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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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2 hours ago, Rosharan A.C. said:

     Suddenly, as the fight continues and the narrators begin discussing very import matters such as pop tarts, duels, and bee movies, something very strange occurs. Pinpricks of light begin to pop into vision, dotting the air around them. As more begin to appear, they are slowly drawn to one spot in the air, as if they were all flowing down an invisible drain. The dots of light begin to get brighter as they coalesce into a large form near the center of the group. Soon, the narrators have no choice but shade their eyes and look away, lest they burn their eyes. Yet they cannot protect their other senses from the volley of energy. A low rumbling begins, quickly rising to a roaring crescendo. The ground heaves to and fro, pushing and pulling as if they were giant magnets. Even smell and taste are not safe, as a barrage of seemingly everything from the world and beyond forces itself into their mouths and noses. With panic rising in each one's mind, the group tries to flee, but to no avail. The very atoms in their bones refuse to work, and they have no choice but to fall to the ground and hope they will survive. Suddenly, they begin to feel the chaos around them move. Only inches at first, but it quickly moves faster, soon travelling miles in a second as it rushes back to the point where it originated. With the tumult no longer holding their bodies, the narrators timildly raise their heads, and witness as the former maelstrom compresses into the form of a man. As his features become more visible, they observe a thin, yet handsome and rugged man in his prime years, with a pair of spectacles resting on his long nose. He falls to his knees, and his head lolls on his shoulders. Then, as his eyes crack open slowely, he lifts his chin and says, "Wh...where am I? What is this place? And why does it smell like beans?" Then he fell forward, unconscious.

Ya that's me just in case you're wondering.

"Ahh, welcome Narrator A.C. I have long awaited your arrival. Together, we can rule this thread!" Narrator Truthless cried triumphantly.

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11 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

Pheonix shook his head. "I was worried," he said in a low voice. "If you died..."

"I wouldn't have died. I always win." She looked him in the eyes. "Why don't I scare you? After all I've done."

@xinoehp512 did you see this one?

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Narrator Lunamor loudly slurped on an Icee, watching the romance unfold.

Fun fact, the other day I discovered that drinking the largest size Icee that the theaters sell (aka: Very, very large- the small is the size of what I would normally consider a large) right before the movie starts is a terrible idea.

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But we're waiting for Pheonix...

Why do you build me up, (build me up)
Pheonix, baby just to let me down?
And mess me around and then worst of all,
You never post, Xino, when you say you will

But Star loves you still.
She needs you!
More than anyone, Xino
You know that she has from the start.
So build me up (build me up)
Pheonix, don't break her heart.

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Turtle told Alcatraz that the moon was made of cheese, and Alcatraz really wanted some cheese. He figured that if Earth didn’t have gravity like the moon (the moon doesn’t have gravity, the liebrarians only want you to think that with their made-up physics), then the Earth would become cheese too. With this motivation he was able to break gravity.

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Unfortunately the Earth did not turn to cheese, and Alcatraz was really mad at Turtle, so he broke Turtle's lawn chair. Turtle lay in the middle of his shattered masterpiece, tears streaming down his face, "I will remember those who have been forgotten" he whispered, an almost invisible glow started streaming off of his skin.

Edited by Turtle373
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                                              free!                                                     text!

                                                         Including the 

                                                                                   words to the 

Everything began to float

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Turtle created a memorial for his lawn chair, on top of the memorial was a statue of the statue of a lawn chair. Using his newfound powers Turtle slicked the ground around the memorial so that anyone who walked by it would fall over.

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Narrator A.C. stares at these people and is very, very confused. "You know what. I popped into this place out of nowhere, woke up beside a dead body, and witnessed lawn chair statue be created, destroyed, and created again. But I'm just gonna roll with it. Where do I sign up?" He then goes on to shake everyone's hands and make a community rubber chicken dispenser as goodwill. 

Edited by Rosharan A.C.
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26 minutes ago, Rosharan A.C. said:

Narrator A.C. stares at these people and is very, very confused. "You know what. I popped into this place out of nowhere, woke up beside a dead body, and witnessed lawn chair statue be created, destroyed, and created again. But I'm just gonna roll with it. Where do I sign up?" He then goes on to shake everyone's hands and make a community rubber chicken dispenser as goodwill. 

"Welcome to TLT," Star said. "We can go from a duel to the death to randomness in seconds and we love it here. Just play nice. Don't step too far out of line or you may find yourself with very powerful enemies."

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