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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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1 minute ago, Ookla the platypus said:

"They said that. They were wrong. My skin is harder than you think," Platypus said arrogantly. "My skin can't be cut by anything besides certain Blades. It is extremely rare. Rue should count herself lucky that she punctured my foot in our fight."

"Really?" Subversion smirked. "You believing that really will help me win." She tensed, preparing to charge-


Does your plan involve the thing you pm'd me about? Because I have a plan for that already.

1 minute ago, Ookla the Perpetual said:

Rym, his abilities hindered for a moment by a fluctuation in the thread, made his move.

He called the Mordite Sword back to him. It vanished from Subversion's grasp and reappeared in Rym's hands. 

He pointed the sword at Subversion. 

"You," he said, "Aren't a full Narrator. No matter what you claim. And you cannot face, or steal, from those who have the support of a full one."

Subversion was now without a weapon.

the sword disappeared from her hands. Subversion cursed, realizing she was surrounded. "All-all right, fine! Kill me! None of you have the nerve."

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5 minutes ago, Ookla the Untitled said:

Does your plan involve the thing you pm'd me about? Because I have a plan for that already.

8 minutes ago, Ookla the Perpetual said:

no. I came up with it just a little bit ago.


4 minutes ago, Ookla the Perpetual said:

@Ookla the platypus


Can Rym kill her, or do you want to?



neither of us will be, Nameless has a plan to kill Subversion. If you're talking about Rue, you'd probably give her a cooler death scene so if i can set the stage, you can do the rest. I'll set the stage after Subversion dies.

Just now, Ookla the Untitled said:

"Yeah? You'd kill a defenseless opponent?" While she spoke, Subversion gathered all of her remaining power for one last attack.


"Yes. And you're not defenseless. You still have your Blade. It's your choice if you don't use it. I would love to kill you. Would anyone else like to do the honors with me?"

Edited by Ookla the platypus
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1 minute ago, Ookla the platypus said:


"Yes. And you're not defenseless. You still have your Blade. It's your choice if you don't use it. I would love to kill you. Would anyone else like to do the honors with me?"


Just now, Ookla the Untitled said:

My plan for that thing will happen after Subversion's death. Any of you can kill her.


Checking one more time, Platypus, because I didn't know if you had something in mind; is it okay if Rym kills her?


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18 minutes ago, Ookla the Perpetual said:

I just realized that we didn't need to be using quote boxes that whole time...anything unbolded is OOC in TLT....


yeah, but it's more fun in quotes :P 

Platypus walks right up next to Subversion. "Do you understand why we're here? A lot of us don't get along. I'm not a huge fan of Everyone. Phillipe doesn't like Wizard. We are here because you are horrible. We are here because you leave a trail of bodies behind you. We are here because you killed Valiant! We banded together. I have just a few things to say. Thank you for letting us band together. I don't forgive you, but I thank you. It is, however, time to die and for us to go back to chaos."

He turns to the rest of the vengeance party.

"I'd like to thank you for your support in my quest. You've been great quest partners."

He walks back into his spot in the circle.

"If there is anyone else that would like to speak, it is your turn."

Platypus turns his back on Subversion and waits to hear if anyone else walks forward.

Edited by Ookla the platypus
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1 minute ago, Ookla the platypus said:

"If there is anyone else that would like to speak, it is your turn. Afterwards I believe Rym wanted to do the honors."

Platypus turns his back on Subversion as Rym steps forward.

Actually, Rym hasn't told anyone his intentions in world...also, please try to avoid narrating anything Rym does.

Sorry, I'm being all nitpicky...

I'm going to narrate it as if no one knew it was coming.

Rym stepped forward suddenly and stabbed Subversion through the chest.

"You're a loose thread," he said. "You'll cause problems. And you have delusions of grandeur that will hurt yourself and others. Best to end you here." 

Rym pulled the Mordite blade out of Subversion and spun, stalking away.

Bookwyrm eyed Rym with a worried look on his face, but didn't follow him.

That's a problem for later.

@Ookla the Untitled

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44 minutes ago, Ookla the Perpetual said:

Actually, Rym hasn't told anyone his intentions in world...also, please try to avoid narrating anything Rym does.

Sorry, I'm being all nitpicky...

I'm going to narrate it as if no one knew it was coming.



sorry, I just see a bunch of other people doing it. i'll go change it. and to be fair, I already stated that Platypus can sometimes read minds.

"What was that about Rym?! Maybe others wanted to speak!"

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Subversion slumps, staring at the Platypus. Tears flow from her eyes as the life leaves them, and her mouth moves, forming words that are barely audible. "You really... cared... about me. You all cared... so much." With that, she collapses to the ground lifelessly.


Behind everyone, Unintelligible starts to laugh.

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