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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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5 minutes ago, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

The Stormwarden destroyed the Hydra temporarially, to gain something.

He was promptly taken over by the corrupted swamp and the black metal sphere abomination.

Edited by The Wandering Wizard
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.snoe naps dluow taht nalp a fo pets tsrif eht no tuo gnittes ,ecafrus eht ot kcab kert wols eht detrats dna pu doots eh ,noisiv suoregnad tsom siht fo thgiew eht yb denedruB .tsael ta tnemom eht roF .tnetnoc saw foE ,sselehtenoN

.ees ton dluoc eh lla fo thgiew eht htaeneb niatrecnu gniworg ,delap ti raelc deniamer thgis sih erehw secalp esoht ni nevE .yleritne gnidaf srehto ni ,terpretni ton dluoc foE noisiv dednapxe sih htiw neve taht txet citpyrc fo sretnilps eugav gnimoceb secalp emos ni ,derettups tI .dedne noisiv tcefrep sih ereht dnA

.seimene sih yb edam noisiced yreve ,ecid eht fo llor yreve ,nioc a fo pilf yreve fo egdelwonk tcefrep htiw detalumrof ,liated yreve ni tcefrep ,nalp a was eH .eb ot emoc edutingam siht fo noitcurtsed dluoc niaga reven taht os gnihtyreve lortnoc ot gnitpmetta ,noitanimod ot nrut dluow eh ,egar dna worros ni taht was eH .raed dleh d'eh gnihtyreve noitcurtsed eht rof elbisnopser esoht lla htiw nosirp a ni yawa delaes ,deyarteb eb dluow eh taht was eH .nwotemoh sih fo noitcurtsed eht ni nials ,ylimaf tsol sih rof peew dluow eh taht was eH .srotarraN nrobwen eht htiw gnola drolrehtiW eht yawa laes ot tseuq rieht ni srellunE eht dia ,soahc siht thgif dluow eh taht was eH .dnal eht lla ssorca esool tel soahc ,setirpsxuL eht nopu thguorb niur ,etsaw ot dial eb dluow dlrow eht ,emoh nruter ot mih koot ti emit eht ni taht ,nrevac eht ni doots eh sa neve gnirrucco saw tneverp ot dehsiw dah eh retsasid eht taht was eH .mih ot erab dial erew erutuf dna ,tneserp ,tsap ehT .gnihtyreve was foE

.mialc ot tuo tes dah eh rewop eht deniag yllanif dna ,ti eta foE ,latsyrc siht gnikaT ,namstfarc retsam a fo dnah eht yb devrac fi sa depahs ,latsyrc gniwolg a werg eert siht nO .ybur diuqil htiw gniwolf maerts a ot txen ,enots morf gnituorps eert a dnuof eh ,erusaem dnoyeb peed nrevac tneicna na nI .thguos eh tahw dnuof foE ,gnihcraes fo sraey ynam retfA

.live siht pots ot dedeen eh taht lla ees ot yaw a rof gnihcraes yletarepsed ,htrae eht fo shtped eht otni peed gnivled ,yenruoj siht ni ediw dna raf dellevart eH .erutuf eht fo thgis sih yfiralc ot yaw a gnikees ,tfel dna ,raed dleh eh lla ot lleweraf lufraet a gniyas ,emoh devoleb sih tfel eH .tseuq a no tnew eh oS

.ti tneverp ot woh eulc on dah eh tub ,gnimoc saw live taht wenk eh ,emit sihT .emit siht toN .od ot tahw fo aedi emos tsael ta dah syawla d'eh tub ,eugav ylgnitartsurf netfo erew yeht ,seY .snoisiv sih fo ssenesutbo eht tuoba derac reven dah foE ,won erofeB .hguone raelc ton saw noisiv siht ,ecno rof ,taht saw melborp ylno ehT .flesti dlrow eht kaerb ylerus dluow taht live nA .nees reve dah eh yna naht retaerg live na deisehporp noisiv sihT .noisiv rehtona dah foE ,yad eno nehT

.lla fo doog eht rof srewop citehporp sih gnisu dna ecivda gnireffo htiw degrahc ,tuokcalB fo tneger hgih fo noitisop eht ot desiar saw eh ,yllautnevE .dnal eht lla ni lufrewop tsom eht fo eno emaceb ytic eht ecneulfni sih ot eud dna ,semit fo snezod ytic eht devas erutuf eht fo snoisiv lanoisacco siH .foE rof doog erew sgniht ,emit a roF

.noitaluda dna emaf foE gninrae dna siloportem taerg eht gnivas ,yrekcirt hguorht nogard eht llik ot elba erew mih deveileb dah ohw esoht fo dnab llams a dna foE ,nwot eht rof yletanutroF .noonretfa taht retal ytic eht dekcatta nogard a nehw deppots ylkciuq rethgual siht tub ,dehgual tuokcalB fo elpoep eht tsrif tA .yltfiws gnihcaorppa soahc dna htaed fo sgninraw gniyrc ,emoh sih morf nar foE nehw yad lufetaf eno degnahc lla sihT

.doohtluda otni werg eh sa ralupopnu yrev mih ekam ot denibmoc stiart owt eseht dna ,gnilbmag rof kcank a evah ot demees osla eH .ega sih fo eno rof hcum oot raf ees ot demees taht ezag a htiw ,dlihc egnarts a saw eH tuokcalB fo ytic tneicna eht ot evitaN .nrob saw foE ,nus eht nees reve dah rotarraN on dna htrae eht deklaw llits setirpsxuL nehw syad eht ni ,oga gnoL

.ti etipsed shpargarap eerht tsael ta fo noitarraN a od ot gnivloser ,esruc sdrawkcab eht yb kcab dleh eb ot desufer sselemaN

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Nameless refused to be held back by the backwards curse, resolving to do a narration of at least three paragraphs despite it.

Long ago, in the days when, Luxsprites still walked the earth and no Narrators had ever seen the sun, Eof was born. Native to the ancient city of Blackout He was a strange child, with a gaze that seemed to see far too much for one of his age. He also seemed to have a knack for gambling, and these two traits combined to make him very unpopular as he grew into adulthood.

This all changed one fateful day when Eof ran from his home, crying warnings of death and chaos approaching swiftly. At first the people of Blackout laughed, but this laughter quickly stopped when a dragon attacked the city later that afternoon. Fortunately for the town, Eof and a small band of those who had believed him were able to kill the dragon through trickery, saving the great metropolis and earning Eof fame and adulation.

Edited by The Wandering Wizard
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Nameless shrugged and did so.


Nameless refused to be held back by the backwards curse, resolving to do a Narration of at least three paragraphs despite it.

Long ago, in the days when Luxsprites still walked the earth and no Narrator had ever seen the sun, Eof was born. Native to the ancient city of Blackout He was a strange child, with a gaze that seemed to see far too much for one of his age. He also seemed to have a knack for gambling, and these two traits combined to make him very unpopular as he grew into adulthood.

This all changed one fateful day when Eof ran from his home, crying warnings of death and chaos approaching swiftly. At first the people of Blackout laughed, but this laughter quickly stopped when a dragon attacked the city later that afternoon. Fortunately for the town, Eof and a small band of those who had believed him were able to kill the dragon through trickery, saving the great metropolis and earning Eof fame and adulation.

For a time, things were good for Eof. His occasional visions of the future saved the city dozens of times, and due to his influence the city became one of the most powerful in all the land. Eventually, he was raised to the position of high regent of Blackout, charged with offering advice and using his prophetic powers for the good of all.

Then one day, Eof had another vision. This vision prophesied an evil greater than any he had ever seen. An evil that would surely break the world itself. The only problem was that, for once, this vision was not clear enough. Before now, Eof had never cared about the obtuseness of his visions. Yes, they were often frustratingly vague, but he'd always had at least some idea of what to do. Not this time. This time, he knew that evil was coming, but he had no clue how to prevent it.

So he went on a quest. He left his beloved home, saying a tearful farewell to all he held dear, and left, seeking a way to clarify his sight of the future. He travelled far and wide in this journey, delving deep into the depths of the earth, desperately searching for a way to see all that he needed to stop this evil.

After many years of searching, Eof found what he sought. In an ancient cavern deep beyond measure, he found a tree sprouting from stone, next to a stream flowing with liquid ruby. On this tree grew a glowing crystal, shaped as if carved by the hand of a master craftsman, Taking this crystal, Eof ate it, and finally gained the power he had set out to claim.

Eof saw everything. The past, present, and future were laid bare to him. He saw that the disaster he had wished to prevent was occurring even as he stood in the cavern, that in the time it took him to return home, the world would be laid to waste, ruin brought upon the Luxsprites, chaos let loose across all the land. He saw that he would fight this chaos, aid the Enullers in their quest to seal away the Witherlord along with the newborn Narrators. He saw that he would weep for his lost family, slain in the destruction of his hometown. He saw that he would be betrayed, sealed away in a prison with all those responsible for the destruction everything he'd held dear. He saw that in sorrow and rage, he would turn to domination, attempting to control everything so that never again could destruction of this magnitude come to be. He saw a plan, perfect in every detail, formulated with perfect knowledge of every flip of a coin, every roll of the dice, every decision made by his enemies.

And there his perfect vision ended. It sputtered, in some places becoming vague splinters of cryptic text that even with his expanded vision Eof could not interpret, in others fading entirely. Even in those places where his sight remained clear it paled, growing uncertain beneath the weight of all he could not see.

Nonetheless, Eof was content. For the moment at least. Burdened by the weight of this most dangerous vision, he stood up and started the slow trek back to the surface, setting out on the first step of a plan that would span eons.


Edited by Nameless
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Bookwyrm stood, blinking.

Then he turned to Eof.

"Why'd you turn evil for the longest time, then? Or did you only seem evil, from the perspective of those who didn't have your vision?"

At the back of his mind, Bookwyrm told himself that his next order of business would be to reunite Eof with Esmeralda and his older children, so that he would better be able to fight Foe.

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5 minutes ago, Nameless said:

Eof looked slightly abashed. "I was trying to take total control of TLT in order to be able to prevent more destruction."

"That's...understandable. I guess when you can see everything, you think you're obviously the best one to rule the world."

Bookwyrm helped Eof up.

"Come on. We're going to find your family. Then we're going to stop Foe once and for all."

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8 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"That's...understandable. I guess when you can see everything, you think you're obviously the best one to rule the world."

Bookwyrm helped Eof up.

"Come on. We're going to find your family. Then we're going to stop Foe once and for all."

"I-thank you." Eof stood up straight, eyes hardening with new purpose. "Yes, let's save my family. And kill that monstrous version of me."

Guys I have no clue why Foe would kill his family help.

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Just now, Nameless said:

But what would happen to make Eof into a villain like that?

I was talking about why Foe kidnapped Esmerelda and most of his family... Foe would have killed his family to unleash himself, as unless Eof set out on this path, Foe would have never appeared.

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3 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

I was talking about why Foe kidnapped Esmerelda and most of his family... Foe would have killed his family to unleash himself, as unless Eof set out on this path, Foe would have never appeared.

Wait, what family are you talking about?

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On 9/17/2022 at 5:28 AM, The Wandering Wizard said:

Lightseeker holds out her taloned front paw. "Hi, my name is lightseeker, and according to what is in the narrator's heads. I used to be a partially reformed Darkstalker, but ate a giant pineapple and became good, though I kept all my powers."

Ene blinked. "Sorry, Darkstalker the NightWing? Dang, I didn't know he was around these parts. Glad to hear you're not murdery. Also, congrats on your new pronouns? And...species change?" He shook her paw. 

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10 hours ago, Nameless said:

Wait, what family are you talking about?

His new family... I got confused. I think he would have killed Eof's family, from the backwards narration, to unleash himself, as that is the event that kind of start this reaction, yes?

8 hours ago, AonEne said:

Ene blinked. "Sorry, Darkstalker the NightWing? Dang, I didn't know he was around these parts. Glad to hear you're not murdery. Also, congrats on your new pronouns? And...species change?" He shook her paw. 

"The pineapple flipped every aspect of me, including my gender. It's why I seek light instead of stalking darkness."

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