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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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He gained immense-you know what? Immense is too blasé a term. The amount of power Butt gained from eating the dimensional power was comparable to the amount of enjoyment a kitten took in feasting on the heart of its enemy.

Edited by Nameless
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And now, onto our monthly special. This special is brought to you by anti-time continuity incorporated, the group that hates having stories happen in a continuous manner. It is called:

Eof vs. Foe: The Final Confrontation.


The prophecy has been fulfilled in full. The thread lies still, as if shocked that such an impossible feat has finally been managed, after countless pages.

Eof approaches, his only weapon a toothpick made using the deepest secrets of the universe.

Opposite from him, Foe appears, glowing with malevolent energy giving him the power to wield the very soul of TLT in battle, weaponizing randomness itself in the most lethal form imaginable.

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