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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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Nameless agreed that Ghanderflaffles had a definite shape, but also agreed that they were shapeshifters. They chose their shapes at a young age, and then only used shapeshifting in secret. That was why they always rose. They could easily assassinate everyone who opposed them.

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Nameless looked back at that ancient time, and found the wisdom he had been seeking. An ancient one by the name of @Nerd3.14159265358979 had given this sage and true wisdom only thirty-five pages into the great endeavor that was TLT:


I think there's a little more on it too, but we'd have to comb through the entire thread...also, part of the fun of ghanderflaffles is not knowing what they look like, so people can imagine what they want to and so it can continue to be added to as the story goes on. I doubt the drawing would stay accurate for very long, either.


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56 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

Truly, no true form could be attributed to the ghanderflaffles.

All that was known was the following:

  • Biceps
  • Slithering
  • Black wings
  • Something giraffine 
  • they walked on three crablike legs that had tails similar to rats'
  • their faces looked draconic
  • they could create weapons out of their amorphous eyelashes
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