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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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25 minutes ago, EmulatonStromenkiin said:


The method by which Eof was controlling the thread was feeding all the futures except the one he wanted to the Nameless End. Soon, there was only one second of any future left.

Bookwyrm decided to put a stop to this. He went searching for the Nameless End.

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Now that there was only one second of future remaining, there was nothing more for the Nameless End to eat, so it went elsewhere to look for more whens to eat. 

@The Wandering Wizard, the spoiler is only for you, no-one else. since thaidakar's not here, you get to summon TOWWACBob.


TOWWACBob's real name is Renewal


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There is a resounding crash, and just before the one remaining second of the future expires, time stops. TOWWACBob, who is now called Renewal, appeared. "I see that it is time. Very well then. I am the Boundless Beginning, the opposite of the Nameless End. I am a waiter, a watcher, a changer of fate. I. AM. RENEWAL!" as he says this, energy gathers around him, and at the last word a blast rips out from him and spreads across the entire plane, changing possibility into fact and renewing the existence of the Plane. there is a secondary surge, and TOWWWCBob, who is now Renewal, vanished.

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Rep punched him in the face, grabbed the sword, threw a copied map and in Hiccup’s face, and ran away

"That's not very nice!" Sequence grabbed the sword from Rep's hand. "I'm not giving this back till you go apologize to that poor soul."

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2 minutes ago, Nameless said:

Rep punched Sequence and grabbed the sword back. 

Sequence stared at Rep for a moment, then she and all entities remotely connected to her started wailing pitifully.

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