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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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Calano felt as if he had been flying for hours.

Then, something changed.

Suddenly he wasn't flying. Instead, he was sitting at a workbench, tinkering with a small black bird, made of metal. It's chest was open, and small bronze gears turned inside.

For some reason, he knew that the small black bird was called a Croling. He also knew that he was it's creator, one of hundreds of Crolings.

This Croling had a small speaker in it's beak, to play music during long flights.

Calano's ears also weren't human, but were instead small black wings, capable of feeling vibrations in the air and interpreting it as sound. His wings were still there, pitch black and massive, and his arms were still covered in black feathers, with talons.

But in this alternate reality, Calano was a tinkerer. A crafter. And the Father of the Crolings.

"Hello, little one." He whispered to the Croling in his hand, closing it's chest. It's eyes blinked to life, and it hopped around, chirping.

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Calano gently placed the small chirping bird next to his brethren, who investigated the new Croling with enthusiastic curiosity.

"Be nice to your brother, he's new."

The new Croling ruffled his feathers and chirped.

Calano sighed and looked out the window. Outside, a storm was raging. Calano lived alone, in the middle of nowhere, with only his Crolings for company.

Calano had always been a tinkerer, since as long as he could remember. He tinkered with everything.

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