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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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1 hour ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

"Perhaps I could help. I am a Narrator, after all."

"Ah, no need. The path of self-discovery, as I've found, is enlightening. To know what, but not whom, one is, can become the most enlightening journey of one's life. Particularly as this is my first. Though if you would happen to know who I am..."

Edited by The Halcyon Girl
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Just now, The Halcyon Girl said:

"Ah, no need. The path of self-discovery, as I've found, is enlightening. To know what, but whom, one is, can become the most enlightening journey of one's life. Particularly as this is my first. Though if you would happen to know who I am..."

Subversion shook her head. "I'm afraid I don't. I could make you an identity, if you want."

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4 minutes ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

"Hm." Subversion moved one of her own pieces carefully. "Perhaps I will. Do your plans for Spook require my assistance? I'd be more than happy to help." She smiled faintly. "I think Mythos plans to kill me, currently."

"Hmm... well, Mythos can be dealt with." Thaidakar made a move. "I would like you to be allies with Spook or whatever heir I have once I give them full control."

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1 hour ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

"I'd rather build one on my own. Thank you, though. That's very generous."

"If you're sure. I did wonders with that old character of Nameless'. Poor thing was feeling quite down about himself before my help."

1 hour ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

"Hmm... well, Mythos can be dealt with." Thaidakar made a move. "I would like you to be allies with Spook or whatever heir I have once I give them full control."

Subversion studied the board critically. "If I like whoever you pick, I'll ally with them. I'd be more than happy to ally with Spook, but I won't make a promise on an unknown factor."

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5 minutes ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

"If you're sure. I did wonders with that old character of Nameless'. Poor thing was feeling quite down about himself before my help."

Subversion studied the board critically. "If I like whoever you pick, I'll ally with them. I'd be more than happy to ally with Spook, but I won't make a promise on an unknown factor."

"Perhaps someday. Perhaps never. I am content as I am."

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24 minutes ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

Subversion studied the board critically. "If I like whoever you pick, I'll ally with them. I'd be more than happy to ally with Spook, but I won't make a promise on an unknown factor."

Thaidakar nodded, "that makes sense."

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46 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

"Perhaps someday. Perhaps never. I am content as I am."

"A pity. I could have made quite the twists with another Narrator's character."

26 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Thaidakar nodded, "that makes sense."

Subversion nodded, making her move and standing up from the table. "Well then. This meeting with you has been productive. When you need me, feel free to call." She disappeared in a burst of smoke.

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Just now, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

"A pity. I could have made quite the twists with another Narrator's character."

Subversion nodded, making her move and standing up from the table. "Well then. This meeting with you has been productive. When you need me, feel free to call." She disappeared in a burst of smoke.

Rylla faded into the background, watching from the sidelines.

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2 minutes ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

"A pity. I could have made quite the twists with another Narrator's character."

Subversion nodded, making her move and standing up from the table. "Well then. This meeting with you has been productive. When you need me, feel free to call." She disappeared in a burst of smoke.

He sighed, finishing the game with his own move. "Subversion is an interesting one." he turned to Rylla, "what do you make of them?"

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Those words.

Subversion's words grew inside Bookwyrm like a plague. The knowledge that his powers caused chaos and fear and death to innocent souls was too much.

Why? What is it about the nature of a narrator to create such chaos? He thought.

It's the way of the world, a voice told him. You cannot be blamed for the nature that permeates the fabric of the world. You are who you are. Forgive yourself.

You could do that, another voice claimed. A voice that seemed to be cloaked with his own identity, but had an unfamiliar heart of darkness.

We all know the truth, Bookwyrm. You were never different than any of them. In every way you claimed and acted to be better. But you're simply the same. A Narrator like any other.

Accept it.

He had retreated beyond the physical world, but the turmoil only grew within him.

Character development in TLT is rare, but it does happen...sometimes...

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