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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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I lost. Great, my cousin introduced me to the game years ago ... and my innocent precious mind has been cursed since. (Thank you brain for associating @Inklingspren post with the game. *bows deeply before her brain* ) :P

And they did, because nobody even wanted to remember the awfull sounds it was able to produce.

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Storms why!!? Inklingspren that mongovolio not only sounds like a catching disease but sounds like one too!!! 

The silence was so off putting that people were thrilled when they started to explode. Borio Singaldi decided to go back into textiles and Butt Venture decided to go on a vision quest with Ham.


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10 minutes ago, whattheHoid said:

Inklingspren that mongovolio not only sounds like a catching disease but sounds like one too!!! 

"Not only sounds like... but sounds like..." what?

but Ham became a sandwitch

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Haha you get that too! Me too, honestly I thought I was the only one! Thought cause mobile. Challenge accepted.

You see Butt and the Sandvvitch were in a competition. Who could out-contract more competently, Infinity Blade, to game developers. Currently, Butt was in the lead as he brought food to the table.




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But Sandvvitch had a great , mind blowing idea...

I have that too. It's useful sometimes. And I actually can't bold anything on mobile. It show's me the text is bolded, but when I post it isn't -.-

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Oh that's weird! I haven't had the bolding problem on mobile. I'm on Android, but I dunno if that means anything.

The Sandvvitch decided to have gastronomical delights in the shape random Investitures. Stormlight chocolate pods, Feurchemical bacon cakes all at a big fair. There was a problem however....

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