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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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The terribly tragic thoughts thoroughly thrashed the target twisted and twined by the tail tellers tongues. Suddenly a sound started screeching, stretching the strength of society's steadfastness. They solemnly sought to seek the source of the sorrowful sound. Then the darkness drugged up a doom dastardly and destructive. This harrowingly haughty horror happily harangued horrified humanity with his hijinks. Determined, they decided to destroy the demon, dashing his designs and dragging his distinction down. Dumbly, they didn't deal directly with the demon, deeming his desire diminished and not dire. Their rashness rose to really ridicule their erroneous rest. Then a preposterously pernicious phoenix pounced on the prince, as prophesied by Philip the first. With great guilt, they grew to regret the goal of getting good on their grievance. Then the fierce and fiery fiend found first the fat Fredric feasting on food from far and found. The ferocious fowl flew forward, fixed on flexing his fine features. And with that, the dark demon devoured the duke.

Edited by TheVillageIdiot
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However, he acted exactly like Butt from that point onwards, so that was irrelevant to the story.

You guys. I have been posting on this thread so much that when I try and post on another thread, I automatically bold it without thinking.

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