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The Longest Thread (Misadventures)

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The chasm walls where River stood were completely curved. Rounded by erosion, there was no way out. 

River, of course, could fly out, but Second could not. 

River walks over to Second and says, "Do you have any particularly sharp weapons? Ones that can break through rock?"

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Second pulls out his hunting knife. “This won’t be enough but maybe…” He pops off his left metal leg, being an expert at balancing on one leg he didn’t have trouble standing. “It can… uhm…” the metal on the leg moves and shifts until it’s transformed into a wearable fist. It pointing out like a giant spike. He slides it over his hand and forms a fist to hold it there and stabs through the rock with the tip of the metal shard. 

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20 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

The hood of the cloak was swept aside as the blue energy came closer to the adventurer, revealing a face. A face that revealed a lot. The adventurer's tongue was refrained from saying the name, nor their attributes, but it revealed so much. "What's so threatening about you?" Feanor strode closer, whispering in the adventurer's ear, "I know that you'll be the method of my destruction. I was told that you would if I let you... I have to remove loose ends so I can kill the five, finally. Do understand, please... Say hi to Lindy for me." And, smiling, Feanor stepped back as the blue energy hit the adventurer, unravelling the adventurer's very being into a state where it could be sent to the place where it can never be returned from. 

"A shame..." Feanor said, lifting their hood once more. "I liked him."

The brave adventurer’s last thought before the light hit him was a hope that Shadow would follow his advice and seek out Moni.

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17 minutes ago, Lightweaver2 said:

Drilk teleports to Feanor’s side, grinning.

“My potion worked, Second was taken to the shattered plains when he attempted to follow The. What are your next commands Great Master?”

Feanor made no expression under their hood, "Kill the Shadows, as many as you can. They must not get in the way of my plan."

6 minutes ago, Nameless* said:

The brave adventurer’s last thought before the light hit him was a hope that Shadow would follow his advice and seek out Moni.

Speaking of Shadow, the pale, suited being sat in a flying limo, Micheal across from him as the giant sets of wings flapped on the sides of the vehicle.

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Second almost smiles. “Haha- it worked- I knew this would help me one day.” He pats the once metal leg and now rock smasher. “Alright.” He pushes the tip into the rock easily and stands up on it, wobbling a little on one leg. He runs his finger tips along the smooth surface looking for a grip.

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6 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Feanor made no expression under their hood, "Kill the Shadows, as many as you can. They must not get in the way of my plan."

“Yes my liege. But, please explain, who are the shadows and what danger do they present?”

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Second finds no grip, so he slides down off the rock smasher and pulls it out with his fist and holds it up to his leg to which it quickly shifts back to a working robotic leg. “Seems there is no escape from the walls, I’ll have to wander I suppose.” He internally is screaming at the thought of going deeper into the chasms but he moves forward anyways.

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2 minutes ago, Lightweaver2 said:

“Yes my liege. But, please explain, who are the shadows and what danger do they present?”

Subversion’s whimsy answered from beside Feanor. “Shadow is a multiversal hive mind being that likes keeping the universes he lives in from being destroyed.”

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2 minutes ago, Nameless* said:

Subversion’s whimsy answered from beside Feanor. “Shadow is a multiversal hive mind being that likes keeping the universes he lives in from being destroyed.”

That sounds like the dark patron not gonna lie.

6 minutes ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

Second finds no grip, so he slides down off the rock smasher and pulls it out with his fist and holds it up to his leg to which it quickly shifts back to a working robotic leg. “Seems there is no escape from the walls, I’ll have to wander I suppose.” He internally is screaming at the thought of going deeper into the chasms but he moves forward anyways.

"I can try to find rope... If I knew where we are."

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Second jumps slightly, not used to being so ‘Brave’. He looks to River. “I think it’s calling your name, how about you go answer it and I’ll stay back here, nice and cozy in my rock grave.”

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24 minutes ago, Lightweaver2 said:

“Yes my liege. But, please explain, who are the shadows and what danger do they present?”

"They present a very real danger. Shadow is going to find Moni, and through Moni, the Nameless One."

17 minutes ago, Nameless* said:

“Who? Oh, right. I dunno. Finding Shadow sounds boring, personally.”

"Boring is relative."

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Second watches River for a second before sighing. “Okay, yeah, I’ll just go talk to Mr. Nice Monster over there and see if he has a map.” Second awkwardly shuffles around the chasm, continually repeating to himself ‘What would The do’ and then he thinks to himself ‘The would would run into a cave full of bloodthirsty monsters screaming a war cry and guns ablazin’ so that is exactly what Second did, except it wasn’t a war cry it was a shrill high pitched screech of terror and it wasn’t a gun it was his fists in the air holding his rusty hunting knife for dear life. 

Second is trying okay-

Edited by SmilingPanda19
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