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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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1 minute ago, Nameless said:

Unfortunately, Halcyon hadn't bolded that Narration, so it wasn't canon. Nameless waved hello to the non-canon king.


King becomes canon, relieved that he was not hurt in the fall. As a reward to Nameless for waving at him, the king awards him an invisibility badge and poofs into smoke.

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6 minutes ago, Nameless said:

People looked surprised. "You can control vines?"

Woman: “These are my Bondvines. Pets, you could say. If they want to be able to move instead of sitting prone, they have to share a bond with me—or another Bondable. And part of that is obeying me—DOWN.” Snaps her fingers one more time and the vines curl in sulky submission 

Okay, now that I’ve started this might be good character material, which I claim for later use in novels 

Edited by TheHalcyonGirl
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7 minutes ago, Nameless said:

"Oh, that's cool." People stuffed his handheld flamethrower back into his pocket. "How'd you learn to do that?"

Woman: “Bondables aren’t made; they’re born. I was born with the potential to bond something, and I chose these vines. I channel some of my energy to them so they can think and move and such, but I can also cut it off at any time so they become normal plants again. Instead of thinking animals. It’s weird. Anyway, that’s what I do if they don’t obey me. I don’t really control them. Unfortunately.” Glares at vines, who crack a vine protestingly

Edited by TheHalcyonGirl
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1 minute ago, Nameless said:

"You'd be surprised. A lot of people around here kill people for the fun of it. Or because they think you you're going to kill them for the fun of it."

Kealie: shakes her head “I’ve noticed. It’s rather stupid, really.”

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