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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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Second chucks the rock into the chasm and a few seconds later there is a giant explosion and Seconds hair goes up. It looks like he's been electrocuted. He coughs some smoke out. "I was wrong about that rock."

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7 minutes ago, Nameless* said:

The brave adventurer opens his eyes and looks around. His surroundings are misty, undefined. He sits up, mind fuzzy. Am I dead?

@Thaidakar the Ghostblood

A dark figure stood there, twisting shapes form its cloak of midnight, undefined features within. An inhuman, unidentifiable, voice whispers, "I've been waiting for you."

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6 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

A dark figure stood there, twisting shapes form its cloak of midnight, undefined features within. An inhuman, unidentifiable, voice whispers, "I've been waiting for you."

The brave adventurer pulls a sword from his cloak. “Who are you?”

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20 minutes ago, Nameless* said:

The brave adventurer pulls a sword from his cloak. “Who are you?”

"You can call me Feanor," the being said lightly, moving forward. As it moved, the cloak shifted shapes, its look constantly changing. "It fits well enough."

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1 minute ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

"You can call me Feanor," the being said lightly, moving forward. As it moved, the cloak shifted shapes, its look constantly changing. "It fits well enough."

The brave adventurer lowers his sword slightly. “Are you with that thing that wanted me dead?”

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14 minutes ago, Nameless* said:

The brave adventurer lowers his sword slightly. “Are you with that thing that wanted me dead?”

Feanor lifted a curling, pale finger towards the adventurer, "No. I do not want you dead. I only want five people dead, and you are not one of them. But, need and want are two different things indeed." Something flew as if in slow-motion from the being's finger, something blue, something powerful. As if frozen in time, the adventurer couldn't move, except for his mouth so he could speak. "You deserve your name, Brave Adventurer. But, as I have read in a book, Bravery and Stupidity are very similar."

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9 minutes ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

Suddenly a loud screaming would get closer as Second would tumble from the top of the chasm screeching “TAKE ME SWEET RELEASE OF DEATH-“ He would fall flat on the ground with a loud thump. 

River dived in and snatched second from the bottom of the chasm. He was heavy, but still breathing.

why'd you assume the chasm has a bottom? Most don't :D


Edited by Aeoliae
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2 minutes ago, Aeoliae said:

River dived in and snatched second from the bottom of the chasm. He was heavy, but still breathing.

why'd you assume the chasm has a bottom? Most don't :D


It wasn't the same place the Brave Adventurer and Feanor were, it appeared they were in the bottom of the Shattered Plains, glowing lichen seeming to have climbed onto the walls, scratches all over.

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17 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Feanor lifted a curling, pale finger towards the adventurer, "No. I do not want you dead. I only want five people dead, and you are not one of them. But, need and want are two different things indeed." Something flew as if in slow-motion from the being's finger, something blue, something powerful. As if frozen in time, the adventurer couldn't move, except for his mouth so he could speak. "You deserve your name, Brave Adventurer. But, as I have read in a book, Bravery and Stupidity are very similar."

The brave adventurer struggles to move. “If you’re going to kill me, you could at least tell me why you’re going to do it. I don’t even know who you are. What’s so threatening about me?”

A mysterious voice speaks at the bottom of the chasm. “Second Adventurer. The brave adventurer has fallen, and you cannot save him now. You must continue on your quest without him.”


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Second blinks. “NO! IM GOING TO FIND HIM-“ He takes a step forward and steps in something sticky and immediately jumps and screams. “Okay maybe I can move on- No- where is he?” Second adventurer tries to put on a brave face like The Brave Adventurer does but he fails miserably.

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Just now, Nameless* said:

The brave adventurer struggles to move. “If you’re going to kill me, you could at least tell me why you’re going to do it. I don’t even know who you are. What’s so threatening about me?”

The hood of the cloak was swept aside as the blue energy came closer to the adventurer, revealing a face. A face that revealed a lot. The adventurer's tongue was refrained from saying the name, nor their attributes, but it revealed so much. "What's so threatening about you?" Feanor strode closer, whispering in the adventurer's ear, "I know that you'll be the method of my destruction. I was told that you would if I let you... I have to remove loose ends so I can kill the five, finally. Do understand, please... Say hi to Lindy for me." And, smiling, Feanor stepped back as the blue energy hit the adventurer, unravelling the adventurer's very being into a state where it could be sent to the place where it can never be returned from. 

"A shame..." Feanor said, lifting their hood once more. "I liked him."

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