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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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Steven yelped. "What is going on?!" he shouted.

"Darkstalker, put Noot down! Noot, stop biting Darkstalker!! We're civilized creatures. Just because your made me visible does not give you any favors, Darkstalker. Noot, Darkstalker" said Steven, looking at both of them in turn. "Shake hands and apologize to each other."

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1 hour ago, Landing Sequence said:

The stranger gently placed a small bundle on the ground in front of them. It appeared to be… an engine, of some sorts. There was a cracked engine block with a completely shattered camshaft, several detached pistons and a broken drivetrain connector. “Fixable?” The stranger asked. “Burns diesel.”

Calano knelt, and waved a hand towards him.

A couple of Crolings flew over and began climbing over the engine, examining every nook and cranny.

The Crolings finished their examination of the engine, then perched on top of it and began chattering at Calano.

Calano nodded, then gestured to the engine.

"When do you need it back?" He asked the shadowy figure.

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6 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Calano knelt, and waved a hand towards him.

A couple of Crolings flew over and began climbing over the engine, examining every nook and cranny.

The Crolings finished their examination of the engine, then perched on top of it and began chattering at Calano.

Calano nodded, then gestured to the engine.

"When do you need it back?" He asked the shadowy figure.

“As soon as possible.” The stranger said. “It is more important than you could possibly imagine.”

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4 minutes ago, Landing Sequence said:

“As soon as possible.” The stranger said. “It is more important than you could possibly imagine.”

Calano sighed. "I'll see what I can do. Do I drop it off to you, or do you come to pick it up?"

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2 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Calano sighed. "I'll see what I can do. Do I drop it off to you, or do you come to pick it up?"

“When it is complete, I’ll be there.” With that, they turned around and walked off into the night.

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15 minutes ago, Landing Sequence said:

“When it is complete, I’ll be there.” With that, they turned around and walked off into the night.

Calano stared at the figure until they disappeared into the stormy gray darkness.

Then he bent down, picked up the strange engine, and brought it to his workbench.

"Alright, boys," He said, and all the Crolings woke up and crowded around the new thing to work with, "We've got a thing to fix."

Calano grabbed a wrench and went to work, his Crolings helping along by pecking at things they saw. Calano's wisdom in tinkering allowed him to craft a brand new drivetrain, and other parts. Calano had to disassemble a couple of Crolings to fix the engine, but he could get them back together again later.

Soon, most of it was done, but there was something missing. It required a very specific type of oil to work effectively, something the stranger in the rain had failed to mention. As well as a crankshaft, something he couldn't manufacture from his home.

"Hm..." Calano muttered.

Edited by CalanoCorvus
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