Nameless popped in and handed @The Wandering Wizard a piece of paper with the details of his magic on it


Lastism is based around the idea of ideas that last. Anyone can create a magic system with whatever rules they want, but its power will be completely dependent on the age of the magic system. However, there is one catch


In the ancient days, the gods blessed the races with the power to create magic. Those who received this blessing were called ‘Founders’ and in those early days, they could create practically anything. Since then, the blood of the Founders has run thin, and Founding new magic has become far more difficult for even the most powerful of modern-day Founders.

The Founding process is rather simple at its base form, although much variety is possible for the more experienced in the art. The Founder must inscribe the rules of their magic in writing, as a contract to those who would wield its power. This process takes its toll on the Founder, absorbing energy from their soul to bind into the tome. In order to wield the magic system, one must sign their name in the Founder’s tome of their own free will. However, access to the power always comes with a price.

The price:

This price is determined by the Founder, and depending on the effects of the magic, will be larger or smaller. As an example, a magic that allows one to manipulate fire would have a much smaller price than a system that allows one to create fire. The Founder can choose to exact the price in whatever way they want, whether that be as simple as causing the user to tire easily, or as complex as stealing their ability to feel human emotion. However, a secret known only to the greatest modern Founders is this: the price exacted is not actually fueling the power of the magic system. Instead, the power gathered is placed into the Founder’s tome, reinforcing the magic system and increasing its power. Over time, the magics will become incredibly powerful. Because of this, ancient tomes of power are always considered more

Forbidden Founding:

Some Founders have found a way to mitigate the price. It is possible for the Founder to weave into their magic a way for the users of their magic to take the price from something outside themselves. The most innocent and least dangerous of these magics absorb energy from the surroundings, such as by absorbing heat from the air. However, for some unknown reason, prices taken from nonliving sources are much less efficient than prices taken from living ones. The darker, and, unfortunately, more common uses of this technique exact the price from the living souls around them. The vilest of these magics combine the price and the effect, basing themselves around draining the souls of targets, allowing for explosive growth in power within a very short time. If it were not for the society known as the Founder’s Shield, such magic systems would have destroyed the world long ago.

Another forbidden Founding is based around the creation of a Founder’s tome. While in normal cases, Founding a new magic of any real power is a process that takes years of hard effort, Founder constantly pushing themselves to the brink of death before taking a break to recover, this too can be mitigated. If the Founder inscribes their tome in the blood of another sentient being, the price will be taken from them instead. Unfortunately, the life of one who is not a Founder is only enough to write about one line in the tome, so this process is quite deadly, requiring dozens of sacrifices. If a Tome is inscribed in blood, another property is created. Those who would access the magic must sign in their own blood, and doing so will subject them to the will of the Founder who created it. The Founder can, in this case, take the price of using their magic from those who have signed the Tome.


Destroying a Tome will also destroy the magic inscribed on it. Anyone who has gained power from that magic will immediately lose it. However, destroying a Tome is extremely dangerous, as all of the power that has been Inscribed into it will be released in unpredictable ways. Destroying an ancient Tome could create a horrible disaster.

A Tome can be changed so long as the Founder who created it still lives, but upon their death the magic will be locked as it is forever.

Magics can have passive effects. Many ancient cities use magic such as this in order to create better weather for their crops, enchanted defenses, transportation, healing, and even education.

Tomes can take any form and can even be inscribed on metal.

In order to join a magic system, one must sign their name in the language the Tome was originally written in.


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