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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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Kilometers grunts. "If she doesn't want them, I'll take them. I'm skilled, but far from the greatest. I'll trade you half my staff skills, the other half are natural."

I won't be able to do much tomorrow because i have a chess tournament and then DND. Maybe some the day after though.

Edited by Being of Cacophony
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Sequence have Everyone a hurt look, then shook her head. “If worse comes to to worse, I can always summon Fuzzy and Cardinal. Or better yet, threaten to erase Everyone from existence if they don’t let me borrow their power multiplier.”

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And, noted, replies the guide. Now that you are all accounted for, the challenge may begin.

She waved her hand, and the floor lifted up into pedestals about waist height in front of each person. Doors slid open on each wall, revealing rooms filled with wooden blocks of various shapes and sizes.

The rules of the game are simple, the guide explained. You will construct a tower made only of the materials in these rooms. You are all in human form; you may use only human strength and skill to solve this problem. The first person to build a tower that reaches the ceiling wins.

Now. Begin.

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15 hours ago, NerdyAarakocra said:

Nerdy suddenly appeared. "Sorry I was gone, but my Author isn't on TLT on Saturdays."

6 hours ago, NerdyAarakocra said:

"My name is Tocf. My legal purpose for being here is as an Accessory to the Plot."

Wait. Tocf didn't appear, he disappeared a while ago... Yay! Continuity error!!!

On 2/25/2023 at 8:25 PM, Sequence said:

“How about this,” Sequence said to Kilometers. “When I get my Narrative energy back, I’ll give you some extra special powers of your own. How does that sound?”

"Okay." Kilometers shrugs."If you don't want to, I don't need them, but I can always more power. I have evil beings that I fight in the background. We should make it a plot sometime."

2 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

And, noted, replies the guide. Now that you are all accounted for, the challenge may begin.

She waved her hand, and the floor lifted up into pedestals about waist height in front of each person. Doors slid open on each wall, revealing rooms filled with wooden blocks of various shapes and sizes.

The rules of the game are simple, the guide explained. You will construct a tower made only of the materials in these rooms. You are all in human form; you may use only human strength and skill to solve this problem. The first person to build a tower that reaches the ceiling wins.

Now. Begin.

Being a platypus, not a human, the ally gets confused by the guide saying she was a human. She quickly recovers and begins to use her blocks though. Having been a builder centuries before, she quickly constructs a tower reaching halfway to the ceiling and summons a staff which she quickly uses to knock down the tower of the void-eyed man, then continues building the tower with Kilometers protecting it from attacks from any others with his staves.

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4 hours ago, NerdyAarakocra said:

Tocf sighed. "Any limitations I should be aware of?"

Natural human strength and skill only. No energy manipulation; no weapons; no tools. Only your own two hands.

1 hour ago, Sequence said:

Sequence snapped her head up from where she had been sleeping. "What are we doing again?"

14 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

And, noted, replies the guide. Now that you are all accounted for, the challenge may begin.

She waved her hand, and the floor lifted up into pedestals about waist height in front of each person. Doors slid open on each wall, revealing rooms filled with wooden blocks of various shapes and sizes.

The rules of the game are simple, the guide explained. You will construct a tower made only of the materials in these rooms. You are all in human form; you may use only human strength and skill to solve this problem. The first person to build a tower that reaches the ceiling wins.

Now. Begin.

The guide repeated her explanation of the rules. 

11 hours ago, Being of Cacophony said:

Wait. Tocf didn't appear, he disappeared a while ago... Yay! Continuity error!!!

"Okay." Kilometers shrugs."If you don't want to, I don't need them, but I can always more power. I have evil beings that I fight in the background. We should make it a plot sometime."

Being a platypus, not a human, the ally gets confused by the guide saying she was a human. She quickly recovers and begins to use her blocks though. Having been a builder centuries before, she quickly constructs a tower reaching halfway to the ceiling and summons a staff which she quickly uses to knock down the tower of the void-eyed man, then continues building the tower with Kilometers protecting it from attacks from any others with his staves.

As the ally attempts to swing at the tower of the void-eyed man, he growls and punches her in the face.

20 minutes ago, Being of Cacophony said:

"That's stupid. Humans use weapons all the time."

Feel free to take it up with Onyx if you have any complaints, replied the guide.

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"I will." 

2 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

As the ally attempts to swing at the tower of the void-eyed man, he growls and punches her in the face.

you can't do that, time moved on. I'll let it slide this time, but not next time

Ready, the ally catches his fist and knocks down his tower, then returns to the normal time stream.

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2 minutes ago, Being of Cacophony said:

"I will." 

you can't do that, time moved on. I'll let it slide this time, but not next time

Ready, the ally catches his fist and knocks down his tower, then returns to the normal time stream.

Xino's the one doing the plot. Please stop godmodding.

A vine, growing purple flowers, snaked into the room.

Tocf smiled.

"It's in the room, so it counts..."

The vine began growing in a tower up to the ceiling.

You didn't think that those origami flowers were pointless, did you?

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1 minute ago, NerdyAarakocra said:

Xino's the one doing the plot. Please stop godmodding.

A vine, growing purple flowers, snaked into the room.

Tocf smiled.

"It's in the room, so it counts..."

The vine began growing in a tower up to the ceiling.

You didn't think that those origami flowers were pointless, did you?

Sorry. I said that stupidly. I meant that he had already posted in a response to half of that post so I thought it was okay. I guess i didnt see what I did as gomodding. I'm just... I don't know... expressing emotion in a way I shouldn't. again, sorry, I'll try to do better. My brain just isn't working right now, I'm in physical pain, and in a bad mood. I'm going to hop of for a little bit until I'm feeling more ready. Bye ya'll.

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18 minutes ago, NerdyAarakocra said:

Xino's the one doing the plot. Please stop godmodding.

A vine, growing purple flowers, snaked into the room.

Tocf smiled.

"It's in the room, so it counts..."

The vine began growing in a tower up to the ceiling.

You didn't think that those origami flowers were pointless, did you?

The guide snapped, and all of a sudden the flowers were no longer under her control. Beautiful, she commented. But as both energy manipulation and a tool, it is not allowed per the rules. She stroked the paper vines. This is not what is being tested.


16 minutes ago, Being of Cacophony said:

Sorry. I said that stupidly. I meant that he had already posted in a response to half of that post so I thought it was okay. I guess i didnt see what I did as gomodding. I'm just... I don't know... expressing emotion in a way I shouldn't. again, sorry, I'll try to do better. My brain just isn't working right now, I'm in physical pain, and in a bad mood. I'm going to hop of for a little bit until I'm feeling more ready. Bye ya'll.

That part isn't godmodding- that's the 'ally knocks over the tower'. The non-godmodding version would be 'ally attempts to knock over the tower.'

38 minutes ago, Being of Cacophony said:

"I will." 

you can't do that, time moved on. I'll let it slide this time, but not next time

Ready, the ally catches his fist and knocks down his tower, then returns to the normal time stream.

The destroyer grabs at the ally's arm as she lunges for the tower, then shoves her backwards as hard as he can.

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Sequence watches the towers get build looking around at the materials. She frowned, and slowly started stacking some wood and stones on top of eachother. Everyone leaned against the wall, fiddling with a chunk of clay. "Could you help?" Sequence asked Everyone. They just smiled, not moving. Sequence groaned and continued the slow work.

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