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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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7 hours ago, Sequence said:

Which was very sad. While nobody knew who Selil was, they sounded pretty cool.


Meanwhile, Sequence looked back and forth between Onyx and the Avatar. She summoned a sword. It looked pretty ordinary, she frowned, and dropped it. She summoned another. And another... and another... She took a deep breath. One more time... She summoned a Narrationblade. She looked at the sword in her hands. It was... different. Shinier. More ornamented. It emanated a feeling of... power. Sequence beamed at the sword, flipping it around in her hands. "Ha! That's my Plotblade!" Sequence said to the Avatar with much more confidence. She nodded to the pillar that Onyx was standing by. A Plotblade, and a Narrationblade!

"Indeed," confirmed Onyx. "It is the Plotblade of Conflict."

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52 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

"Indeed," confirmed Onyx. "It is the Plotblade of Conflict."

The brave adventurer appears quietly in the room, glowing with a previously hidden power. That glow fades as he regards the ruler of the realm he has travelled through. “Onyx, I would ask an audience of you. It is of the utmost importance.”

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1 hour ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

The brave adventurer appears quietly in the room, glowing with a previously hidden power. That glow fades as he regards the ruler of the realm he has travelled through. “Onyx, I would ask an audience of you. It is of the utmost importance.”

Onyx turned to Sequence. "What say you? You were the victor. Do they deserve an audience?"


Edited by xinoehp512
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4 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

Onyx turned to Sequence. "What say you? You were the victor. Do they deserve an audience?"


“Of course! He’s really nice.” She with a smile. “Plus he’s like, the best swordsman ever now, so… yeah.”

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7 hours ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

The brave adventurer appears quietly in the room, glowing with a previously hidden power. That glow fades as he regards the ruler of the realm he has travelled through. “Onyx, I would ask an audience of you. It is of the utmost importance.”

Onyx nods and turns to the brave adventurer, nodding gravely. "Your audience has been granted. Do you wish to speak in private?"

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4 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

Onyx nods and turns to the brave adventurer, nodding gravely. "Your audience has been granted. Do you wish to speak in private?"

The brave adventurer shakes his head. “That won’t be necessaryI just… wanted to know. Your Plotblade, the one everyone says is the most powerful of them all. Is it Continuity?”

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5 hours ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

The brave adventurer shakes his head. “That won’t be necessaryI just… wanted to know. Your Plotblade, the one everyone says is the most powerful of them all. Is it Continuity?”

1 hour ago, Being of Cacophony said:

"Is it suddenly Pineapples? I really want it to be Suddenly Pineapple." The ally asks.

Onyx considered the spear in his hands, then the crown, then the hammer. "Under some considerations," he answered, "any of my blades could be considered the most powerful. For instance, Conflict." He handed the spear to Sequence. "Its power grows to match the strength of its opponent. Thus if you are determined enough, there is no battle you cannot win. Is it therefore the strongest Plotblade?" He leaned back. "Against mortal strength it will be little more than a spear, after all... so perhaps not." He turned, stepping towards the crown. "And then there is the Plotblade currently known as Suddenly Pineapples, a manifestation of the very soul of the Longest Thread. In theory, there is nothing it could not do. Is it therefore the greatest of all?" His hand hovered an inch away from the pillar of light, but did not enter.  "Perhaps. But until the most powerful Author wills it to be otherwise, it will be nothing more than a crown." He pulled his hand away. "Finally, the hammer." He walked over to the pedestal. "There are many names that would be appropriate for it- Worldbuilding, or Continuity, as you said- but the name I feel fits best is Lore." He reached into the pillar of light and hefted the hammer. "It ties the past to the future. Within it lies the authority once given to the Master of Silence to decide what has happened... and what has not. Its power is what defends the other Plotblades from the ravages of Narration. Without its foundation, the other Plotblades would be nothing. Is it therefore the most powerful?" He gazed at it, lost in thought. "I suppose, in the end, that it all depends on the measurement that is chosen." He blinked, then turned back to the adventurer. "But to answer your question simply, yes. The Hammer of Lore holds power over Continuity. For what reason do you ask?"


Sequence's Plotblade (the spear) is Conflict. Its strength will match whatever opponent it is used against. (So against a dragon, for instance, it might gain the ability to freeze fireballs and become sharp enough to slice through scales). Any battle involving Conflict will be won by the person who is the most determined to win, be that the holder or their opponent.

The Crown is the Plotblade 'Suddenly Pineapples' (although that name is not permanent). It is a manifestation of the soul of the Longest Thread. Although it possesses unlimited potential, it is currently completely powerless. Its abilities are determined by the most powerful Author, which is the person with the most posts on TLT. That is currently @UnfortunatelyNamed, with a staggering 8700+ posts.

The Hammer is the Plotblade Lore, (also sometimes called Continuity or Worldbuilding.) It controls the lore of TLT, holding the authority that was once delegated to Narrator Master of Silence. 

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8 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

The Crown is the Plotblade 'Suddenly Pineapples' (although that name is not permanent). It is a manifestation of the soul of the Longest Thread. Although it possesses unlimited potential, it is currently completely powerless. Its abilities are determined by the most powerful Author, which is the person with the most posts on TLT. That is currently @UnfortunatelyNamed, with a staggering 8700+ posts.

dang. there really isn't a chance for many of us to catch up because he's been on for so much longer :P all those explanations make sense. 

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26 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

That is currently @UnfortunatelyNamed, with a staggering 8700+ posts

How do you see how many posts people have on a certain thread??


“For instance, Conflict." He handed the spear to Sequence.

Sequence accepted the spear gratefully, bowing to Onyx.

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2 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

Onyx considered the spear in his hands, then the crown, then the hammer. "Under some considerations," he answered, "any of my blades could be considered the most powerful. For instance, Conflict." He handed the spear to Sequence. "Its power grows to match the strength of its opponent. Thus if you are determined enough, there is no battle you cannot win. Is it therefore the strongest Plotblade?" He leaned back. "Against mortal strength it will be little more than a spear, after all... so perhaps not." He turned, stepping towards the crown. "And then there is the Plotblade currently known as Suddenly Pineapples, a manifestation of the very soul of the Longest Thread. In theory, there is nothing it could not do. Is it therefore the greatest of all?" His hand hovered an inch away from the pillar of light, but did not enter.  "Perhaps. But until the most powerful Author wills it to be otherwise, it will be nothing more than a crown." He pulled his hand away. "Finally, the hammer." He walked over to the pedestal. "There are many names that would be appropriate for it- Worldbuilding, or Continuity, as you said- but the name I feel fits best is Lore." He reached into the pillar of light and hefted the hammer. "It ties the past to the future. Within it lies the authority once given to the Master of Silence to decide what has happened... and what has not. Its power is what defends the other Plotblades from the ravages of Narration. Without its foundation, the other Plotblades would be nothing. Is it therefore the most powerful?" He gazed at it, lost in thought. "I suppose, in the end, that it all depends on the measurement that is chosen." He blinked, then turned back to the adventurer. "But to answer your question simply, yes. The Hammer of Lore holds power over Continuity. For what reason do you ask?"

“I asked because I was dying.” The brave adventurer rests a reverent hand on the Plotblade of Lore. “Of curiosity and boredom. Thank you for answering my question.” Abruptly, the brave adventurer takes his hand off of Lore and begins walking towards the door. “Please ask your investigator not to divulge my entire life story once he deciphers all of the data he got off of me. I would prefer that my backstory remained a secret for the moment.”

I would also like to know how you know that. Do you have a program or something for it, or did you count manually?

Edited by UnfortunatelyNamed
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1 hour ago, Sequence said:

How do you see how many posts people have on a certain thread??

13 minutes ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

I would also like to know how you know that. Do you have a program or something for it, or did you count manually?

5 minutes ago, Being of Cacophony said:

counting manually would take forever and i would lose track, but if you can do it, good job :D 

You don't see it per se, you have to count them up yourself. Or, you know, write a program that will do it for you. :ph34r:

14 minutes ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

“I asked because I was dying.” The brave adventurer rests a reverent hand on the Plotblade of Lore. “Of curiosity and boredom. Thank you for answering my question.” Abruptly, the brave adventurer takes his hand off of Lore and begins walking towards the door. “Please ask your investigator not to divulge my entire life story once he deciphers all of the data he got off of me. I would prefer that my backstory remained a secret for the moment.”

Onyx nodded. "It will be done."

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The brave adventurer nods, then slowly fades away, returning to normal reality.

that’s some impressive coding. Most I’ve ever done is write a program (with some help from my vastly more programming-skilled brother) that reversed my writing.

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"Do you have any other requests?" inquired Onyx of Sequence.


17 minutes ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

that’s some impressive coding. Most I’ve ever done is write a program (with some help from my vastly more programming-skilled brother) that reversed my writing.

Is that what you used to write Eof's backstory? :P

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59 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

You don't see it per se, you have to count them up yourself. Or, you know, write a program that will do it for you. :ph34r:

I have a brother-in-law that does stuff like that. His Christmas present to my dad was a program that lets him put in certain requirements and it'll search KSL for any boat matching those requirements.

The ally thought for a minute. "I know you asked Sequence, but I have a question. May I ask it of you?"

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1 hour ago, Sequence said:

Sequence thought for a moment. “No thank you Mr. Onyx. I think I’ll be on my way then.”

Onyx nodded. "Be careful. Wield your blade with wisdom. There are dark things stirring."

55 minutes ago, Being of Cacophony said:

I have a brother-in-law that does stuff like that. His Christmas present to my dad was a program that lets him put in certain requirements and it'll search KSL for any boat matching those requirements.

The ally thought for a minute. "I know you asked Sequence, but I have a question. May I ask it of you?"

Onyx nodded. "Speak."

1 hour ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

As a matter of fact, maybe. :ph34r:

I considered writing a program to un-reverse it, but then I saw the original was posted so I didn't need to.

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