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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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1 minute ago, Sequence said:

"Won't that make them, like... toxic or something?"

"Nah. The spray's edible." Moni watched the cookies not burn in the oven with a satisfied look on her face. "Might taste a little funky though."

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Just now, Nameless said:

"Nah. The spray's edible." Moni watched the cookies not burn in the oven with a satisfied look on her face. "Might taste a little funky though."

Fuzzy tilted her head. "... Doesn't that kind of take away the point of cookies' existence?"

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Just now, Sequence said:

Fuzzy tilted her head. "... Doesn't that kind of take away the point of cookies' existence?"

"What, you don't like funky?" Moni pulled the cookies out of the oven. "Funky's not necessarily a bad thing. Just different."

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Just now, Nameless said:

"What, you don't like funky?" Moni pulled the cookies out of the oven. "Funky's not necessarily a bad thing. Just different."

Fuzzy frowned. "I'd suppose it depends on what 'Funky' tastes like."

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Just now, Sequence said:

Fuzzy frowned. "I'd suppose it depends on what 'Funky' tastes like."

Moni took a bite of cookie, nodding to herself. "I'd say it's good funky. Here, try one." She held out the pan of cookies. "They're a little hot still, so be careful."

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Just now, Nameless said:

Moni took a bite of cookie, nodding to herself. "I'd say it's good funky. Here, try one." She held out the pan of cookies. "They're a little hot still, so be careful."

Fuzzy took one, sniffing it. She blinked, then placed the entire thing in her mouth. "Hm. Definitely... funky. That seems like the only adequate word to describe it."

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Just now, Sequence said:

Fuzzy took one, sniffing it. She blinked, then placed the entire thing in her mouth. "Hm. Definitely... funky. That seems like the only adequate word to describe it."

"Yep. Funky." Moni popped another cookie in her mouth. "I've never tasted anything quite like this before."

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1 minute ago, Nameless said:

"Yep. Funky." Moni popped another cookie in her mouth. "I've never tasted anything quite like this before."

Fuzzy nodded. "Dragon-fire powered ovens made out of odd metals and edible fireproof-spray do make an odd combo."

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Just now, Sequence said:

Fuzzy nodded. "Dragon-fire powered ovens made out of odd metals and edible fireproof-spray do make an odd combo."

"Yeah." Moni considered the oven. "I wonder what other interesting flavors it could make?"

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36 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

"immortality, it seems so final, so powerful. yet it is as fragile as the men who make it, or then again the women." Spook read aloud from a book, it had been Thaidakar's journal.

Sequence sat there, listening and crying softly. Everyone was there too, listening silently with a blank look on their face. Cardinal wondered who all these people were. He only knew Sequence. The rest were all new to him.

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8 hours ago, Nameless said:

Moni cursed as the flames shot up and devoured another batch of cookies. "Rusts, who thought hooking a dragon up to an oven was a good idea?"

That is something I would do.

"Well my other kitchen was inside of a dragon so this one works better if you know how to work it right."

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47 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Bookwyrm appeared.

"Stormwinds," he said, using his narrator powers to view the last six pages or so.

"You aren't supposed to go and end major character arcs without me," he complained to no one in particular.

He paused. "Why are we making cookies?"

"Cooking helps me relax." Moni pulled a steak out of the oven. "Huh. It seems to work better for meat. I guess that makes sense."

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