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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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2 minutes ago, Sequence said:

Sequence walked through the room, marveling at the many artifacts. Pineapple! She thought. I started the whole pineapple thing! She smiled and continued walking.

At the end of the hall, a statue of a black-armored knight sat atop a throne.

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Rym fought.

Time had taken on a strange ambiance as he fought the unending creature of formless ash. The sun never moved in the sky. He didn't know how long it had been there. He thought he could faintly feel the onward rush of an unreachable plot...somewhere in the thread...but he was unable to reach it. Just constantly fighting this monster with a Plotblade.

He disemboweled it with his Mordite sword again, grabbing the Plotblade as the creature dissolved to ash. A brief respite, but as it reformed and snarled again, the Plotblade left his hand and returned to the strange beast.

He didn't know how many faces it had taken on.

And so it was a surprise when Avatar appeared near the edge of the small battlefield.

"Still fighting, I see," the dark avatar said, smirking. "Did Bookwyrm put you up to this task?"

Rym grunted and parried a strike from the monster, not responding.

Avatar shrugged. "All right, be that way. I was only going to save you from this fight."

"I can fight," Rym said, dodging and parrying again, "as long as I need to."

"Be that as it may," Avatar said, striding forward. "need it to end."

Darkness swirled around him and shot forward, freezing the monster of ash in place.

Avatar spoke.


The creature died.

After such time, the ash vanished, as if it had never existed.

"You need to be less afraid to use the powers you have access to, Rym," Avatar said, picking up the fallen Plotblade. He ran his hand along the flat of the blade.

"Hm," he said. "This won't do..." He poured darkness into the blade, and the sword seemed to split, as if its essence was dividing. A colorless copy of the Plotblade appeared. Avatar discarded the remaining sword.

"This'll do," he said, then vanished.

Rym stood, dazed. The sudden reprise from the fight staggered him.

After a moment, he walked over and picked up the Plotblade. It's metal had once been red, but it now took on a bluish cast.

He sheathed his Mordite sword, and still holding the Plotblade, vanished.

I might want to join the Onyx plotline...If I can find a way to insert one of my characters without disrupting anything.

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6 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

Maybe I do, maybe I don't. That's none of your business. :ph34r:

But regardless, a hologram projector is a tool, and therefore prohibited under the rules. If the ally were using a hologram projector, it would have shut off as soon as it was turned on.

I'd argue it's less of a tool and more of an advanced trickery device which was made by humans and therefore permitted in the challenge, especially if she made it out of the wood and supplies she had in the room (remember, she can bring physical things into the unreal space), but you're the plot dude for this one.

Also, @The Bookwyrm, it seems like this plot might be close to wrapping up. It might have a little more left in it that I don't know about though, and if it doesn't, I'm still trying to work something out.

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With Rym's vanishing, the battle ended.

Nothing stirred save the shifting ash, no sounds echoed through the demolished town but the quiet murmur of the wind, gusting nervously through the streets. Those who had once lived in the ruin had either been taken by that which had been slain or fled, not soon to return.

In the days that would come, survivors spread stories of the horror that had attacked them, a monster of many faces, a horror that should not be. Some would tell of the man who fought the creature, a man with a blade that seemed formed of shadow and death, but a hero nonetheless.

In days yet to be, those stories spread throughout the land and became legends. bedtime stories told to frighten children, of the soul-stealing monster that lurked in shadows and dark places, of the cities left empty by that creature's ravenous Blade. Heroic tales sung by bards of the mighty hero who forged a sword of shadows to kill the darkness that plagued them, of a battle that lasted sixteen days before the triumph came.

As days turned to years, the town that had witnessed that legendary battle crumbled slowly, white desert blotting out all memory of the darkness that once plagued it.

But days not here are of no concern. For on this day, deep within the ash of that covered the battlefield lay a tiny shard of Plot. the smallest of shards it was, strength splintered and stolen by the power of Avatar. But this shard remained, and in that fragment of a fragment, that smallest of all splinters, that which had been slain lived on.

It had lost much. The Mordite blade had killed it again and again, soul after soul stripped away. All the power it had absorbed and more had been taken, every strength, every skill, every thought stripped away by the power of Avatar.

Every thought save for one.

They killed me. They killed me and stole me with that power.

Rage filled the creature, and with that rage a singular desire.

In place far distant, Vengeance flared to life at Platypus's side. It burned with a heat and power the Narrator had never before seen in the Blade he had claimed.

And that tiny, buried splinter began to grow.

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Uh... Usually Platypus keeps his Blade unsummoned and would only feel it for the bond, but sure!

Well. Platypus thinks in his realm, summoning Vengeance and seeing it glow. This will be interesting. Someone wants vengeance, maybe even Vengeance. I hope this doesn't turn out too bad.

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13 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ, boomed a voice, echoing back and forth throughout the hall. sᴇᴏ̨ᴜᴇɴᴄᴇ.

Sequence jumped at the sudden noise. She looked around, startled. “Uh… THANK YOU!” She replied, trying to imitate the voice’s volume. It would be rude to speak in a way which Onyx could not hear her, of course!

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1 hour ago, Sequence said:

Sequence jumped at the sudden noise. She looked around, startled. “Uh… THANK YOU!” She replied, trying to imitate the voice’s volume. It would be rude to speak in a way which Onyx could not hear her, of course!

The statue stood up. At its full height, it towered over Sequence, so tall she'd have to crane her neck to see the top. Then it began to walk forward. As it did so, however, it seemed to get further and further away.

After several steps, the statue paused and extended his hand. Abruptly, it became clear that he hadn't been getting farther away: he'd been getting smaller. In his hand was the green-gold amulet that held Sequence's Narration.

"I believe this belongs to you?" he asked, proffering it to her.

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1 hour ago, xinoehp512 said:

The statue stood up. At its full height, it towered over Sequence, so tall she'd have to crane her neck to see the top. Then it began to walk forward. As it did so, however, it seemed to get further and further away.

After several steps, the statue paused and extended his hand. Abruptly, it became clear that he hadn't been getting farther away: he'd been getting smaller. In his hand was the green-gold amulet that held Sequence's Narration.

"I believe this belongs to you?" he asked, proffering it to her.

Sequence looked up at Onyx, then down at the Narration. “Um. Yeah. Thank you…” she reached for the amulet.

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1 hour ago, Sequence said:

Sequence looked up at Onyx, then down at the Narration. “Um. Yeah. Thank you…” she reached for the amulet.

As soon as Sequence picked up the amulet, its physical form melted away into light. The light hung in the air for a moment, then shot towards Sequence, returning to where it belonged.

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28 minutes ago, Sequence said:

Sequence blinked. She took a deep breath…

A squirrel appeared.

Sequence smiled. “Thank you Mr. Onyx!” She picked up the squirrel and turned around to leave.

A glint of blue light flashed in one of Onyx's eye sockets. "Is that all?"

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29 minutes ago, Sequence said:

Sequence stopped. “… Wait, there was a Plotblade involved, right?”

"Among other things, yes." Onyx strode past Sequence to where the spear, hammer, and crown floated in pillars of light. "I thought it meet to give one of mine to another."

Edited by xinoehp512
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