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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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Calano turned back to the workbench, and broke out the good stuff.

Celestial bronze. A metal enchanted using magic from the gods. He then set to work measuring and cutting.

Squares, triangles, circles, rings, all different sizes. He soon had all the parts he needed.

He began constructing it.

A sphere of Bronze. A cube with bronze lattice for sides that rotated around the sphere. Three rings going around that, another bigger, translucent bronze sphere. And finally, a large cube with archs in the sides, giving a view of the whole mechanism.

It was done.

He called it the Cuberian Cell.

It would do the job, and in return, Calano would gain massive amounts of knowledge.

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1 hour ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Calano's mind began racing. A vessel. A vessel for some sort of miniature storm. Perhaps an orb..? The structural integrity would be well balanced... but what material? Calano was an engineer, not a mage. This would be a challenge. Thankfully, he liked challenges. And suddenly, he got an idea.

He smiled. "It can."

The stranger smiled, dropping the disc onto Calano's desk and extinguishing the small sample of power they had summoned. "Wonderful. When can I expect it to be complete?"

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1 minute ago, Landing Sequence said:

The stranger smiled, dropping the disc onto Calano's desk and extinguishing the small sample of power they had summoned. "Wonderful. When can I expect it to be complete?"

Calano looked up at the stranger, and proffered the Cuberian Cell. Time must have passed differently for him, because nothing seemed to have changed for the stranger, but to Calano, hours had passed.

"Here it is. The Cuberian Cell. It should work."

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1 minute ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Calano looked up at the stranger, and proffered the Cuberian Cell. Time must have passed differently for him, because nothing seemed to have changed for the stranger, but to Calano, hours had passed.

"Here it is. The Cuberian Cell. It should work."

The stranger lifted an eyebrow. "I didn't know you dabbled in time manipulation." They took the orb, examining it. "I do believe this will do nicely. Mind if I test it? Wouldn't want to let myself get scammed now would I?" The stranger raised their hand to the device, then paused. "You may want to cover your eyes." They added.

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They grinned, and summoned an immense amount of power. Even through covered eyes, Calano's dark vision was filled with dark crimson. The emotions of despair and sadness seemed to emanate from the power, and it was nearly overwhelming. Suddenly, it stopped. 

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44 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Calano uncovered his eyes and gasped.

"What the hell was that?"

The stranger sighed deeply, tucking the orb (which was glowing red and vibrating unpleasantly) into their pocket. “Thank you very much for creating this. It will be very useful. You see, my power generates over time, but at a certain point, it stops growing. With this, I can build my power up to maximum, then store it here, build it up again, then deposit the orb’s contents into my main power store, effectively doubling my capacity. I can do this as much as I’d like, if your contraption holds up.” The stranger smiled. “Enjoy your disk, Mr… Hm. I don’t seem to know your name.”

Edited by Landing Sequence
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1 minute ago, The Bookwyrm said:

At this moment, Rym walked through the door, accompanied by a blue kitten and a young Nightwing (she is still a Nightwing, right?) dragonet.

Everyone turned around as they sensed more beings in the room. “Ah, Rym! Have you betrayed your Narrator and cast them into the depths of nothingness yet?”

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