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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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TVG giggled, maybe a bit maniacally. 
Rose was now nearly eighteen years of age. Like her brother, she remembered her relatively short time with her blood parents. But unlike Granite, she was rather uninterested in thinking about them, particularly her father. Granite had been too young to understand the changes in him after her mother had left. But it had left her deeply scarred. She didn't know why Star had left and she didn't care. The memories physically pained her. As a child, she had been plagued by awful nightmares. Those nightmares didn't happen very frequently anymore, but they did happen, every few months or so. Jasnah and Kelsier would be horrified if they knew she still was grieved over it. But she didn't like being coddled. She could take care of herself. Unfortunately, after Max's untimely death and Granite's disappearance, her aunt and uncle had become even more protective. It annoyed her. But she wouldn't say anything. She rarely did. 

Rose sighed, thinking to herself. It was so quiet. That wasn't a good thing. Thoughts filled silence. Miserable thoughts. She missed Max. He'd been the closest to her in age and though he hadn't spent much time at home toward what none of them could have guessed would be the end of his life, she'd always liked being with him. She was a bit jealous of his Godfather, Jay, at times. Max had been her friend, and he'd stolen him away from her so often. And then, in the end, he'd gotten him killed. Perhaps that was a bit cold. She was that way sometimes. A quiet, cold girl, with loud thoughts. So many thoughts...

There was a word. It bothered her. Narrator. Jay had been a Narrator. Sophie, the woman who had claimed to be Star's sister, had been a Narrator. And supposedly, Star had been a Narrator too. As far as she could tell, they were members of some... secret organization. She hardly understood it and she didn't want to. It was all so confusing. 

A stab of pain shot through her head and she cried out softly, putting a hand to her forehead. Bursts of pain like that happened quite often to her, specifically when she thought about her mother. Sighing again, this time a little shakily, she focused on breathing, banishing the thoughts. Hopefully it would be some time before the silence brought them to her mind again...

Edited by Shard of Thought
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21 minutes ago, Lunamor said:

Someone was quite a jerk.

Remember capitalization and punctuation!


Quite A. Jerk laughed maniacally as he watched His G. Enemy die from his sugar allergy. "Yes!" Quite shouted, "My plan succeeded! the common cold has resulted in my His G. Enemy's downfall!!!!" he laughed maniacally some more.

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